Implementación del aula virtual moodle para mejorar el proceso de aprendizaje de los estudiantes de 5to año de educación secundaria del colegio cooperativo cesar vallejo – iquitos 2021
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Universidad Científica del Perú
En la presente investigación se evaluó el nivel de implementación del aula virtual Moodle en el desarrollo de las clases de las asignaturas de 5to año de educación secundaria y el nivel de mejora del aprendizaje de los estudiantes del colegio cooperativo cesar vallejo de la ciudad de Iquitos.
Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo general: Determinar en qué medida la implementación del Aula Virtual Moodle mejora en el proceso de aprendizaje de los alumnos de 5to año de educación secundaria del colegio cooperativo Cesar Vallejo de la ciudad de Iquitos en el periodo 2021, el tipo de investigación que se planteo es aplicativa y el diseño fue El diseño de la investigación es el no experimental y de tipo transaccional, llegando a la conclusión general que mediante la implementación del aula virtual Moodle como plataforma para la enseñanza de los estudiantes del colegio cooperativo Cesar Vallejo si ha mejorado significativa el proceso de aprendizaje.
In the present investigation, the level of implementation of the virtual Moodle classroom in the development of classes of the 5th year of secondary education subjects and the level of improvement of learning of the students of the Cesar Vallejo cooperative school in the city of Iquitos was evaluated. This research had as general objective: To determine to what extent the implementation of the Moodle Virtual Classroom improves in the learning process of the students of 5th year of secondary education of the Cesar Vallejo cooperative school in the city of Iquitos in the period 2021, the type of The research that was proposed is applicative and the design was The design of the research is nonexperimental and transactional, reaching the general conclusion that through the implementation of the virtual classroom Moodle as a platform for teaching students of the Cesar Vallejo cooperative school whether the learning process has significantly improved.
In the present investigation, the level of implementation of the virtual Moodle classroom in the development of classes of the 5th year of secondary education subjects and the level of improvement of learning of the students of the Cesar Vallejo cooperative school in the city of Iquitos was evaluated. This research had as general objective: To determine to what extent the implementation of the Moodle Virtual Classroom improves in the learning process of the students of 5th year of secondary education of the Cesar Vallejo cooperative school in the city of Iquitos in the period 2021, the type of The research that was proposed is applicative and the design was The design of the research is nonexperimental and transactional, reaching the general conclusion that through the implementation of the virtual classroom Moodle as a platform for teaching students of the Cesar Vallejo cooperative school whether the learning process has significantly improved.
Aula Virtual, Proceso de aprendizaje, Virtual Classroom, Learning process
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