Covid -19 y terapia fisica y rehabilitacion: revision sistematica de literatura
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Universidad Científica del Perú
Con el Objetivo de determinar el nivel de evidencia en relación al impacto
de los programas de Terapia Física y Rehabilitación propuestos a pacientes
sobrevivientes de COVID-19, mediante Revisión Sistemática de Literatura
se realiza la presente investigación, cuya metodología es un estudio
transversal observacional, siguiendo las pautas de los elementos de
informe preferidos para las revisiones sistemáticas y la lista de verificación
de metanálisis (PRISMA). Pasamos largamente los al menos 20 ensayos
clínicos sobre el tema de la Tesis propuestos inicialmente. Se concluye
que se ha determinado mediante revisión sistemática de literatura que la
aplicación de protocolos de terapia física contribuye a una asistencia
médica multidisciplinaria especializada y segura para pacientes con
infección COVID-19. la aplicación de terapia física ayuda a la reducción del
dolor y de la sintomatología de los pacientes Covid-19, mejorando
sustantivamente la calidad de vida. Los servicios de rehabilitación
requeridos por los sobrevivientes de COVID-19 son tanto en fase aguda de
la enfermedad y también durante estancia en UCI en prevención de
discapacidad como en fisioterapia del tórax. Se debe continuar trabajando
el tema del impacto de la Terapia Física en la rehabilitación de pacientes
afectados por Covid-19, tanto en fase aguda de la enfermedad, en UCI y
en la rehabilitación post UCI.
With the objective of determining the level of evidence in relation to the impact of the Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation programs proposed to surviving patients of COVID-19, the present investigation is carried out through a Systematic Literature Review, whose methodology is an observational cross-sectional study, following guidelines for preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analysis checklist (PRISMA). We spent a long time the at least 20 clinical trials on the theme of the Thesis initially proposed. It is concluded that it has been determined through a systematic review of the literature that the application of physical therapy protocols contributes to specialized and safe multidisciplinary medical care for patients with COVID-19 infection. The application of physical therapy helps reduce pain and symptoms in Covid-19 patients, substantially improving the quality of life. The rehabilitation services required by survivors of COVID-19 are both in the acute phase of the disease and also during the ICU stay in disability prevention and chest physiotherapy. Work should continue on the issue of the impact of Physical Therapy on the rehabilitation of patients affected by Covid-19, both in the acute phase of the disease, in the ICU and in post-ICU rehabilitation.
With the objective of determining the level of evidence in relation to the impact of the Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation programs proposed to surviving patients of COVID-19, the present investigation is carried out through a Systematic Literature Review, whose methodology is an observational cross-sectional study, following guidelines for preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analysis checklist (PRISMA). We spent a long time the at least 20 clinical trials on the theme of the Thesis initially proposed. It is concluded that it has been determined through a systematic review of the literature that the application of physical therapy protocols contributes to specialized and safe multidisciplinary medical care for patients with COVID-19 infection. The application of physical therapy helps reduce pain and symptoms in Covid-19 patients, substantially improving the quality of life. The rehabilitation services required by survivors of COVID-19 are both in the acute phase of the disease and also during the ICU stay in disability prevention and chest physiotherapy. Work should continue on the issue of the impact of Physical Therapy on the rehabilitation of patients affected by Covid-19, both in the acute phase of the disease, in the ICU and in post-ICU rehabilitation.
Covid-19, Terapia Física, Revisión Sistemática de Literatura, Covid-19, Physical Therapy, Systematic Literature Review
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