Nivel de conocimientos y prácticas sobre prevención del dengue en pobladores atendidos en la Ipress Belén, Iquitos, 2023
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Universidad Científica del Perú
El estudio se propuso como objetivo central “Determinar la relación que
existe entre el nivel de conocimientos y las prácticas sobre prevención del
dengue de los pobladores atendidos en la IPRESS Belén, Iquitos, 2023”. El
estudio adoptó un enfoque cuantitativo, descriptivo, observacional,
correlacional y transversal de naturaleza prospectiva. La población objetivo
estuvo compuesta por 220 residentes que buscaban atención médica,
abarcando ambos sexos, predominantemente mayores de 20 años. La
muestra utilizada consistió en 92 individuos, y la metodología de
recolección de datos incluyó encuestas y la Escala de Valoración. Los
instrumentos empleados fueron el cuestionario y la Escala de Likert, con
una validez de 0.743 y una confiabilidad evaluada a través de la prueba de
Kuder Richardson de 0.730 y 0.745, respectivamente. Los hallazgos del
estudio revelaron que en lo que respeta a la variable de conocimiento, el
66.3% de los entrevistados demostró un conocimiento a un nivel alto,
mientras que el 33.7% se mantuvo en un nivel medio. En relación a las
prácticas de prevención, el 78.3% de los participantes presentaron
prácticas regulares, en contraste con el 21.7% que evidenció prácticas
consideradas como buenas. Al relacionar ambas variables, el análisis arrojó
un resultado que indica que no existe una relación estadísticamente
significativa (p=0.227) entre el nivel de conocimiento y las prácticas de
prevención del dengue observadas en los residentes que fueron atendidos
en la IPRESS Belén en el año. 2023, corroborando la hipótesis nula. A partir
de estos resultados, se puede concluir que la mera posesión de
conocimiento sobre las estrategias de prevención del dengue no es
suficiente, ya que es fundamental implementar estos conocimientos en la
vida cotidiana. Esto implica la concienciación tanto a nivel individual como
en la sensibilización de los miembros de la familia, amigos y la comunidad
en general.
The central objective of the study was to “Determine the relationship that exists between the level of knowledge and practices on dengue prevention of the residents served at the IPRESS Belén, Iquitos, 2023.” The study adopted a quantitative, descriptive, observational, correlational and crosssectional approach of a prospective nature. The target population was composed of 220 residents seeking medical care, covering both sexes, predominantly over 20 years of age. The sample used consisted of 92 individuals, and the data collection methodology included surveys and the Rating Scale. The instruments used were the questionnaire and the Likert Scale, with a validity of 0.743 and a reliability evaluated through the Kuder Richardson test of 0.730 and 0.745, respectively. The findings of the study revealed that regarding the knowledge variable, 66.3% of those interviewed demonstrated knowledge at a high level, while 33.7% remained at a medium level. In relation to prevention practices, 78.3% of the participants presented regular practices, in contrast to 21.7% who demonstrated practices considered good. By relating both variables, the analysis yielded a result that indicates that there is no statistically significant relationship (p=0.227) between the level of knowledge and the dengue prevention practices observed in the residents who were treated at the IPRESS Belén in the year . 2023, corroborating the null hypothesis. From these results, it can be concluded that the mere possession of knowledge about dengue prevention strategies is not enough, since it is essential to implement this knowledge in daily life. This involves raising awareness both at the individual level and in raising awareness among family members, friends and the community in general.
The central objective of the study was to “Determine the relationship that exists between the level of knowledge and practices on dengue prevention of the residents served at the IPRESS Belén, Iquitos, 2023.” The study adopted a quantitative, descriptive, observational, correlational and crosssectional approach of a prospective nature. The target population was composed of 220 residents seeking medical care, covering both sexes, predominantly over 20 years of age. The sample used consisted of 92 individuals, and the data collection methodology included surveys and the Rating Scale. The instruments used were the questionnaire and the Likert Scale, with a validity of 0.743 and a reliability evaluated through the Kuder Richardson test of 0.730 and 0.745, respectively. The findings of the study revealed that regarding the knowledge variable, 66.3% of those interviewed demonstrated knowledge at a high level, while 33.7% remained at a medium level. In relation to prevention practices, 78.3% of the participants presented regular practices, in contrast to 21.7% who demonstrated practices considered good. By relating both variables, the analysis yielded a result that indicates that there is no statistically significant relationship (p=0.227) between the level of knowledge and the dengue prevention practices observed in the residents who were treated at the IPRESS Belén in the year . 2023, corroborating the null hypothesis. From these results, it can be concluded that the mere possession of knowledge about dengue prevention strategies is not enough, since it is essential to implement this knowledge in daily life. This involves raising awareness both at the individual level and in raising awareness among family members, friends and the community in general.
Conocimiento, Practicas Preventivas, Dengue, Knowledge, Preventive Practices, Dengue
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