Factores de riesgo y conocimiento sobre cáncer de cuello uterino en mujeres atendidas en el centro oncológico de Loreto, 2022
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Universidad Científica del Perú
El proyecto de investigación tuvo como objetivo principal determinar la
relación que existe entre los factores de riesgo y nivel conocimiento del
cáncer de cuello uterino en mujeres atendidas en el Centro Oncológico de
Loreto, Metodología: El estudio fue del tipo, no experimental, prospectivo,
transversal, descriptiva, y correlacional; con una muestra de 220 mujeres.
La técnica empleada fue la encuesta, y el instrumento un cuestionario
sobre datos sociodemográficos, así como los factores de riego y nivel de
conocimiento. Resultados: Con respecto a los factores sociodemográficos
el 36.7% fue la edad promedio 18 a 59 años de las mujeres atendidas, el
56.4% tienen grado de instrucción secundaria, el 68.6% la ocupación fue
ama de casa, el 42.3% su estado civil fue conviviente. Con respecto a las
dimensiones de los factores de riesgo se encontró de las 220 mujeres
encuestadas las características reproductivas 46.8% y hábitos
inadecuados 31.7% fueron las más predominantes. Con respecto a las
dimensiones del nivel de conocimiento: concepto 36.3% y medidas
preventivas fueron las mas predominantes, mientras que el 87.7%
tuvieron un nivel de conocimiento alto, seguido de un 12.3% que tuvieron
un nivel de conocimiento medio. Al analizar la relación entre los factores
de riesgo y el nivel de conocimiento el p-valor 0.005 nos indica que existe
diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre el riesgo y nivel de
conocimiento medio sobre el cáncer de cuello uterino. Conclusiones: No
se encontró relación significativa entre en los factores de riesgo: entre el
factor y nivel de conocimiento alto. Sin embargo, se encontró relación
estadísticamente significativa entre el factor y nivel de conocimiento
medio de cáncer de cuello uterino.
The main of the research project was to determine the relationship between risk factors and the level of knowledge of cervical cancer in women treated at the Loreto Cancer Center. Methodology: The study was non-experimental, prospective, cross-sectional, descriptive, and correlational; with a sample of 220 women. The technique used was the survey, and the instrument was a questionnaire on sociodemographic data, as well as risk factors and level of knowledge. Results: Regarding the sociodemographic factors, 36.7% was the average age 18 to 59 years of the women attended, 56.4% have a secondary education degree, 68.6% the occupation was housewife, 42.3% their state civilian was cohabiting. Regarding the dimensions of the risk factors, of the 220 women surveyed, reproductive characteristics 46.8% and inappropriate habits 31.7% were the most predominant. Regarding the dimensions of the level of knowledge: concept 36.3% and preventive measures were the most predominant, while 87.7% had a high level of knowledge, followed by 12.3% who had a medium level of knowledge. When analyzing the relationship between the risk factors and the level of knowledge, the pvalue 0.005 indicates that there are statistically significant differences between the risk and the average level of knowledge about cervical cancer. Conclusions: No significant relationship was found between the risk factors: between the factor and high level of knowledge. However, a statistically significant relationship was found between the factor and the average level of knowledge of cervical cancer.
The main of the research project was to determine the relationship between risk factors and the level of knowledge of cervical cancer in women treated at the Loreto Cancer Center. Methodology: The study was non-experimental, prospective, cross-sectional, descriptive, and correlational; with a sample of 220 women. The technique used was the survey, and the instrument was a questionnaire on sociodemographic data, as well as risk factors and level of knowledge. Results: Regarding the sociodemographic factors, 36.7% was the average age 18 to 59 years of the women attended, 56.4% have a secondary education degree, 68.6% the occupation was housewife, 42.3% their state civilian was cohabiting. Regarding the dimensions of the risk factors, of the 220 women surveyed, reproductive characteristics 46.8% and inappropriate habits 31.7% were the most predominant. Regarding the dimensions of the level of knowledge: concept 36.3% and preventive measures were the most predominant, while 87.7% had a high level of knowledge, followed by 12.3% who had a medium level of knowledge. When analyzing the relationship between the risk factors and the level of knowledge, the pvalue 0.005 indicates that there are statistically significant differences between the risk and the average level of knowledge about cervical cancer. Conclusions: No significant relationship was found between the risk factors: between the factor and high level of knowledge. However, a statistically significant relationship was found between the factor and the average level of knowledge of cervical cancer.
Cáncer de cuello uterino, Factores de riesgo, Nivel de conocimiento, Mujeres adultas, Centro Oncológico de Loreto, Cervical cancer, Risk factors, Level of knowledge, Adult women, Loreto Cancer Center
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