Depresión y abandono familiar en el adulto mayor en un asilo de ancianos en Iquitos, 2024
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Universidad Científica del Perú
El propósito de este estudio fue determinar la relación entre la depresión y
abandono familiar en el adulto mayor en un asilo de ancianos en Iquitos,
2024. El diseño del estudio fue cuantitativo, no experimental, descriptivo,
correlacional y prospectivo. La muestra estuvo constituida por 108 adultos
mayores del C.A.R.P.A.M. "San Francisco de Asís". La técnica utilizada fue
una entrevista y la observación. Los instrumentos utilizados en la
investigación fueron la Escala de Depresión Geriátrica y la Escala de
Abandono Familiar del Adulto Mayor. Ambos instrumentos fueron
sometidos a validez de contenido mediante juicio de expertos y Alfa de
Cronbach obteniendo un puntaje de (0,78) siendo confiable para su
ejecución. Los resultados fueron, se encontró que la mayoría de los adultos
mayores son mujeres de 75 años procedentes principalmente de Lima,
católicos, viudos y con ocupaciones domésticas. Un alto porcentaje (70.4%)
de los encuestados exhibió un nivel de depresión leve, mientras que la
mitad (50.9%) manifestó haber experimentado abandono familiar. Se
encontró una correlación significativa entre la depresión y el abandono
familiar en los adultos mayores. Se observó que aquellos que
experimentaron abandono familiar presentaban niveles más altos de
depresión, con un 48.1% de casos de depresión leve y un 25% de casos
de depresión moderada. Se concluye que existe una correlación positiva
significativa (p=0.654) entre el nivel de depresión y el abandono familiar, lo
que demuestra la importancia de abordar este factor en la salud mental de
los adultos mayores en centros residenciales como el C.A.R.P.A.M. "San
Francisco de Asís".
The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between depression and family abandonment in the elderly in a nursing home in Iquitos, 2024. The study design was quantitative, non-experimental, descriptive, correlational and prospective. The sample consisted of 108 older adults from C.A.R.P.A.M. "San Francisco de Asis". The technique used was an interview and observation. The instruments used in the research were the Geriatric Depression Scale and the Family Abandonment Scale for the Elderly. Both instruments were subjected to content validity through expert judgment and Cronbach's Alpha, obtaining a score of (0.78) being reliable for their execution. The results were, it was found that the majority of older adults are 75-year-old women, mainly from Lima, Catholics, widowed and with domestic occupations. A high percentage (70.4%) of those surveyed exhibited a level of mild depression, while half (50.9%) reported having experienced family abandonment. A significant correlation was found between depression and family abandonment in older adults. It was observed that those who experienced family abandonment had higher levels of depression, with 48.1% of cases of mild depression and 25% of cases of moderate depression. It is concluded that there is a significant positive correlation (p=0.654) between the level of depression and family abandonment, which demonstrates the importance of addressing this factor in the mental health of older adults in residential centers such as C.A.R.P.A.M. "San Francisco de Asis".
The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between depression and family abandonment in the elderly in a nursing home in Iquitos, 2024. The study design was quantitative, non-experimental, descriptive, correlational and prospective. The sample consisted of 108 older adults from C.A.R.P.A.M. "San Francisco de Asis". The technique used was an interview and observation. The instruments used in the research were the Geriatric Depression Scale and the Family Abandonment Scale for the Elderly. Both instruments were subjected to content validity through expert judgment and Cronbach's Alpha, obtaining a score of (0.78) being reliable for their execution. The results were, it was found that the majority of older adults are 75-year-old women, mainly from Lima, Catholics, widowed and with domestic occupations. A high percentage (70.4%) of those surveyed exhibited a level of mild depression, while half (50.9%) reported having experienced family abandonment. A significant correlation was found between depression and family abandonment in older adults. It was observed that those who experienced family abandonment had higher levels of depression, with 48.1% of cases of mild depression and 25% of cases of moderate depression. It is concluded that there is a significant positive correlation (p=0.654) between the level of depression and family abandonment, which demonstrates the importance of addressing this factor in the mental health of older adults in residential centers such as C.A.R.P.A.M. "San Francisco de Asis".
Depresión, Abandono familiar, Adulto mayor, Asilo de ancianos, Depression, Family abandonment, Older adults, Nursing home
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