Propuesta de actualización de la plataforma del sistema cliente para la integración de procesos de la empresa software y sistemas del Perú sac – Iquitos 2021
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Universidad Científica del Perú
En este trabajo de investigación “Propuesta de actualización de la plataforma del sistema Cliente para la integración de procesos de la empresa software y sistemas del Perú SAC - Iquitos 2021”, se explaya una propuesta de una solución de un determinado proceso interno de la empresa Software y Sistemas del Perú sac., que es la actualización de la plataforma del sistema “Cliente” en el cual se visualiza las licencias que tienen las entidades públicas con los programas que
otorga la empresa, para que se pueda anexa de manera automática con el otro sistema para atenciones llamado “Sistemas de Atención Cliente - SAC” y así evitar el proceso humano y manual de actualizar las licencias de las entidades públicas, en resumen, dentro la empresa Software y Sistemas del Perú contiene en su haber 2 sistemas perjudiciales para el funcionamiento interno de alta calidad, uno es el sistema Cliente que está en lenguaje FoxPro v9.0 que gestiona
las licencias de la entidades estatales, mientras el otro es el Sistema de Atención Cliente, que está hecho en el lenguaje PHP, el cual gestiona el soporte y apoyo en reporte de las entidades estatales mediante asistencias de soporte a los usuarios, pero se necesita saber en esas ocasiones de atención de soporte, la licencia y estado (si está permitido o denegado) de la entidad para poder tener una atención de soporte rápida y así tener una mejor gestión de atenciones, pero
el problema surge ya que el proceso de actualización de licencias entre los 2 sistemas necesita intervención humana y además que es manual, entonces esto genera demora a la obtención de información precisa para los usuarios de soporte, entre otros inconvenientes. Esté caso aplica para las áreas de soporte técnico y ventas, que entre ellas suman una cantidad de trabajadores que son 14, entonces se optó en primer momento analizar la situación de la empresa en la actualidad para establecer una propuesta de actualización precisa para solucionar los inconvenientes, la cual, es actualizar todo el funcionamiento y la
plataforma del sistema Cliente para que pueda tener una integración de proceso completa con el Sistema de Atención Cliente.
In this research work "Proposal to update the Client system platform for the integration of processes of the software and systems company of Peru SAC - Iquitos 2021, A proposal for a solution of a certain internal process of the company Software y Sistemas del Perú is explained, which is the update of the platform of the "Client" system in which the licenses that public entities have with the programs are displayed granted by the company, so that it can be automatically attached to the other service system called "Customer Service Systems - SAC" and avoid the human and manual process of updating the licenses of public entities, in short, within the company Software y Sistemas del Perú contains to its credit 2 systems that are detrimental to the internal operation of high quality, one is the Client system that is in FoxPro v9.0 language that manages the licenses of state entities, while the other is the Client Service System, which is made in the PHP language, which manages the support and support in reporting of state entities through support assistance to users, but it is necessary to know in those occasions of support care , the license and status (if allowed or denied) of the entity in order to have a quick support service and thus have a better service management, but the problem arises since the license update process between the 2 systems needs intervention human and also that it is manual, then this generates delay in obtaining accurate information for support users, among other inconveniences This case applies to the technical support and sales areas, which include a number of workers that are 14, so it was first decided to analyze the current situation of the company to establish a precise update proposal to solve the problems , which is to update the entire operation and platform of the Client system so that it can have a complete process integration with the Client Service System.
In this research work "Proposal to update the Client system platform for the integration of processes of the software and systems company of Peru SAC - Iquitos 2021, A proposal for a solution of a certain internal process of the company Software y Sistemas del Perú is explained, which is the update of the platform of the "Client" system in which the licenses that public entities have with the programs are displayed granted by the company, so that it can be automatically attached to the other service system called "Customer Service Systems - SAC" and avoid the human and manual process of updating the licenses of public entities, in short, within the company Software y Sistemas del Perú contains to its credit 2 systems that are detrimental to the internal operation of high quality, one is the Client system that is in FoxPro v9.0 language that manages the licenses of state entities, while the other is the Client Service System, which is made in the PHP language, which manages the support and support in reporting of state entities through support assistance to users, but it is necessary to know in those occasions of support care , the license and status (if allowed or denied) of the entity in order to have a quick support service and thus have a better service management, but the problem arises since the license update process between the 2 systems needs intervention human and also that it is manual, then this generates delay in obtaining accurate information for support users, among other inconveniences This case applies to the technical support and sales areas, which include a number of workers that are 14, so it was first decided to analyze the current situation of the company to establish a precise update proposal to solve the problems , which is to update the entire operation and platform of the Client system so that it can have a complete process integration with the Client Service System.
Propuesta de actualización, Sistemas, Soporte, Ventas, Integración de proceso, Proposal for update, Systems, Support, Sales, Process integration
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