Delimitación de la inundación de los ríos Nanay, Amazonas e Itaya sobre el distrito de Punchana utilizando drones, 2019
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Universidad Científica del Perú
El objetivo de la investigación consiste en delimitar la cota de inundación del distrito de Punchana mediante el levantamiento fotogramétrico utilizando drones, para delimitar una zona intangible denominada Línea de Creciente Ordinaría (LCO) ó faja marginal, Ley 29338. Se utilizó un dron marca Phantom 4.0 pro por su maniobrabilidad en espacios pequeños y reducido tamaño, con sensor RGB. Está diseñado para realizar rutas programadas con despegue y aterrizaje automático, controlado por radiofrecuencia en tiempo real y una cámara de 13 Megapíxeles. Con respecto al plan de vuelo, se realizó a 80 metros de altura y un traslape 60%. Complementado con el punto de control geodésico del SEHINAV de orden “0”. Se utilizó el Datum de Referencia Horizontal WGS 84 (World Geodetic System 1984) con proyección UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) zona 18S y de Referencia vertical el Modelo GEOIDAL EGM-96. Con las imágenes obtenidas y el punto de control se realiza la orientación de las imágenes, se comparan los pares estereoscópicos y se obtiene un modelo digital de elevaciones de la ciudad y una ortomosaico.
Los resultados indican que la cota establecida por el SENAMHI 117.00 msnm (84.85 m en el modelo geoidal) delimita el sector con peligro de inundación de muy bajo a nulo con el sector de peligro de inundación alto, conocido como inicio de la Faja Marginal o Línea de Creciente Ordinaria (LCO). Una de las causas de la inundación sobre el distrito de Punchana es la proliferación de cerca de 200 asentamientos humanos que se encuentran dentro del área vulnerable a este proceso, que cuando el río Nanay e Itaya entran a la época de máxima avenida (febrero a mayo) afectan a las familias ubicadas sobre dichos territorios. El área de la ciudad de Punchana con peligro de inundación bajo es de 329.84 Has que representa el 7.5% de toda la ciudad de Iquitos, es decir, gran parte urbano de la ciudad de Punchana se encuentra dentro de la faja marginal, que lo convierte en un problema social. El estudio sirve como base técnica para un determinar las áreas de tratamiento especial para las Autoridades pertenecientes al Sistema Nacional de Gestión de Riesgos y Desastres - SINAGERD.
The objective of the investigation is to delimit the flood level of the city of Punchana through photogrammetric survey using drones or UAV, to delimit an intangible zone called Faja Marginal, Law 29338. A Phantom 4.0 pro drone was used for its maneuverability in small spaces and small size, with RGB sensor. It is designed to carry out scheduled routes with automatic takeoff and landing, controlled by radio frequency in real time and a 13 Megapixel camera. In the flight plan, flights were carried out at an altitude of 80 meters and an overlap of 60%. Complemented with the SEHINAV geodetic control point of order “0”. The Horizontal Reference Datum WGS 84 (World Geodetic System 1984) with UTM projection (Universal Transverse Mercator) zone 18S and the vertical Reference Model GEOIDAL EGM-96 was used. With the images obtained and the control point, the orientation of the images is carried out, the stereoscopic pairs are compared and a digital elevation model of the city and an orthomosaic are obtained. The results indicate that the elevation established by SENAMHI 117.00 masl (84.85 m in the geoidal model) delimits the sector with flood risk from very low to zero with the sector with high flood risk, known as the beginning of the Marginal Belt or Line Ordinary Crescent (LCO). One of the causes of flooding over Punchana district is the proliferation of about 200 human settlements that are within the area vulnerable to this process, which when the Nanay and Itaya rivers enter the peak season (February to May) addresses to families located on said territories. The area of the city of Punchana with low flood risk is 329.84 which represents 7.5% of the entire city of Iquitos, that is, a large urban part of the city of Punchana is located within the marginal strip, which makes it a social problem. The study serves as a technical basis to determine the areas of special treatment for the Authorities belonging to the National System for Risk and Disaster Management - SINAGERD
The objective of the investigation is to delimit the flood level of the city of Punchana through photogrammetric survey using drones or UAV, to delimit an intangible zone called Faja Marginal, Law 29338. A Phantom 4.0 pro drone was used for its maneuverability in small spaces and small size, with RGB sensor. It is designed to carry out scheduled routes with automatic takeoff and landing, controlled by radio frequency in real time and a 13 Megapixel camera. In the flight plan, flights were carried out at an altitude of 80 meters and an overlap of 60%. Complemented with the SEHINAV geodetic control point of order “0”. The Horizontal Reference Datum WGS 84 (World Geodetic System 1984) with UTM projection (Universal Transverse Mercator) zone 18S and the vertical Reference Model GEOIDAL EGM-96 was used. With the images obtained and the control point, the orientation of the images is carried out, the stereoscopic pairs are compared and a digital elevation model of the city and an orthomosaic are obtained. The results indicate that the elevation established by SENAMHI 117.00 masl (84.85 m in the geoidal model) delimits the sector with flood risk from very low to zero with the sector with high flood risk, known as the beginning of the Marginal Belt or Line Ordinary Crescent (LCO). One of the causes of flooding over Punchana district is the proliferation of about 200 human settlements that are within the area vulnerable to this process, which when the Nanay and Itaya rivers enter the peak season (February to May) addresses to families located on said territories. The area of the city of Punchana with low flood risk is 329.84 which represents 7.5% of the entire city of Iquitos, that is, a large urban part of the city of Punchana is located within the marginal strip, which makes it a social problem. The study serves as a technical basis to determine the areas of special treatment for the Authorities belonging to the National System for Risk and Disaster Management - SINAGERD
Inundación, Peligro de Inundación, Drones, Río Amazonas, Flood, Flood Hazard, UAV, Amazon River
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