Imagen social de la enfermera, según la percepción de los usuarios, en el hospital regional de loreto 2023
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Universidad Científica del Perú
El objetivo de la investigación: Determinar la imagen social de la enfermera,
según la percepción de los usuarios en el Hospital Regional de Loreto 2023.
El Tipo de investigación fue cuantitativo, no experimental, con un diseño
descriptivo, correlacional, transversal y prospectivo. La población fue de
180 pacientes y la muestra se ha considerado el 100% de la población, del
servicio de Ginecología del Hospital Regional de Loreto, la Técnica utilizada
fue la encuesta, con dos cuestionarios. Los resultados fueron: Para la
variable imagen social de la enfermera, el 66,6 % corresponde a una
adecuada imagen social en el campo de la información, el 55,0 % al campo
de la representación, el 62 ,2 % en el campo de la actitud y el 55,0 %
corresponde al campo de la orientación espiritual, Para la segunda variable,
el 86,2 % corresponde a la percepción de la imagen de la enfermera en
forma favorable, el 13,8% percepción desfavorable. y al aplicar la prueba
estadística no paramétrica de chi cuadrado se estimó un valor de p<0,004,
lo que permite aceptar la hipótesis planteada (Ha), es decir existe relación
estadística significativa entre la la imagen social de la enfermera en el
campo de información, representación, actitud, orientación espiritual y la
percepción de los usuarios, en el Hospital Regional de Loreto 2023.
The objective of the research: Determine the social image of the nurse, according to the perception of users at the Regional Hospital of Loreto 2023. The type of research was quantitative, non-experimental, with a descriptive, correlational, transversal and prospective design. The populación was 180 patients and the sample was considered 100% of the population, from the Gynecology service of the Regional Hospital of Loreto, the technique used was the survey, with two questionnaires. The results were: For the variable social image of the nurse, 66.6% corresponds to an adequate social image in the field of information, 55.0% to the field of representation, 62.2% in the field of attitude and 55.0% corresponds to the field of spiritual orientation. For the second variable, 86.2% corresponds to the perception of the nurse's image in a favorable way, 13.8% unfavorable perception. And when applying the non-parametric chi square statistical test, a value of p<0.004 was estimated, which allows us to accept the proposed hypothesis (Ha), that is, there is a significant statistical relationship between the social image of the nurse in the information field, representation, attitude, spiritual orientation and the perception of users, at the Loreto Regional Hospital 2023.
The objective of the research: Determine the social image of the nurse, according to the perception of users at the Regional Hospital of Loreto 2023. The type of research was quantitative, non-experimental, with a descriptive, correlational, transversal and prospective design. The populación was 180 patients and the sample was considered 100% of the population, from the Gynecology service of the Regional Hospital of Loreto, the technique used was the survey, with two questionnaires. The results were: For the variable social image of the nurse, 66.6% corresponds to an adequate social image in the field of information, 55.0% to the field of representation, 62.2% in the field of attitude and 55.0% corresponds to the field of spiritual orientation. For the second variable, 86.2% corresponds to the perception of the nurse's image in a favorable way, 13.8% unfavorable perception. And when applying the non-parametric chi square statistical test, a value of p<0.004 was estimated, which allows us to accept the proposed hypothesis (Ha), that is, there is a significant statistical relationship between the social image of the nurse in the information field, representation, attitude, spiritual orientation and the perception of users, at the Loreto Regional Hospital 2023.
Imagen social de la enfermera, Percepción, Usuario, Social image of the nurse, Perception, User
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