Diagnósticos de enfermería en pacientes con abdomen agudo quirúrgico
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Universidad Científica del Perú
El estudio tuvo como objetico determinar los diagnósticos de enfermería y su relación con algunas variables en pacientes con abdomen agudo quirúrgico. Se utilizó el método cuantitativo con diseño no experimental, prospectivo, transversal, correlacional. La muestra estuvo conformada por 209 pacientes quirúrgicos de abdomen agudo. Se recolectaron los datos mediante un instrumento estructurado, con una confiabilidad Alpha de Cronbach (0,81). Se procesaron los datos en el programa estadístico SPSS versión 26.0. En los resultados: el 54,1% fueron adultos intermedios, predominando las mujeres, convivientes (43,5%) con estudios secundarios (46,9%) e informaron trabajos independientes (35,4%) con seguro integral de salud y apoyo social. Una cuarta parte presento colecistitis con estancia hospitalaria mayor de 60 minutos y haber sido tratado quirúrgicamente con tratamiento por vía periférica, diagnosticados por ecografía abdominal. Los diagnósticos de enfermería reales más frecuentes fueron: el dolor agudo, la ansiedad y el temor con características definitorias de expresión de dolor, inquietud, así como el estado de salud comprometido. Los diagnósticos de riesgo fueron: el riesgo de infección, riesgo de hipotermia perioperatoria y riesgo de sangrado (p<0,001).
The objective of the study was to determine the nursing diagnoses and their relationship with some variables in abdominal surgery surgical patients with acute abdomen. The quantitative method was used with a non-experimental, prospective, cross-sectional, correlational design. The sample consisted of 209 acute abdominal surgical patients. Data were collected using a structured instrument, with Cronbach's Alpha reliability (0.81). The data were processed in the statistical program SPSS version 26.0. In the results: 54.1% were intermediate adults, predominantly women, cohabitants (43.5%) with secondary studies (46.9%) and reported independent work (35.4%) with comprehensive health insurance and support Social. A quarter presented cholecystitis with a hospital stay greater than 60 minutes and having been treated surgically with peripheral treatment, diagnosed by abdominal ultrasound. The most frequent real nursing diagnoses were: acute pain, anxiety and fear with defining characteristics of expression of pain, restlessness as well as compromised health status. The risk diagnoses were: the risk of infection, risk of perioperative hypothermia and risk of bleeding (p <0.001).
The objective of the study was to determine the nursing diagnoses and their relationship with some variables in abdominal surgery surgical patients with acute abdomen. The quantitative method was used with a non-experimental, prospective, cross-sectional, correlational design. The sample consisted of 209 acute abdominal surgical patients. Data were collected using a structured instrument, with Cronbach's Alpha reliability (0.81). The data were processed in the statistical program SPSS version 26.0. In the results: 54.1% were intermediate adults, predominantly women, cohabitants (43.5%) with secondary studies (46.9%) and reported independent work (35.4%) with comprehensive health insurance and support Social. A quarter presented cholecystitis with a hospital stay greater than 60 minutes and having been treated surgically with peripheral treatment, diagnosed by abdominal ultrasound. The most frequent real nursing diagnoses were: acute pain, anxiety and fear with defining characteristics of expression of pain, restlessness as well as compromised health status. The risk diagnoses were: the risk of infection, risk of perioperative hypothermia and risk of bleeding (p <0.001).
Diagnostico de enfermería, abdomen agudo, Nursing diagnosis, Acute abdomen.
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