Desarrollo motor en estudiantes de nivel inicial de la I.E.C.J. 364 Bello Horizonte del Distrito de San Juan Bautista; Iquitos 2021
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Universidad Científica del Perú
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar el nivel de desarrollo motor en estudiantes de nivel inicial de la I.E.C.J. 364 “Bello Horizonte” del distrito de San Juan Bautista; Iquitos 2021;Metodología: Se considera la investigación de tipo de estudios poblacionales, descriptivo, no correlacional el cual no requirió de hipótesis, tiene un diseño de investigación no experimental de corte transversal, presenta un muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia, conformado por todos los estudiantes de 3 a 5 años de ambos sexos, Siendo 94 participantes a quienes se les aplicó la Escala de Battelle en el área de desarrollo motor, este instrumento está conformado por cuatro dimensiones: Motricidad gruesa, Coordinación Muscular, Locomoción, Motricidad fina, Motricidad Perceptiva; la información recolectada se ingresó a una base de datos creada con el software SPS 22.0;el cual se obtuvo los siguientes resultados: de acuerdo al nivel del desarrollo motor el 52.13% de los estudiantes se encuentra en un nivel medio; siendo el sexo femenino con mayor porcentaje en este nivel con un 63.27% y con relación a la edad el grupo de 4 años con un 60.61%; respecto a la dimensión de motricidad gruesa el 50.00% de los estudiantes se encuentra en un nivel medio, al igual que la dimensión de coordinación muscular con un 51.06%,también se encuentran en un nivel medio la dimensión de locomoción con un 50% de los estudiantes y la dimensión de motricidad fina con un 46.80% con relación a la dimensión de motricidad perceptiva el 55.02% de los estudiantes se encuentra en un nivel bajo.
The present research aimed to determine the level of motor development in students of initial level of the I.E.C.J. 364 "Bello Horizonte" of the district of San Juan Bautista; Iquitos 2021; Methodology: It is considered the research of type of population studies, descriptive, non-correlational which did not require hypotheses, has a non-experimental cross-sectional research design, presents a non-probabilistic sampling for convenience, made up of all students from 3 to 5 years of both sexes, Being 94 participants to whom the Battelle Scale was applied in the area of motor development, This instrument is made up of four dimensions: Gross Motor, Muscle Coordination, Locomotion, Fine Motor Skills, Perceptual Motor Skills; the information collected was entered into a database created with the SPS 22.0 software; which obtained the following results: according to the level of motor development 52.13% of the students is at a medium level, as well as the dimension of muscle coordination with 51.06%, the dimension of locomotion with 50% of the students and the dimension of fine motor with 46.80% in relation to the dimension of perceptual motor skills are also in a medium level, 55.02% of the students are at a low level.
The present research aimed to determine the level of motor development in students of initial level of the I.E.C.J. 364 "Bello Horizonte" of the district of San Juan Bautista; Iquitos 2021; Methodology: It is considered the research of type of population studies, descriptive, non-correlational which did not require hypotheses, has a non-experimental cross-sectional research design, presents a non-probabilistic sampling for convenience, made up of all students from 3 to 5 years of both sexes, Being 94 participants to whom the Battelle Scale was applied in the area of motor development, This instrument is made up of four dimensions: Gross Motor, Muscle Coordination, Locomotion, Fine Motor Skills, Perceptual Motor Skills; the information collected was entered into a database created with the SPS 22.0 software; which obtained the following results: according to the level of motor development 52.13% of the students is at a medium level, as well as the dimension of muscle coordination with 51.06%, the dimension of locomotion with 50% of the students and the dimension of fine motor with 46.80% in relation to the dimension of perceptual motor skills are also in a medium level, 55.02% of the students are at a low level.
Desarrollo motor, Estudiantes, Escala de Battelle, Motor development, Students, Battelle scale
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