Diversidad y abundancia de lepidópteros diurnos en los bosques de terraza inundable y bosque secundario en la concesión de conservación de la cuenca alta del rio Itaya (cccari) de la Universidad Científica del Perú (UCP)- Loreto, Perú-2018
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Universidad Científica del Perú
El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar la diversidad y abundancia de lepidópteros diurnos en un bosque de terraza inundable y bosque secundario en la concesión de conservación cuenca alta del rio Itaya (CCCARI) de la Universidad Científica del Perú (UCP). Durante cinco meses comprendido en una semana por mes, entre los años 2018 y 2019. Como técnica de recolección de datos se establecieron tres transectos lineales de 100 m de longitud por cada tipo de bosque; se usó cebo atrayente a base de pescado descompuesto y las capturas se realizaron a través de conos entomológicos en horario corrido desde la 7:00 horas hasta las 16:30
Se capturaron 954 individuos distribuidos en cinco familias: Nymphalidae, Papilionidae, Pieridae, Riodinidae y Lycaenidae; 59 géneros, 83 especies. El bosque secundario registró 703 individuos, mientras que el bosque de terraza inundable 251 individuos. Del total de especies reportados las más abundantes fueron Marpesia sp, Adelpha sp y Fountainea sp. La familia más predominante fue Nymphalidae con 63 especies, seguido por Pieridae, Riodinidae con 7 respectivamente y Papilionidae con 5 especies. La familia que obtuvo menos especies fue Lycaenidae con 1 una especie; esta familia solo se registró en el bosque de terraza inundable.
Según el índice de riqueza de Shannon-Wiener ambos bosques presentaron una diversidad media de lepidópteros diurnos con valores de 2.37 para bosque de terraza inundable y 2.22 para bosque secundario; de acuerdo al índice de Margalef la abundancia de lepidópteros diurnos fue alta para ambos bosques con valores de 9.17 para bosque de terraza inundable y 8.42 para bosque secundario.
The present study aimed to assess the diversity and abundance of diurnal Lepidoptera in a floodplain terrace forest and secondary forest in the upper Itaya river basin conservation concession (CCCARI) of the Scientific University of Peru (UCP). During five months, comprising one week per month, between 2018 and 2019. As a data collection technique, three linear transects of 100 m in length were established for each type of forest; bait based on decomposed fish was used and the captures were carried out through entomological cones in a continuous schedule from 7:00 hours to 16:30. 954 individual species were captured, distributed in five families: Nymphalidae, Papilionidae, Pieridae, Riodinidae and Lycaenidae; 59 genders, 83 species. The secondary forest recorded 703 individual species, while the floodplain forest 251 individual species. The total number of species reported, the most abundant were Marpesia sp, Adelpha sp and Fountainea sp. The most predominant family was Nymphalidae with 63 species, followed by Pieridae, Riodinidae with 7 species respectively and Papilionidae with 5 species. The family with the fewest species was Lycaenidae with 1 species; this family was only reported in floodplain terrace forest. According to the Shannon-Wiener’s resources index both forests had a medium diversity of diurnal Lepidoptera with values of 2.37 for flooded terrace forest and 2.22 for secondary forest; according to the Margalef index the abundance of diurnal Lepidoptera was high for both forests with values of 9.17 for flooded terrace forest and 8.42 for secondary forest.
The present study aimed to assess the diversity and abundance of diurnal Lepidoptera in a floodplain terrace forest and secondary forest in the upper Itaya river basin conservation concession (CCCARI) of the Scientific University of Peru (UCP). During five months, comprising one week per month, between 2018 and 2019. As a data collection technique, three linear transects of 100 m in length were established for each type of forest; bait based on decomposed fish was used and the captures were carried out through entomological cones in a continuous schedule from 7:00 hours to 16:30. 954 individual species were captured, distributed in five families: Nymphalidae, Papilionidae, Pieridae, Riodinidae and Lycaenidae; 59 genders, 83 species. The secondary forest recorded 703 individual species, while the floodplain forest 251 individual species. The total number of species reported, the most abundant were Marpesia sp, Adelpha sp and Fountainea sp. The most predominant family was Nymphalidae with 63 species, followed by Pieridae, Riodinidae with 7 species respectively and Papilionidae with 5 species. The family with the fewest species was Lycaenidae with 1 species; this family was only reported in floodplain terrace forest. According to the Shannon-Wiener’s resources index both forests had a medium diversity of diurnal Lepidoptera with values of 2.37 for flooded terrace forest and 2.22 for secondary forest; according to the Margalef index the abundance of diurnal Lepidoptera was high for both forests with values of 9.17 for flooded terrace forest and 8.42 for secondary forest.
Diversidad, Abundancia, Lepidópteros, Bosque, Diversity, Abundance, Lepidoptera, Forest
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