Influencia del marketing relacional en la satisfacción de los clientes del banco de crédito del Perú, de la ciudad de Iquitos, año 2023
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Universidad Científica del Perú
La investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la influencia del
marketing relacional en la satisfacción del cliente del Banco de
Crédito de la ciudad de Iquitos. La metodología fue descriptiva;
diseño no experimental; con muestra 200 clientes; aplicó encuesta
como instrumento de recolección de datos. Los resultados mostraron
que, 81.5%; de los usuarios percibe empatía media en la
comunicación del banco, subrayando la necesidad de adaptar
mensajes a contextos específicos con un lenguaje sencillo y canales
accesibles, gestión de la relación con el cliente es clave con un
84.5%; valorando altamente las estrategias de retención; mientras
que, 90.5%; resaltó el impacto del customer lifetime value, en la
asignación de recursos para maximizar relaciones valiosas,
satisfacción del cliente alcanzó un 52.5% alto, atribuida a la atención
del personal, aunque se señala la importancia de mejorar tiempos de
espera y calidad de respuesta, especialmente con personal nuevo,
54% considera crucial la confianza proyectada por los
colaboradores, vinculada a integridad y transparencia. Finalmente,
79.6%; valora altamente la disposición del banco para atender
requerimientos, enfatizando la importancia de un servicio al cliente
sobresaliente que combina empatía, resolución eficiente y
The research aimed to determine the influence of relational marketing on customer satisfaction at the Credit Bank of the city of Iquitos. The methodology was descriptive; non-experimental design; with a sample of 200 clients; a survey was applied as a data collection instrument. The results showed that 81.5% of users perceive a medium level of empathy in the bank's communication, highlighting the need to adapt messages to specific contexts with simple language and accessible channels; customer relationship management is key with 84.5%; highly valuing retention strategies; while 90.5%; highlighted the impact of customer lifetime value, in the allocation of resources to maximize valuable relationships; customer satisfaction reached a high 52.5%, attributed to staff attention, although the importance of improving waiting times and response quality is noted, especially with new staff; 54% consider the confidence projected by employees, linked to integrity and transparency, to be crucial. Finally, 79.6%; highly values the bank's willingness to meet requirements, emphasizing the importance of outstanding customer service that combines empathy, efficient resolution and personalization.
The research aimed to determine the influence of relational marketing on customer satisfaction at the Credit Bank of the city of Iquitos. The methodology was descriptive; non-experimental design; with a sample of 200 clients; a survey was applied as a data collection instrument. The results showed that 81.5% of users perceive a medium level of empathy in the bank's communication, highlighting the need to adapt messages to specific contexts with simple language and accessible channels; customer relationship management is key with 84.5%; highly valuing retention strategies; while 90.5%; highlighted the impact of customer lifetime value, in the allocation of resources to maximize valuable relationships; customer satisfaction reached a high 52.5%, attributed to staff attention, although the importance of improving waiting times and response quality is noted, especially with new staff; 54% consider the confidence projected by employees, linked to integrity and transparency, to be crucial. Finally, 79.6%; highly values the bank's willingness to meet requirements, emphasizing the importance of outstanding customer service that combines empathy, efficient resolution and personalization.
Marketing relacional, Sector financiero, Relationship marketing, Financial sector
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