Percepción de riesgo frente al covid-19 en adolescentes de dos asentamientos humanos de la ciudad de Iquitos 2023
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Universidad Científica del Perú
INTRODUCCIÓN: En marzo del 2020 en el Perú se inicia la pandemia del
COVID 19, tomando una serie de medidas preventivas recomendada por
el OMS y MINSA, como lavado de manos, uso de mascarillas,
distanciamiento social, entre otras; las cuales en un inicio la población las
tomo y las aplico cotidianamente, hasta que se redujo la prevalencia de la
enfermedad y la población lentamente dejo de. practicarlas.
OBJETIVO: Determinar la percepción de riesgo frente a la COVID-19 en
adolescentes de dos Asentamientos Humanos de la ciudad de Iquitos,
METODOLOGIA: El tipo de estudio es cuantitativo, de diseño
observacional, transversal, prospectivo, correlacional; encuestando a 106
adolescentes entre los 15 a 19 años, del AAHH Bello Horizonte y 92 del
AAHH Ganso Azul; aplicando un cuestionario de 20 premisas con una
fiabilidad aceptable (Alfa de Cronbach 0.68) la que se operacionaliza en
riesgo alto, medio y bajo.
RESULTADOS: La población de adolescentes estudiada presenta entre
los 18 a 19 años (65.2%), de sexo femenino (53.0%), con antecedente de
COVID 19 (21.7%), con vacuna contra el COVID 19 (89.4%) de los cuales
el 63.8% tiene una sola dosis.
El 49.5% de los adolescentes tienen una baja percepción de riesgo contra
la COVID 19, el 32.8% con un riesgo medio y el 17.7% con alta
percepción de riesgo.
La baja percepción de riesgo hacia el COVID 19, se asocia a una mayor
edad (p=0.036), al sexo masculino (p=0.006), y con la vacunación
CONCLUSION: Los adolescentes presentan baja percepción de riesgo
hacia la COVID 19
INTRODUCTION: In March 2020 in Peru, the COVID 19 pandemic began, taking a series of preventive measures recommended by the WHO and MINSA, such as hand washing, use of masks, social distancing, among others; which at first the population took them and applied them daily, until the prevalence of the disease was reduced and the population slowly stopped. practice them. OBJECTIVE: To determine the perception of risk against COVID-19 in adolescents from two Human Settlements in the city of Iquitos, 2023 METHODOLOGY: The type of study is quantitative, observational design, cross-sectional, prospective, correlational; surveying 106 adolescents between 15 and 19 years, from the AAHH Bello Horizonte and 92 from the AAHH Blue Goose; applying a questionnaire of 20 premises with an acceptable reliability (Cronbach's alpha 0.68) which is operationalized in high, medium and low risk. RESULTS: The population of adolescents studied is between 18 and 19 years old (65.2%), female (53.0%), with a history of COVID 19 (21.7%), with a vaccine against COVID 19 (89.4%) of which 63.8% have a single dose. 49.5% of adolescents have a low perception of risk against COVID 19, 32.8% with a medium risk and 17.7% with a high perception of risk The low perception of risk towards COVID 19 is associated with older age (p=0.036), male sex (p=0.006), and vaccination (p=0.003)
INTRODUCTION: In March 2020 in Peru, the COVID 19 pandemic began, taking a series of preventive measures recommended by the WHO and MINSA, such as hand washing, use of masks, social distancing, among others; which at first the population took them and applied them daily, until the prevalence of the disease was reduced and the population slowly stopped. practice them. OBJECTIVE: To determine the perception of risk against COVID-19 in adolescents from two Human Settlements in the city of Iquitos, 2023 METHODOLOGY: The type of study is quantitative, observational design, cross-sectional, prospective, correlational; surveying 106 adolescents between 15 and 19 years, from the AAHH Bello Horizonte and 92 from the AAHH Blue Goose; applying a questionnaire of 20 premises with an acceptable reliability (Cronbach's alpha 0.68) which is operationalized in high, medium and low risk. RESULTS: The population of adolescents studied is between 18 and 19 years old (65.2%), female (53.0%), with a history of COVID 19 (21.7%), with a vaccine against COVID 19 (89.4%) of which 63.8% have a single dose. 49.5% of adolescents have a low perception of risk against COVID 19, 32.8% with a medium risk and 17.7% with a high perception of risk The low perception of risk towards COVID 19 is associated with older age (p=0.036), male sex (p=0.006), and vaccination (p=0.003)
Percepción de riesgo, COVID 19, Adolescentes, Risk perception, COVID 19, Adolescents
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