Nivel de satisfacción brindada por la enfermera sobre suplementación con hierro del hospital regional de Loreto – 2022
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Universidad Cientìfica del Perù
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo: Determinar el nivel de satisfacción
de tele orientación brindada por la enfermera sobre suplementación
con hierro del Hospital Regional de Loreto, 2022. Metodología: Estudio es
cuantitativo, descriptivo, transversal y retrospectivo. Resultados el nivel de
satisfacción materna de la tele orientación sobre la suplementación con hierro
en el componente técnico científico en el Hospital Regional, 97.0% manifiestan
que el nivel de satisfacción es alto.
En cuanto al nivel de satisfacción materna de la tele orientación brindada
por la enfermera acerca de la suplementación con hierro en el componente
interpersonal en el Hospital Regional, 97.9% manifiestan que el nivel de
satisfacción es alto. en el nivel de satisfacción materna de la tele orientación
brindada por la enfermera acerca de la suplementación con hierro en el
componente entorno tecnológico del Hospital Regional, 80.3% manifiestan
que el nivel de satisfacción es alto. Se concluye que el nivel de satisfacción
de tele orientación brindada por la enfermera sobre suplementación con
hierro del Hospital Regional de Loreto, es alta con 97.9%.
The objective of this research was: To determine the level of satisfaction of tele-guidance provided by the nurse on iron supplementation at the Regional Hospital of Loreto, 2022. Methodology: The study is quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional and retrospective. Results the level of maternal satisfaction of the teleguidance on iron supplementation in the technicalscientific component in the Regional Hospital, 97.0% state that the level of satisfaction is high. Regarding the level of maternal satisfaction of the teleguidance provided by the nurse about iron supplementation in the interpersonal component at the Regional Hospital, 97.9% state that the level of satisfaction is high. In the level of maternal satisfaction of the teleguidance provided by the nurse about iron supplementation in the technological environment component of the Regional Hospital, 80.3% state that the level of satisfaction is high. It is concluded that the level of satisfaction of teleguidance provided by the nurse on iron supplementation of the Regional Hospital of Loreto, is high with 97.9%.
The objective of this research was: To determine the level of satisfaction of tele-guidance provided by the nurse on iron supplementation at the Regional Hospital of Loreto, 2022. Methodology: The study is quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional and retrospective. Results the level of maternal satisfaction of the teleguidance on iron supplementation in the technicalscientific component in the Regional Hospital, 97.0% state that the level of satisfaction is high. Regarding the level of maternal satisfaction of the teleguidance provided by the nurse about iron supplementation in the interpersonal component at the Regional Hospital, 97.9% state that the level of satisfaction is high. In the level of maternal satisfaction of the teleguidance provided by the nurse about iron supplementation in the technological environment component of the Regional Hospital, 80.3% state that the level of satisfaction is high. It is concluded that the level of satisfaction of teleguidance provided by the nurse on iron supplementation of the Regional Hospital of Loreto, is high with 97.9%.
Nivel de satisfacción, Anemia, Tele orientación, Level of satisfaction, Anemia, Teleorientation
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