Conocimiento de mecánica corporal y su aplicación en la práctica de enfermería, unidades críticas - Essalud 2018
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Universidad Científica del Perú
Una de las actividades principales en enfermería, es la movilidad del
paciente; los cuales en muchos de los casos no se utilizan mecanismos
corporales adecuados, provocando dolores cérvico-lumbar. En el presente
estudio tuvo como objetivo, determinar la relación que existe entre el nivel
de conocimiento de mecánica corporal y su aplicación en la práctica de
enfermería, Unidades Criticas – Essalud 2018.
El método utilizado fue el cuantitativo, de tipo descriptivo, correlacional y
transversal, se utilizó cómo técnica, la encuesta y la observación, mediante
dos instrumentos: cuestionario y guía de observación, él estudió fue de 25
profesionales de enfermería (enfermera y técnicos de enfermería).
Los resultados obtenidos muestran que el 72% y el 7% del personal de
enfermería tiene un medio y alto nivel de conocimiento en mecánica
corporal respectivamente; en relación a su aplicación se obtuvo que el 84%
y 16% posee un nivel medio y bajo de mecánica corporal respecto a su
Se obtuvo una correlación entre dos variables nivel de conocimiento y nivel
de aplicación de mecánica corporal con una significancia de (ρ= 0.022)
interpretándose como moderada relación negativa entre las variables, por
lo que se rechaza la hipótesis nula. Entonces existe una relación inversa o
negativa entre el Nivel de Conocimiento y el Nivel de Aplicación. Por tal
motivo se llegó a la siguiente conclusión mayor nivel de conocimiento
menor nivel de aplicación.
One of the main activities in nursing is the mobility of the patient; which in many cases do not use adequate body mechanisms, causing cervicallumbar pain. The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between the level of knowledge of body mechanics and its application in nursing practice, Critical Units - Essalud 2018. The method used was quantitative, descriptive, correlational and crosssectional, using technique, survey and observation, using two instruments: questionnaire and observation guide, he studied was 25 nursing professionals (nurse and nursing technicians). The results obtained show that 72% and 28% of the nursing staff have a medium and high level of knowledge in body mechanics respectively; In relation to its application, it was found that 84% and 16% have a medium and low level of body mechanics with respect to its application. We obtained a correlation between two variables level of knowledge and level of application of body mechanics with a significance of (ρ = 0.022) interpreted as a moderate negative relationship between the variables, so the null hypothesis is rejected. Then there is an inverse or negative relationship between the Level of Knowledge and the Level of Application. For this reason, the following conclusion was reached: higher level of knowledge, lower level of application.
One of the main activities in nursing is the mobility of the patient; which in many cases do not use adequate body mechanisms, causing cervicallumbar pain. The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between the level of knowledge of body mechanics and its application in nursing practice, Critical Units - Essalud 2018. The method used was quantitative, descriptive, correlational and crosssectional, using technique, survey and observation, using two instruments: questionnaire and observation guide, he studied was 25 nursing professionals (nurse and nursing technicians). The results obtained show that 72% and 28% of the nursing staff have a medium and high level of knowledge in body mechanics respectively; In relation to its application, it was found that 84% and 16% have a medium and low level of body mechanics with respect to its application. We obtained a correlation between two variables level of knowledge and level of application of body mechanics with a significance of (ρ = 0.022) interpreted as a moderate negative relationship between the variables, so the null hypothesis is rejected. Then there is an inverse or negative relationship between the Level of Knowledge and the Level of Application. For this reason, the following conclusion was reached: higher level of knowledge, lower level of application.
Mecánica corporal, Práctica de enfermería, Unidades críticas, Body mechanics, Nursing practice, Critical Units
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