Escoliosis postural en estudiantes de nivel primario de la I.E.P.M. 601581 “Corazón de Jesús” del distrito de San Juan Bautista, Iquitos 2019
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Universidad Científica del Perú
El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar la frecuencia de escoliosis postural y su relación con el sexo y la edad, aplicando el test de Adams- adaptada por García Orihuela, en estudiantes de nivel primario de la I.E.P.M. 601581 “Corazón de Jesús” del distrito de San Juan Bautista, Iquitos en el año 2019. Esta investigación Tiene un diseño exploratorio de corte transversal, cuantitativa de tipo descriptivo correlacional, no experimental. Este estudio requirió del cálculo de tamaño muestral para poblaciones finitas; Siendo el total de la muestra 182 estudiantes de ambos sexos ;según los resultados se demostró que el 41.76% de estudiantes presentan escoliosis postural, siendo el sexo masculino con mayor frecuencia con un 44.31% en comparación al sexo femenino con un 39.37% ,siendo estadísticamente significativa p<0.05, se evidenció relación significativa de la escoliosis postural con la edad y el sexo se obtuvo un Chi-cuadrado: 12.3128; gl.:5 ,p: 0.03074 ,p<0.05, con relación al sexo y un Chi-cuadrado de: 0.0459102, gl. : 1, p: 0.0498 p, <0.05.con relación a la edad. El sexo masculino presenta mayor frecuencia de escoliosis en C con un 64.47% y el sexo femenino presentan mayor frecuencia de escoliosis en S con un 35.53%.
The objective of this research was to determine the frequency of postural scoliosis by applying the Adams test adapted for Garcia Orihuela on primary-level students at I.E.P.M. 601581 "Heart of Jesus" in the district of San Juan Bautista, Iquitos in 2019. This quantitative research of a correlational, non-experimental descriptive type. It has an exploratory crosssectional design, for this study required the calculation of the sample size for finite populations; The total sample is 182 students of both sexes ;according to the results it was shown that 41.76% of students have postural scoliosis, being the male sex more often with 44.31% compared to the female sex with 39.37%, being statistically significant p< 0.05, significant ratio of postural scolysis was evident in relation to in relation to sex a Chisquare of: 0.0459102, gl was obtained. : 1, p: 0.0498 p, < 0.05. The male sex has a higher frequency of Scoliosis in C with 64.47% and the female sex has a higher frequency of S scoliosis with 35.53%.
The objective of this research was to determine the frequency of postural scoliosis by applying the Adams test adapted for Garcia Orihuela on primary-level students at I.E.P.M. 601581 "Heart of Jesus" in the district of San Juan Bautista, Iquitos in 2019. This quantitative research of a correlational, non-experimental descriptive type. It has an exploratory crosssectional design, for this study required the calculation of the sample size for finite populations; The total sample is 182 students of both sexes ;according to the results it was shown that 41.76% of students have postural scoliosis, being the male sex more often with 44.31% compared to the female sex with 39.37%, being statistically significant p< 0.05, significant ratio of postural scolysis was evident in relation to in relation to sex a Chisquare of: 0.0459102, gl was obtained. : 1, p: 0.0498 p, < 0.05. The male sex has a higher frequency of Scoliosis in C with 64.47% and the female sex has a higher frequency of S scoliosis with 35.53%.
Escoliosis postural, Desviación escoliótica, Nivel primario, Postural scoliosis, Scoliotic deviation, Primary level
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