Determinación de la huella de carbono en las actividades administrativas correspondientes a la empresa electropartes Iquitos EIRL - Iquitos 2024
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Universidad Científica del Perú
Permítame presentar mi investigación, cuyo objetivo es determinar la huella de carbono generada por las actividades de la empresa Electropartes Iquitos EIRL durante el año 2024. Este estudio tiene como propósito reducir los factores de emisión de CO2 relacionados con el efecto invernadero en el mismo período. La investigación se centra en medir la huella de carbono de las actividades administrativas de Electropartes Iquitos EIRL en 2024. La hipótesis plantea que, al identificar la huella de carbono de estas actividades, será posible implementar acciones para controlar las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero.
Esta investigación es de tipo descriptiva con un diseño no experimental, y utiliza una metodología de enfoque cuantitativo. Para determinar el consumo de combustible, se utilizaron los comprobantes de pago de gasolina de 90 octanos, y para el consumo de energía eléctrica, se emplearon los recibos de pago, cuyos valores están expresados en kW/h.
Los resultados indican que, en los primeros cuatro meses de 2024, se generó un factor de emisión total de 35.98 kgCO2eq/galón debido al consumo de gasolina. Además, se registró un factor de emisión de 0.04405842 tCO2eq/litro y un consumo de energía eléctrica con un factor de emisión de 3.65 kgCO2eq/kWh, resultando en un factor total de 0.07841 tCO2eq/kWh para Electropartes Iquitos EIRL en 2024.
Allow me to present my research, whose objective is to determine the carbon footprint generated by the activities of the company Electropartes Iquitos EIRL during the year 2024. This study aims to reduce the CO2 emission factors related to the greenhouse effect in the same period. The research focuses on measuring the carbon footprint of the administrative activities of Electropartes Iquitos EIRL in 2024. The hypothesis states that, by identifying the carbon footprint of these activities, it will be possible to implement actions to control greenhouse gas emissions. This research is descriptive with a non-experimental design, and uses a quantitative approach methodology. To determine fuel consumption, payment receipts for 90 octane gasoline were used, and for electrical energy consumption, payment receipts were used, whose values are expressed in kW/h. The results indicate that in the first four months of 2024, a total emission factor of 35.98 kgCO2eq/gallon was generated due to gasoline consumption. In addition, an emission factor of 0.04405842 tCO2eq/liter and electrical energy consumption with an emission factor of 3.65 kgCO2eq/kWh were recorded, resulting in a total factor of 0.07841 tCO2eq/kWh for Electropartes Iquitos EIRL in 2024.
Allow me to present my research, whose objective is to determine the carbon footprint generated by the activities of the company Electropartes Iquitos EIRL during the year 2024. This study aims to reduce the CO2 emission factors related to the greenhouse effect in the same period. The research focuses on measuring the carbon footprint of the administrative activities of Electropartes Iquitos EIRL in 2024. The hypothesis states that, by identifying the carbon footprint of these activities, it will be possible to implement actions to control greenhouse gas emissions. This research is descriptive with a non-experimental design, and uses a quantitative approach methodology. To determine fuel consumption, payment receipts for 90 octane gasoline were used, and for electrical energy consumption, payment receipts were used, whose values are expressed in kW/h. The results indicate that in the first four months of 2024, a total emission factor of 35.98 kgCO2eq/gallon was generated due to gasoline consumption. In addition, an emission factor of 0.04405842 tCO2eq/liter and electrical energy consumption with an emission factor of 3.65 kgCO2eq/kWh were recorded, resulting in a total factor of 0.07841 tCO2eq/kWh for Electropartes Iquitos EIRL in 2024.
Huella de carbono, Actividades administrativas, Factor de emisión, Carbon footprint, Administrative activities, Emission factor
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