Biomasa y stock de carbono en las especies comerciales de un bosque de terraza baja del distrito del Napo, Loreto, 2019
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Universidad Científica del Perú
Se determinó la biomasa y stock de carbono en un bosque de terraza baja del distrito del Napo, durante el periódo 2019-2020, Loreto. Se evaluaron los datos del inventario forestal de las especies comerciales de la parcela de corta (PC)1. La biomasa seca se estimó en forma indirecta utilizando el volumen comercial y la densidad básica. Se registraron en total 116 árboles, agrupados en 17 especies forestales comerciales y 11 familias botánicas. Se estimó una biomasa total de 22 851 652,07 kg (19 363,84 kg/ha) y un stock de carbono total de 11 425,83 tC (9,68 tC/ha). La clase diamétrica que contiene el mayor stock de carbono es la de 40 cm a 49 cm (3,09 tC/ha y 3 650,86 tC), seguida de las clases diamétricas de 50 cm a 59 cm (1,98 tC/ha y 2 331,29 tC) y de 30 cm a 39 cm (1,89 tC/ha y 2 230,04 tC). Virola loretensis (2,16 tC/ha y 2 543,78 tC) reporta el mayor stock de carbono, seguida de Eschweilera grandiflora (1,53 tC/ha y 1 804,03 tC), Cedrelinga cateniformis (1,31 tC/ha y 1 545,76 tC) y Otoba glycicarpa (1,21 tC/ha y 1 430,17 tC). La correlación es alta entre el DAP y la biomasa (r=0,90) y el stock de carbono (r=0,91).
The biomass and carbon stock were determined in a low-terrace forest of the Napo district, Loreto, during the 2019-2020 period. The data of the forest inventory of the commercial species of the cutting plot (PC) 1 was evaluated. Dry biomass was estimated indirectly using commercial volume and basic density. A total of 116 trees were registered, grouped into 17 commercial forest species and 11 botanical families. A total biomass of 22 851 652,07 kg (19 363.84 kg/ha) and a total carbon stock of 11 425,83 tC (9,68 tC/ha) were estimated. The diameter class of 40 cm to 49 cm contains the largest carbon stock (3,09 tC/ha and 3650,86 tC), followed by the diameter classes of 50 cm to 59 cm (1,98 tC/ha and 2 331,29 tC) and from 30 cm to 39 cm (1,89 tC/ha and 2 230,04 tC). Virola loretensis (2,16 tC/ha and 2 543,78 tC) reports the highest carbon stock, followed by Eschweilera grandiflora (1,53 tC/ha and 1804,03 tC), Cedrelinga cateniformis (1,31 tC/ha and 1545.76 tC) and Otoba glycicarpa (1,21 tC/ha and 1430.17 tC). The correlation between DBH and biomass is high (r = 0,90) and carbon stock (r = 0,91).
The biomass and carbon stock were determined in a low-terrace forest of the Napo district, Loreto, during the 2019-2020 period. The data of the forest inventory of the commercial species of the cutting plot (PC) 1 was evaluated. Dry biomass was estimated indirectly using commercial volume and basic density. A total of 116 trees were registered, grouped into 17 commercial forest species and 11 botanical families. A total biomass of 22 851 652,07 kg (19 363.84 kg/ha) and a total carbon stock of 11 425,83 tC (9,68 tC/ha) were estimated. The diameter class of 40 cm to 49 cm contains the largest carbon stock (3,09 tC/ha and 3650,86 tC), followed by the diameter classes of 50 cm to 59 cm (1,98 tC/ha and 2 331,29 tC) and from 30 cm to 39 cm (1,89 tC/ha and 2 230,04 tC). Virola loretensis (2,16 tC/ha and 2 543,78 tC) reports the highest carbon stock, followed by Eschweilera grandiflora (1,53 tC/ha and 1804,03 tC), Cedrelinga cateniformis (1,31 tC/ha and 1545.76 tC) and Otoba glycicarpa (1,21 tC/ha and 1430.17 tC). The correlation between DBH and biomass is high (r = 0,90) and carbon stock (r = 0,91).
Biomasa, Stock de carbono, Terraza baja, Distrito del Napo, Loreto, Biomass, Carbon stock, Low terrace, Napo district, Loreto
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