Factores de riesgo relacionado al consumo de drogas en adolescentes de dos instituciones educativas, distrito de San Juan Bautista 2024
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Universidad Científica del Perú
El consumo de droga en adolescentes es un problema de salud púbica. El
presente trabajo de investigación tuvo un enfoque cuantitativo, diseño
descritivo, de corte transversal, prospectivo y correlacional en una muestra
de 168 adolescentes que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión y
exclusión con el objetivo de determinar la relación que existe entre los
factores de riesgo y el consumo de drogas en adolescentes de dos
Instituciones Educativas del Distrito de San Juan Bautista, 2024 utilizando
un cuestionario que fue sometido a la prueba de validez y confiabilidad.
Teniendo como resultado que del 100% de adolescentes escolares
encuestados, el 94% indicó que no consume drogas, así mismo se encontró
asociación significativas entre los factores sociodemográficos: sexo
femenino (p=0.009967), edad de 16 años (p=0.007174), lugar de
residencia rural (p=9.612x10-7), estado civil de convivencia de los padres
(p=1.04x10-6), nivel educativo de la madre (p=0.000116); factores
familiares: convivencia con los padres (p=0.04362), consumo familiar de
sustancias (p=0.0004816), percepción de preocupación de los padres
(p=4.285x10-13); factores personales: asistencia a clases (p<0.05),
consumo de sustancias por parte de compañeros (p=0.007798), facilidad
para hacer amigos (p=0.009048), participación en reuniones familiares
(p=0.04085) para el consumo de drogas en los adolescentes. Concluyendo
que si existe relación estadísticamente significativa entre los factores de
riesgo y el consumo de drogas en adolescentes de dos Instituciones
Educativas del Distrito de San Juan Bautista, 2024 (p<0.05).
Drug use in adolescents is a public health problem. The present research work had a quantitative approach, descriptive, cross-sectional, prospective and correlational design in a sample of 168 adolescents who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria with the objective of determining the relationship that exists between the risk factors and drug consumption in adolescents from two Educational Institutions in the District of San Juan Bautista, 2024 using a questionnaire that was subjected to a validity and reliability test. The result was that of 100% of the school adolescents surveyed, 94% indicated that they do not use drugs. Likewise, a significant association was found between sociodemographic factors: female sex (p=0.009967), age of 16 years (p=0.007174), place of rural residence (p=9.612x10-7), marital status of the parents (p=1.04x10-6), educational level of the mother (p=0.000116); family factors: living with parents (p=0.04362), family substance use (p=0.0004816), perception of parental concern (p=4.285x10-13); personal factors: class attendance (p<0.05), substance use by peers (p=0.007798), ease of making friends (p=0.009048), participation in family gatherings (p=0.04085) for drug use in the teenagers. Concluding that there is a statistically significant relationship between risk factors and drug use in adolescents from two Educational Institutions in the District of San Juan Bautista, 2024 (p<0.05).
Drug use in adolescents is a public health problem. The present research work had a quantitative approach, descriptive, cross-sectional, prospective and correlational design in a sample of 168 adolescents who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria with the objective of determining the relationship that exists between the risk factors and drug consumption in adolescents from two Educational Institutions in the District of San Juan Bautista, 2024 using a questionnaire that was subjected to a validity and reliability test. The result was that of 100% of the school adolescents surveyed, 94% indicated that they do not use drugs. Likewise, a significant association was found between sociodemographic factors: female sex (p=0.009967), age of 16 years (p=0.007174), place of rural residence (p=9.612x10-7), marital status of the parents (p=1.04x10-6), educational level of the mother (p=0.000116); family factors: living with parents (p=0.04362), family substance use (p=0.0004816), perception of parental concern (p=4.285x10-13); personal factors: class attendance (p<0.05), substance use by peers (p=0.007798), ease of making friends (p=0.009048), participation in family gatherings (p=0.04085) for drug use in the teenagers. Concluding that there is a statistically significant relationship between risk factors and drug use in adolescents from two Educational Institutions in the District of San Juan Bautista, 2024 (p<0.05).
Adolescentes, Factores de riesgo, Consumo de drogas, Adolescents, Risk factors, Drug use
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