Conocimiento y actitudes sobre el examen de papanicolaou en usuarias que acuden al centro de salud 6 octubre, 2020
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Universidad Científica del Perú
Introducción: El examen de Papanicolaou ha demostrado que su utilización periódica reduce de manera importante la morbilidad y mortalidad por esta neoplasia. Objetivo: Relacionar el nivel de conocimiento y las actitudes sobre el examen de Papanicolaou en usuarias que acuden al Centro de Salud 6 octubre, 2020. Metodología: El estudio fue de tipo cuantitativo no experimental de diseño analítico, correlacional y prospectivo; La muestra estuvo conformada por el total de la población de usuarias que acudieron al Centro de Salud 6 octubre durante el mes de diciembre 2020 empleándose un muestreo por conveniencia. Resultados: se encontró edades entre 31 a 49 años, estudios secundarios, predomino la convivencia, la religión católica y amas de casa, inicio de relaciones sexuales de 15 a 17 años, de 3 a más hijos, no hubo abortos y tienen 1 pareja sexual, la anticoncepción más utilizada fueron los hormonales entre inyectables y píldoras; no tuvieron antecedentes de ITS, tampoco antecedentes familiares de cáncer, predomino la realización del exámen de Papanicolaou, El 50.4% tuvo un nivel Bueno y predomino la actitud negativa (56.5%). Conclusión: Se encontró una relación estadística muy significativa (p = 0.000). entre el nivel de conocimiento y actitudes sobre el examen de Papanicolaou.
Introduction: Papanicolaou examination has shown that its periodic use significantly reduces morbidity and mortality from this neoplasm. Objective: To relate the level of knowledge and attitudes about the Pap smear in users who come to the Health Center October 6, 2020. Methodology: The study was of a quantitative non-experimental type of analytical, correlational and prospective design; The sample was made up of the total population of users who attended the Health Center on October 6 during the month of December 2020, using a convenience sampling. Results: there were ages between 31 to 49 years old, secondary studies, coexistence, the Catholic religion and housewives predominated, the beginning of sexual relations between 15 and 17 years old, from 3 to more children, there were no abortions and they have 1 sexual partner , the most used contraception were the hormonal ones between injectables and pills; They did not have a history of STIs, nor a family history of cancer, the Papanicolaou examination predominated, 50.4% had a Good level and a negative attitude predominated (56.5%). Conclusion: A highly significant statistical relationship was found (p = 0.000). between the level of knowledge and attitudes about the Pap smear
Introduction: Papanicolaou examination has shown that its periodic use significantly reduces morbidity and mortality from this neoplasm. Objective: To relate the level of knowledge and attitudes about the Pap smear in users who come to the Health Center October 6, 2020. Methodology: The study was of a quantitative non-experimental type of analytical, correlational and prospective design; The sample was made up of the total population of users who attended the Health Center on October 6 during the month of December 2020, using a convenience sampling. Results: there were ages between 31 to 49 years old, secondary studies, coexistence, the Catholic religion and housewives predominated, the beginning of sexual relations between 15 and 17 years old, from 3 to more children, there were no abortions and they have 1 sexual partner , the most used contraception were the hormonal ones between injectables and pills; They did not have a history of STIs, nor a family history of cancer, the Papanicolaou examination predominated, 50.4% had a Good level and a negative attitude predominated (56.5%). Conclusion: A highly significant statistical relationship was found (p = 0.000). between the level of knowledge and attitudes about the Pap smear
Conocimiento, Actitud, Examen Papanicolaou, Knowledge, Attitude, Pap Smear
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