Conocimientos relacionados a las prácticas preventivas del dengue en personas del poblado puerto almendra, san juan bautista 2024
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Universidad Científica del Perú
El presente estudio de investigación realizado tuvo como objetivo general; Determinar el nivel de conocimiento (bajo mediano y alto) y las prácticas preventivas (adecuadas, inadecuadas) del Dengue en personas del poblado de Puerto Almendra, San Juan Bautista 2024. El diseño fue Descriptiva, Transversal, Correlacional y Prospectiva. La muestra conformada por 120 pobladores mayor de 18 años, la técnica que se utilizo fue, el cuestionario y la lista de cotejo. Los instrumentos tuvieron como validez de constructo para el primer instrumento 82%, y para el segundo instrumento el 71%y una confiabilidad mediante la prueba estadística de Alfa de Crombach, siendo el resultado de 82%. Los resultados fueron: En relación al nivel de conocimiento de 42 personas, correspondiente al 35.0% de la muestra es alto. También se aprecia que 76 personas, es decir un 63.3% tiene un nivel de conocimiento medio, así mismo 2 personas correspondiente al 1.7% de la muestra tiene un nivel de conocimiento hacia el dengue bajo. Del total de personas encuestadas que obtuvieron un nivel de conocimiento de nivel medio, 32 (60.4%) tienen un grado de instrucción de nivel secundario, 53 (64.6%) tienen más de 30 años y en su mayoría son mujeres que obtienen el agua diaria de un pozo. Las prácticas de prevención del dengue en las personas del poblado de Puerto Almendra San Juan Bautista 2024 son inadecuadas en un 95% siendo solo un 5% adecuadas para prevenir el dengue. De las personas que obtuvieron un nivel de prácticas inadecuadas 51 (96.2%) tienen un grado de instrucción de nivel secundario, 78 (95.1%) tienen más de 30 años, y en su mayoría son mujeres que obtienen agua de un pozo y una pileta pública. La prueba de chi cuadrado arroja una relación de 6,429 entre ambas variables, con un grado de significancia de 0,039 que al ser menor a 0,05 nos permite aceptar la hipótesis del investigador (Ha): Existe relación estadísticamente significativa entre el nivel de conocimiento y prácticas preventivas hacia el Dengue en personas del poblado de Puerto Almendra, San Juan Bautista 2024.
The general objective of this research study was; Determine the level of knowledge (low, medium and high) and preventive practices (adequate, inadequate) of Dengue in people from the town of Puerto Almendra, San Juan Bautista 2024. The design was Descriptive, Cross-sectional, Correlational and Prospective. The sample consisted of 120 residents over 18 years of age, the technique used was the questionnaire and the checklist. The instruments had a construct validity of 82% for the first instrument, and 71% for the second instrument, and a reliability using the Crombach's Alpha statistical test, the result being 82%. The results were: In relation to the level of knowledge of 42 people, corresponding to 35.0% of the sample, it is high. It is also seen that 76 people, that is, 63.3%, have a medium level of knowledge, likewise 2 people corresponding to 1.7% of the sample have a low level of knowledge about dengue. Of the total number of people surveyed who obtained a medium level of knowledge, 32 (60.4%) have a secondary education level, 53 (64.6%) are over 30 years old and the majority are women who obtain water daily. from a well Dengue prevention practices in the people of the town of Puerto Almendra San Juan Bautista 2024 are 95% inadequate, with only 5% adequate to prevent dengue. Of the people who obtained a level of inadequate practices, 51 (96.2%) have a secondary education level, 78 (95.1%) are over 30 years old, and the majority are women who obtain water from a well and a sink. public. The chi square test shows a relationship of 6.429 between both variables, with a degree of significance of 0.039, which, being less than 0.05, allows us to accept the researcher's hypothesis (Ha): There is a statistically significant relationship between the level of knowledge and preventive practices towards Dengue in people from the town of Puerto Almendra, San Juan Bautista 2024.
The general objective of this research study was; Determine the level of knowledge (low, medium and high) and preventive practices (adequate, inadequate) of Dengue in people from the town of Puerto Almendra, San Juan Bautista 2024. The design was Descriptive, Cross-sectional, Correlational and Prospective. The sample consisted of 120 residents over 18 years of age, the technique used was the questionnaire and the checklist. The instruments had a construct validity of 82% for the first instrument, and 71% for the second instrument, and a reliability using the Crombach's Alpha statistical test, the result being 82%. The results were: In relation to the level of knowledge of 42 people, corresponding to 35.0% of the sample, it is high. It is also seen that 76 people, that is, 63.3%, have a medium level of knowledge, likewise 2 people corresponding to 1.7% of the sample have a low level of knowledge about dengue. Of the total number of people surveyed who obtained a medium level of knowledge, 32 (60.4%) have a secondary education level, 53 (64.6%) are over 30 years old and the majority are women who obtain water daily. from a well Dengue prevention practices in the people of the town of Puerto Almendra San Juan Bautista 2024 are 95% inadequate, with only 5% adequate to prevent dengue. Of the people who obtained a level of inadequate practices, 51 (96.2%) have a secondary education level, 78 (95.1%) are over 30 years old, and the majority are women who obtain water from a well and a sink. public. The chi square test shows a relationship of 6.429 between both variables, with a degree of significance of 0.039, which, being less than 0.05, allows us to accept the researcher's hypothesis (Ha): There is a statistically significant relationship between the level of knowledge and preventive practices towards Dengue in people from the town of Puerto Almendra, San Juan Bautista 2024.
Conocimientos, Prácticas preventivas, Dengue, Knowledge, Preventive practices, Dengue
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