Implementación de plan anual de sst para la ejecución de la obra vial mejoramiento de la calle Libertad, distrito de Iquitos, provincia de Maynas, 2021
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Universidad Científica del Perú
En la Obra material del Presente se implementó el Plan anual de Seguridad y Salud donde se identificó los peligros, prevenimos riesgos de accidentes y garantizamos las medidas de control de bioseguridad necesarios.
Desde el momento de ingreso se cumplió con todos los protocolos de bioseguridad como lavado de manos, desinfección con alcohol, toma de temperatura con termómetro infrarrojo y pulsioxímetro, sobre todo llevando constantemente charlas de 30 minutos para la concientización del personal formando una cultura de seguridad y salud en el trabajo.
Tomando como referencia y poniendo en ejecución toda las Normas, OIT, Matriz IPER, entre otros se logró la meta de Cero Incidentes y Cero Accidentes durante la ejecución de la construcción de la Obra y se detectó un caso de COVID-19 el cual se tuvo seguimiento y un informe clínico para el retorno de las actividades.
In the material work of the present, the annual health and safety plan was implemented where hazards were identified, we prevented risks of accidents and we guaranteed the necessary biosafety control measures. From de moment of admission, all biosafety protocols such as hand washing, alcohol disinfection, temperature taking with an infrared thermometer and pulse oximeter were complied with, above all, constantly conducting 30-minute talks to raise awareness of the staff, forming a culture of safety and security in the work. Taking as a reference and implementing all the standards, OIT, Matriz IPER, among others, the goal of zero incidents and cero accidents was achieved during the execution of the work and a case of COVID-19 was detected which was had monitoring and a clinical report for the return of activities.
In the material work of the present, the annual health and safety plan was implemented where hazards were identified, we prevented risks of accidents and we guaranteed the necessary biosafety control measures. From de moment of admission, all biosafety protocols such as hand washing, alcohol disinfection, temperature taking with an infrared thermometer and pulse oximeter were complied with, above all, constantly conducting 30-minute talks to raise awareness of the staff, forming a culture of safety and security in the work. Taking as a reference and implementing all the standards, OIT, Matriz IPER, among others, the goal of zero incidents and cero accidents was achieved during the execution of the work and a case of COVID-19 was detected which was had monitoring and a clinical report for the return of activities.
Plan de Seguridad y Salud, Peligro, Riesgo, Protocolo de bioseguridad, Incidente, Accidente, Health and Safety Plan, Danger, Risk, Biosafety Protocol, Incident, Accident
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