Diagnósticos de enfermería en adultos con cirugía traumatológica y ortopédica
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Universidad Científica del Perú
Con la finalidad de establecer los factores asociados a los diagnósticos de
enfermería en adultos post operados de cirugía traumatológica y
ortopédica, se desarrolló este estudio observacional correlacional. La
muestra establecida por conveniencia estuvo conformada por 50 adultos a
quienes se aplicó un cuestionario sociodemográfico y clínico y una lista de
cotejo “Diagnósticos de enfermería”, confiabilidad de 0.91 según el test de
equivalencia. Los datos fueron procesados a través de SPSS versión
26,0. Los hallazgos mostraron que la edad media fue de 41,26+4,76 años,
cuatro de diez pacientes sufrieron accidente de tránsito con fractura de
miembros inferiores. La media de diagnósticos de enfermería fue de
3,06+1,03 con Casi la mitad de la muestra presentó tres diagnósticos de
enfermería, una tercera parte con dos diagnósticos. Todos los pacientes
presentaron los diagnósticos de enfermería reales “Deterioro de la
movilidad física” y “Deterioro integridad cutánea”. Nueve de cada diez
informó “Dolor agudo”, “Perfusión tisular periférica ineficaz” y “Déficit
volumen de líquidos”. El 96% de los adultos presentaron “Riesgo de
infección” y 94% “Riesgo de disfunción neurovascular periférica”.
This observational correlational study was developed to establish the factors associated with nursing diagnoses in adults undergoing trauma surgery and orthopedic. The sample selected by convenience consisted of 50 adults to whom a sociodemographic and clinical questionnaire and a checklist called "Nursing diagnoses in traumatology and orthopedic surgery" were applied, with a reliability of 0.91 according to the equivalence test. The data were processed through SPSS version 26.0. The findings showed that the mean age was 41.26+4.76 years. Four of the ten patients suffered a traffic accident with a lower limb fracture. The mean number of nursing diagnoses was 3.06+1.03, with almost half of the sample presenting three nursing diagnoses, one third with two diagnoses. All patients had the actual nursing diagnoses "Impaired physical mobility" and "Impaired skin integrity." Nine out of ten reported "Acute pain," "Ineffective peripheral tissue perfusion" and "Fluid volume deficit". 96% of adults reported "Risk of
This observational correlational study was developed to establish the factors associated with nursing diagnoses in adults undergoing trauma surgery and orthopedic. The sample selected by convenience consisted of 50 adults to whom a sociodemographic and clinical questionnaire and a checklist called "Nursing diagnoses in traumatology and orthopedic surgery" were applied, with a reliability of 0.91 according to the equivalence test. The data were processed through SPSS version 26.0. The findings showed that the mean age was 41.26+4.76 years. Four of the ten patients suffered a traffic accident with a lower limb fracture. The mean number of nursing diagnoses was 3.06+1.03, with almost half of the sample presenting three nursing diagnoses, one third with two diagnoses. All patients had the actual nursing diagnoses "Impaired physical mobility" and "Impaired skin integrity." Nine out of ten reported "Acute pain," "Ineffective peripheral tissue perfusion" and "Fluid volume deficit". 96% of adults reported "Risk of
Diagnósticos de enfermería- traumatología, Nursing diagnoses- traumatology
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