Factores psicobiológicos y su relaciòn con lactancia materna en adolescentes atendidas en dos Ipress en Iquitos 2023
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Universidad Científica del Perú
El estudio tuvo como objetivo: Determinar la relación que existe entre los
Factores Psicobiológicos y la Lactancia Materna en adolescentes atendidas en
dos IPRESS en Iquitos 2023, es de tipo cuantitativo no experimental, diseño
descriptivo, correlacional, transversal y retrospectivo. La muestra fue
conformada por 70 adolescentes con lactancia materna, se utilizó la técnica de
análisis documental recopilando información de la historia clínica y una ficha
de registro creada por los investigadores como instrumento de recolección de
datos. La validez y confiabilidad se determinó con un nivel de validez del 0.703
y se obtuvo un índice de confiabilidad de 0.730, que indican una confiabilidad
aceptable, lo que permitirá la aplicación exitosa de las mediciones. Los
resultados fueron que la mayoría con el 77,1% (54) de adolescentes
investigados se encuentran entre los 15 a 19 años. En el nivel educativo se
observa que la mayoría de adolescentes con un 70% (41) tienen Secundaria y
un 78.6% (55) tienen un hijo. Al realizar el análisis de relación entre variables
mediante las pruebas de chi cuadrado de Pearson se encontró una relación
significativa estadísticamente entre la edad de las adolescentes con lactancia
materna y la evidencia de ansiedad y estrés (p=0,011) y la relación entre la
Lactancia materna en adolescentes y el amamantamiento prolongado
(p=0.035). En la relación entre la edad de inicio de lactancia materna y la
evidencia de violencia con críticas constantes y humillaciones en la
adolescente no se encontró una relación significativa estadísticamente
(p=0.403) así como entre la lactancia materna y el agrietamiento de pezones
The objective of the study was to: Determine the relationship that exists between Psychobiological Factors and Breastfeeding in adolescents served in two IPRESS in Iquitos 2023, it is quantitative, non-experimental, descriptive, correlational, transversal and retrospective design. The sample was made up of 70 breastfeeding adolescents. The documentary analysis technique was used, collecting information from the clinical history and a record sheet created by the researchers as a data collection instrument. Validity and reliability were determined with a validity level of 0.703 and a reliability index of 0.730 was obtained, which indicates acceptable reliability, which will allow the successful application of the measurements. The results were that the majority with 77.1% (54) of adolescents investigated were between 15 and 19 years old. At the educational level, it is observed that the majority of adolescents with 70% (41) have secondary school and 78.6% (55) have a child. When analyzing the relationship between variables using Pearson's chi-square tests, a statistically significant relationship was found between the age of breastfeeding adolescents and evidence of anxiety and stress (p=0.011) and the relationship between breastfeeding in adolescents and prolonged breastfeeding (p=0.035). In the relationship between the age of initiation of breastfeeding and evidence of violence with constant criticism and humiliation in the adolescent, no statistically significant relationship was found (p=0.403) as well as between breastfeeding and cracked nipples (p= 0.112).
The objective of the study was to: Determine the relationship that exists between Psychobiological Factors and Breastfeeding in adolescents served in two IPRESS in Iquitos 2023, it is quantitative, non-experimental, descriptive, correlational, transversal and retrospective design. The sample was made up of 70 breastfeeding adolescents. The documentary analysis technique was used, collecting information from the clinical history and a record sheet created by the researchers as a data collection instrument. Validity and reliability were determined with a validity level of 0.703 and a reliability index of 0.730 was obtained, which indicates acceptable reliability, which will allow the successful application of the measurements. The results were that the majority with 77.1% (54) of adolescents investigated were between 15 and 19 years old. At the educational level, it is observed that the majority of adolescents with 70% (41) have secondary school and 78.6% (55) have a child. When analyzing the relationship between variables using Pearson's chi-square tests, a statistically significant relationship was found between the age of breastfeeding adolescents and evidence of anxiety and stress (p=0.011) and the relationship between breastfeeding in adolescents and prolonged breastfeeding (p=0.035). In the relationship between the age of initiation of breastfeeding and evidence of violence with constant criticism and humiliation in the adolescent, no statistically significant relationship was found (p=0.403) as well as between breastfeeding and cracked nipples (p= 0.112).
Lactancia materna en adolescentes, Factores psicobiológicos, Breastfeeding in adolescents, Psychobiological factors
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