Estilo de aprendizaje en estudiantes del primero de secundaria en la I.E n° 60775, Nauta, 2022
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Universidad Científica del Perú
La investigación incluyo el objetivo de: “Evaluar el Estilo de Aprendizaje que tienen los Estudiantes del Primero de Secundaria de la I.E. Nº 60775, Nauta, 2022”.
El estudio incorporó un tipo descriptivo. Con diseño no experimental y diseño descriptivo transversal.
La población se conformó por 35 estudiantes de primer año de Secundaria de la I.E. N.º 60775, durante el 2022. La muestra lo conformaron los 35 estudiantes de la población del 1er Año de Secundaria de la I.E N° 60775, durante el 2022. Para seleccionar la muestra se empleó la no aleatoria intencionada.
La encuesta se empleó como técnica y el cuestionario como instrumento. Los resultados indican que No tienen Estilo de aprendizaje los Estudiantes del Primero de Secundaria en la I.E N° 60775, Nauta, 2022.
The research includes the objective of: “Evaluate the Learning Style of the First Secondary School Students of the I.E. No. 60775, Nauta, 2022”. The study incorporated a descriptive type. With non-experimental design and transversal descriptive design. The population was made up of 35 first-year secondary school students of the I.E. No. 60775, during 2022. The sample was made up of 35 students from the population of the 1st Year of Secondary School of I.E No. 60775, during 2022. To select the sample, the intentional non-random method was used. The survey was used as a technique and the questionnaire as an instrument. The results indicate that First Year Secondary School Students in I.E No. 60775, Nauta, 2022 do not have a learning style.
The research includes the objective of: “Evaluate the Learning Style of the First Secondary School Students of the I.E. No. 60775, Nauta, 2022”. The study incorporated a descriptive type. With non-experimental design and transversal descriptive design. The population was made up of 35 first-year secondary school students of the I.E. No. 60775, during 2022. The sample was made up of 35 students from the population of the 1st Year of Secondary School of I.E No. 60775, during 2022. To select the sample, the intentional non-random method was used. The survey was used as a technique and the questionnaire as an instrument. The results indicate that First Year Secondary School Students in I.E No. 60775, Nauta, 2022 do not have a learning style.
Estilo de Aprendizaje, Estilo, Aprendizaje, Learning Style, Style, Learning
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