Conocimientos y prácticas de prevención de la enfermedad del dengue en pobladores del AA. HH Bellavista Nanay, Iquitos 2023
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Universidad Científica del Perú
El objetivo de la investigación fue “Determinar el nivel de conocimientos y
prácticas de prevención de la enfermedad del Dengue en los pobladores
del AA. HH Bellavista Nanay, Iquitos 2023”. El tipo de investigación fue
cuantitativo, con un diseño no experimental, descriptivo, correlacional,
transversal y prospectivo. La Muestra fue de 222 pobladores; se utilizó la
técnica de la encuesta y la observación, cuyos instrumentos fueron el
cuestionario y la guía de observación, teniendo una validez de 0.786 y una
confiabilidad de 0.750. Los resultados fueron, en relación a la variable
independiente el 64,4% de los pobladores calificaron con nivel de
conocimiento medio sobre prevención de la enfermedad del Dengue, el
30,6%con un nivel bajo y el 5,0% con un nivel alto. En cuanto a la variable
dependiente prácticas preventivas sobre el dengue, los resultados
demuestran que en los pobladores predominan las prácticas inadecuadas
en un 87,8%, mientras que el 12,2% de ellos realizan prácticas adecuadas.
Relacionando las variables, el 87,8% de los pobladores realizan prácticas
preventivas inadecuadas sobre la enfermedad del Dengue, de los cuales el
53,6% presentó conocimiento medio y al aplicar la prueba estadística no
paramétrica de chi cuadrado se estimó un valor de p<0,001, lo que permite
aceptar la hipótesis planteada (Ha), es decir, existe relación estadística
significativa entre el nivel de conocimiento y prácticas preventivas de los
pobladores del AA.HH. Bellavista Nanay, Iquitos 2023.
The objective of the research was "To determine the level of knowledge and prevention practices of Dengue disease in the residents of the AA. HH Bellavista Nanay, Iquitos 2023." The type of research was quantitative, with a non-experimental, descriptive, correlational, transversal and prospective design. The Sample was 222 residents; The survey and observation technique was used, whose instruments were the questionnaire and the observation guide, having a Validity of 0.786 and a reliability of 0.750. The results were, in relation to the independent variable, 64.4% of the residents qualified with a medium level of knowledge about prevention of Dengue disease, 30.6% with a low level and 5.0% with a high level. high. Regarding the dependent variable preventive practices on dengue, the results show that inappropriate practices predominate in 87.8% of the residents, while 12.2% of them carry out appropriate practices. Relating the variables, 87.8% of the residents carry out inadequate preventive practices on Dengue disease, of which 53.6% presented average knowledge and by applying the non-parametric statistical test of chi square, a value of p was estimated. <0.001, which allows us to accept the proposed hypothesis (Ha), that is, there is a significant statistical relationship between the level of knowledge and preventive practices of the residents of the AA.HH. Bellavista Nanay, Iquitos 2023.
The objective of the research was "To determine the level of knowledge and prevention practices of Dengue disease in the residents of the AA. HH Bellavista Nanay, Iquitos 2023." The type of research was quantitative, with a non-experimental, descriptive, correlational, transversal and prospective design. The Sample was 222 residents; The survey and observation technique was used, whose instruments were the questionnaire and the observation guide, having a Validity of 0.786 and a reliability of 0.750. The results were, in relation to the independent variable, 64.4% of the residents qualified with a medium level of knowledge about prevention of Dengue disease, 30.6% with a low level and 5.0% with a high level. high. Regarding the dependent variable preventive practices on dengue, the results show that inappropriate practices predominate in 87.8% of the residents, while 12.2% of them carry out appropriate practices. Relating the variables, 87.8% of the residents carry out inadequate preventive practices on Dengue disease, of which 53.6% presented average knowledge and by applying the non-parametric statistical test of chi square, a value of p was estimated. <0.001, which allows us to accept the proposed hypothesis (Ha), that is, there is a significant statistical relationship between the level of knowledge and preventive practices of the residents of the AA.HH. Bellavista Nanay, Iquitos 2023.
Conocimientos, Prácticas y Dengue, Knowledge, Practices and Dengue
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