Nivel de conocimiento sobre diabetes mellitus tipo 2 relacionado con los factores de riesgo en personas adultas que acuden a la Ipress progreso- San Juan Bautista 2024
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Universidad Científica del Perú
El objetivo de este estudio busca evaluar el grado de comprensión acerca
de la diabetes mellitus tipo 2 en adultos, focalizando en los factores que
incrementan el riesgo, en los asistentes de la IPRESS Progreso, San Juan
Bautista en el año 2024. Metodología: Se empleó un enfoque cuantitativo y
descriptivo, utilizando un diseño no experimental, transversal, prospectivo
y correlacional. La muestra consistió en 100 adultos de 20 años en
adelante. La recolección de datos se realizó mediante dos instrumentos
validados. Resultados: Del total de adultos encuestados, el 70% demostró
tener un nivel de conocimiento sobre la diabetes mellitus tipo 2. La
distribución por género reveló que el 56% eran mujeres, mientras que el
60% tenía menos de 45 años. En cuanto al índice de masa corporal (IMC),
el 54% presentaba valores entre 25 y 30. Además, el 80% reportó no
realizar actividad física, el 86% no estaba recibiendo tratamiento para la
hipertensión arterial, y el 88% no tenía niveles elevados de glucosa.
Respecto a los antecedentes familiares de diabetes mellitus, el 58% de los
participantes afirmaron tenerlos, y el 44% mostró un nivel de riesgo
moderado-alto. Conclusiones: Se observará una asociación significativa
entre el nivel de conocimiento sobre la diabetes mellitus tipo 2 y varios
factores de riesgo en los adultos, incluyendo el sexo (p=0.02256), la edad
(p=0.033), el IMC (p=0.01893). ), la actividad física (p=0.01376), la falta de
tratamiento para la hipertensión arterial (p=0.03055), y los antecedentes
familiares de diabetes (p=0.0005139). Esto sugiere una evaluación entre el
conocimiento sobre la diabetes mellitus tipo 2 y los factores de riesgo en la
población adulta (p<0.05, p=0.000).
The objective of this study seeks to evaluate the degree of understanding about type 2 diabetes mellitus in adults, focusing on the factors that increase the risk, in the attendees of the IPRESS Progreso, San Juan Bautista in the year 2024. Methodology: It was used a quantitative and descriptive approach, using a non-experimental, cross-sectional, prospective and correlational design. The sample consisted of 100 adults aged 20 years and older. Data collection was carried out using two validated instruments. Results: Of the total number of adults surveyed, 70% demonstrated a level of knowledge about type 2 diabetes mellitus. Distribution by gender revealed that 56% were women, while 60% were under 45 years of age. Regarding the body mass index (BMI), 54% had values between 25 and 30. In addition, 80% reported not doing physical activity, 86% were not receiving treatment for high blood pressure, and 88% did not have elevated glucose levels. Regarding a family history of diabetes mellitus, 58% of the participants stated they had it, and 44% showed a moderate-high risk level. Conclusions: A significant association will be observed between the level of knowledge about type 2 diabetes mellitus and several risk factors in adults, including sex (p=0.02256), age (p=0.033), BMI (p=0.01893 ). ), physical activity (p=0.01376), lack of treatment for high blood pressure (p=0.03055), and family history of diabetes (p=0.0005139). This suggests an evaluation between knowledge about type 2 diabetes mellitus and risk factors in the adult population (p<0.05, p=0.000).
The objective of this study seeks to evaluate the degree of understanding about type 2 diabetes mellitus in adults, focusing on the factors that increase the risk, in the attendees of the IPRESS Progreso, San Juan Bautista in the year 2024. Methodology: It was used a quantitative and descriptive approach, using a non-experimental, cross-sectional, prospective and correlational design. The sample consisted of 100 adults aged 20 years and older. Data collection was carried out using two validated instruments. Results: Of the total number of adults surveyed, 70% demonstrated a level of knowledge about type 2 diabetes mellitus. Distribution by gender revealed that 56% were women, while 60% were under 45 years of age. Regarding the body mass index (BMI), 54% had values between 25 and 30. In addition, 80% reported not doing physical activity, 86% were not receiving treatment for high blood pressure, and 88% did not have elevated glucose levels. Regarding a family history of diabetes mellitus, 58% of the participants stated they had it, and 44% showed a moderate-high risk level. Conclusions: A significant association will be observed between the level of knowledge about type 2 diabetes mellitus and several risk factors in adults, including sex (p=0.02256), age (p=0.033), BMI (p=0.01893 ). ), physical activity (p=0.01376), lack of treatment for high blood pressure (p=0.03055), and family history of diabetes (p=0.0005139). This suggests an evaluation between knowledge about type 2 diabetes mellitus and risk factors in the adult population (p<0.05, p=0.000).
Persona adulta, Diabetes mellitus tipo 2, Conocimiento, Factores de riesgo, Adult, Type 2 diabetes mellitus, Knowledge, Risk factors
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