Evaluación por métodos no destructivos, de la estructura del pavimento en la carretera iquitos nauta km. 20+ 500 – km 22+500, distrito San Juan Bautista, provincia maynas, Perú, 2023
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Universidad Científica del Perú
Los objetivos del presente estudio consisten en Identificar, mediante ensayos
no destructivos, el estado del pavimento flexible en la carretera Iquitos – Nauta, km.
20+ 500 – km. 22+500, teniendo como guía para la elaboración de los ensayos y el
análisis comparativo el Manual de Carretera. El tipo de la investigación es aplicada
con enfoque cuantitativo, mientras que el diseño de la investigación es descriptivo
porque tiene el propósito de describir la deflexión del pavimento y el índice
internacional de rugosidad, utilizando la viga Benkelman y el MERLIN.
Como resultado de esta investigación, se mostró que, la deflexión admisible
era menor que la deflexión característica, teniendo como valores D adm = 0.77 x
10-2 mm y la Dc =0.93 x 10-2 mm respectivamente, así mismo los radios de curvatura
calculados tuvieron valores menores que 80 m, por lo que se concluye que la mayor
parte de la deflexión se produce en las capas superiores (pavimento). Así mismo,
se ha calculado el índice internacional de rugosidad promedio, tenido como
resultado el valor de 4.16, lo que indica que el pavimento presenta fallas
superficiales en la carpeta asfáltica.
The objectives of this study are to identify, through non-destructive testing, the state of the flexible pavement on the Iquitos – Nauta highway, km. 20+ 500 – km. 22+500, taking the Road Manual as a guide for the preparation of the tests and comparative analysis. The type of research is applied with a quantitative approach, while the research design is descriptive because it has the purpose of describing the deflection of the pavement and the immediate roughness index, using the Benkelman beam and the MERLIN. As a result of this investigation, it was shown that the admissible deflection was less than the characteristic deflection, having values D adm = 0.77 x 10-2 mm and Dc =0.93 x 10-2 mm respectively, as well as the radii of curvature calculated had values less than 80 m, so it is concluded that most of the deflection occurs in the upper layers (pavement). Likewise, the average immediate roughness index has been calculated, resulting in a value of 4.16, which indicates that the pavement has superficial failures in the asphalt layer.
The objectives of this study are to identify, through non-destructive testing, the state of the flexible pavement on the Iquitos – Nauta highway, km. 20+ 500 – km. 22+500, taking the Road Manual as a guide for the preparation of the tests and comparative analysis. The type of research is applied with a quantitative approach, while the research design is descriptive because it has the purpose of describing the deflection of the pavement and the immediate roughness index, using the Benkelman beam and the MERLIN. As a result of this investigation, it was shown that the admissible deflection was less than the characteristic deflection, having values D adm = 0.77 x 10-2 mm and Dc =0.93 x 10-2 mm respectively, as well as the radii of curvature calculated had values less than 80 m, so it is concluded that most of the deflection occurs in the upper layers (pavement). Likewise, the average immediate roughness index has been calculated, resulting in a value of 4.16, which indicates that the pavement has superficial failures in the asphalt layer.
Pavimentos flexibles, Deflexión admisible, Indice internacional de rugosidad (IRI), Flexible pavements, Allowable deflection, International Roughness Index (IRI)
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