Conocimiento y práctica de la lactancia materna exclusiva en madres puérperas primíparas del servicio de enfermería del hospital regional de Loreto 2023
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Universidad Científica del Perú
Objetivo:” Determinar el nivel de conocimiento y práctica sobre lactancia
materna exclusiva que tienen las madres puérperas primíparas del Servicio de
enfermería del Hospital Regional de Loreto 2023”. Método cuantitativo,
descriptivo, prospectivo, correlacional y transversal en 100 madres puérperas
primíparas, se aplicó una encuesta mediante un cuestionario y formas de
evaluación. Resultados, Tienen conocimiento sobre la definición de la lactancia
materna un 70%, orientación sobre dicho proceso un 64% y existe una
producción de leche materna de las madres puérperas y primíparas con un
74%. En relación a nivel de prácticas antes de la lactancia materna se obtuvo
un 90% que practica el lavado manos, en la adecuada postura de la madre
para que pueda dar de lactar correctamente fue un 78% y el contacto del
binomio madre-bebe con un 94%. Así mismo durante la lactancia materna un
66% tuvieron una frecuencia adecuada de amamantamiento, la duración de la
lactancia materna es normal es de cada 3 horas con un 72% y considerando
la LME con un 84%. En relación a nivel de prácticas después de la lactancia
materna, fue del 88 %, en las actividades realizadas para la eliminación de
gases se obtuvo un 86% y la posición correcta al finalizar la LM fue el 83%. La
ventaja de utilizar solamente la LME fue de 83%, y los beneficios que
proporciona el calostro al recién nacido fue del 86%, y una buena estimulación
al inicio de la lactancia materna en el bebé fue del 82%. Respecto a la técnica
de amamantamiento se obtuvo un 74%, la frecuencia de amamantamiento se
considera cada 3 horas que debe lactar él bebe, obteniendo un 58%, la
duración de amamantamiento normal se considera 30 minutos (15 minutos
cada mama), se obtuvo un 62%., Al respecto la higiene de las mamas en el
periodo de lactancia realizado por las madres fue del 77% y los signos de
congestión de las mamas fue del 75%. Conclusión: “Que es muy importante
los conocimientos que deben tener las madres puérperas primíparas en
relación a las prácticas de la LME en del servicio de enfermería del Hospital
Regional de Loreto 2023”.
Objective: To determine the level of knowledge and practices on exclusive breastfeeding that primiparous postpartum mothers from the Nursing Service of the Regional Hospital of Loreto 2023 have. Quantitative, descriptive, prospective, correlational and cross-sectional method in 100 primiparous postpartum mothers, a survey was applied through a questionnaire and evaluation forms. Results: 70% have knowledge of the definition of breastfeeding, 64% have guidance on this process, and 74% of postpartum and primiparous mothers have breast milk production. In relation to the level of practices before breastfeeding, 90% practiced hand washing, in the proper posture of the mother so that she can breastfeed correctly, it was 78%, and the contact of the mother-baby binomial with a 94%.Likewise, during breastfeeding, 66% had an adequate frequency of breastfeeding, the normal duration of breastfeeding is every 3 hours with 72% and considering exclusive breastfeeding with 84%..In relation At the level of practices after breastfeeding, it was 88%, in the activities carried out for the elimination of gases, 86% was obtained and the correct position at the end of breastfeeding was 83%. The advantages of using only breastfeeding was 83%, and the benefits that colostrum provides to the newborn was 86%, and good stimulation at the beginning of breastfeeding in the baby was 82%. Regarding the breastfeeding technique, 74% was obtained. The frequency of breastfeeding is considered every 3 hours that the baby must breastfeed, obtaining 58%. The normal breastfeeding duration is considered 30 minutes (15 minutes for each breast). obtained 62%. In this regard, the hygiene of the breasts during the breastfeeding period carried out by the mothers was 77% and the signs of breast congestion were 75%. Conclusion: The knowledge that they must have is very important. primiparous postpartum mothers in relation to exclusive breastfeeding practices in the nursing service of the Regional Hospital of Loreto 2023.
Objective: To determine the level of knowledge and practices on exclusive breastfeeding that primiparous postpartum mothers from the Nursing Service of the Regional Hospital of Loreto 2023 have. Quantitative, descriptive, prospective, correlational and cross-sectional method in 100 primiparous postpartum mothers, a survey was applied through a questionnaire and evaluation forms. Results: 70% have knowledge of the definition of breastfeeding, 64% have guidance on this process, and 74% of postpartum and primiparous mothers have breast milk production. In relation to the level of practices before breastfeeding, 90% practiced hand washing, in the proper posture of the mother so that she can breastfeed correctly, it was 78%, and the contact of the mother-baby binomial with a 94%.Likewise, during breastfeeding, 66% had an adequate frequency of breastfeeding, the normal duration of breastfeeding is every 3 hours with 72% and considering exclusive breastfeeding with 84%..In relation At the level of practices after breastfeeding, it was 88%, in the activities carried out for the elimination of gases, 86% was obtained and the correct position at the end of breastfeeding was 83%. The advantages of using only breastfeeding was 83%, and the benefits that colostrum provides to the newborn was 86%, and good stimulation at the beginning of breastfeeding in the baby was 82%. Regarding the breastfeeding technique, 74% was obtained. The frequency of breastfeeding is considered every 3 hours that the baby must breastfeed, obtaining 58%. The normal breastfeeding duration is considered 30 minutes (15 minutes for each breast). obtained 62%. In this regard, the hygiene of the breasts during the breastfeeding period carried out by the mothers was 77% and the signs of breast congestion were 75%. Conclusion: The knowledge that they must have is very important. primiparous postpartum mothers in relation to exclusive breastfeeding practices in the nursing service of the Regional Hospital of Loreto 2023.
Lactancia materna exclusiva, Técnicas de amamantamiento, Exclusive breastfeeding, Breastfeeding techniques
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