Eficacia de la electroestimulación muscular con corriente rusa y la facilitación neuromuscular propioceptiva para mejorar la calidad de vida en los adultos amputados por diabetes mellitus, Hospital Regional de Loreto 2023
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Universidad Científica del Perú
El documento también hace hincapié en los esfuerzos de rehabilitación del
Departamento de Rehabilitación del Hospital Regional de Loreto, que atiende a
pacientes con diferentes afecciones médicas que causan discapacidades,
incluidas enfermedades vasculares que a menudo provocan amputaciones. Se
subraya la importancia de rehabilitar física y psicológicamente a los amputados y
de facilitar su reintegración activa en la sociedad. Objetivos: Valorar la eficacia
de la electroestimulación muscular con corriente rusa y la facilitación
neuromuscular propioceptiva, mediante un programa de capacitación
fisioterapeuta para mejorar la mejorar la calidad de vida en los adultos amputados
por diabetes mellitus. Metodología: se trató de un estudio prospectivo, analítico,
explicativo, en el cual se incluyeron 80 pacientes. Resultados: se encontró que el
57.5% presenta un nivel de amputación total, el 61.3% tiene amputado el miembro
inferior derecho, el 55% corresponden a 61 – 80 años, así mismo el 71.3% son
varones, el 71.3% residen en zona urbana, el 57.5% tienen grado de instrucción
secundaria y el 43.8% corresponde a estado civil casado. Referente a la Escala
de Tinetti el 91.3% de pacientes eran calificados sin equilibrio, En la clasificación
de Pohjolainen antes de la terapia, el 88.8% de pacientes se desplazaba
únicamente en silla de ruedas, Mediante el Índice de Barthel antes de la terapia el
56.3% de pacientes eran calificados como dependiente moderado y el 66.3% de
ellos pasen a ser independiente, el cual tuvo una alta eficacia con una mejor
frecuencia de aplicación de 8 veces por sesión en el 63.7 % de pacientes, antes
del tratamiento el 51.2% dolor moderado, al nivel de no dolor a leve el 61.3%,el
cual tuvo una alta eficacia con una mejor frecuencia de aplicación de 9 a 12
sesiones con un parámetro de 40 a 60hz en el 54.8 % de pacientes. Conclusión:
en base al análisis e interpretación de los resultados se afirma que se aumentó la
facilitación neuromuscular propioceptiva con la electroestimulación con corriente
rusa, se disminuyó significativamente el dolor de miembro fantasma y se revirtió
una adecuada recuperación física y psicológica, mejorando la calidad de vida del
paciente amputado.
The document also emphasizes the rehabilitation efforts of the Department of Rehabilitation of the Loreto Regional Hospital, which treats patients with various medical conditions that cause disabilities, including vascular diseases that often lead to amputations. The importance of physical and psychological rehabilitation of the amputees and of facilitating their active reintegration into society is stressed. Objectives: To evaluate the effectiveness of Russian current muscle electro-stimulation and propioceptive neuromuscular facilitation, through a physiotherapist training program to improve the quality of life in adults amputated by diabetes mellitus. Methodology: This was a prospective, analytical, explanatory study in which 80 patients were included. Results: 57.5% had total amputation, 61.3% had the lower right limb amputated, 55% were between 61 and 80 years of age, 71.3% were male, 71,3% were resident in urban areas, 57,5% had secondary education and 43.8% were married. With regard to the Tinetti Scale, 91.3% of patients were assessed as imbalanced, According to the Barthel Index before therapy 56.3% of patients were classified as moderate dependent and 66.3% of them become self-employed, which had a high effectiveness with a better frequency of application of 8 times per session in 63.7% of patients, before treatment 51.2% moderate pain, at the level of no pain to mild 61.3%which had a higher efficiency with an improved frequencies of application from 9 to 12 sessions with a parameter of 40 to 60hz in 54.8% of patients. Conclusion: Based on the analysis and interpretation of the results, it is stated that the self-sceptive neuromuscular facilitation was increased with Russian current electro-stimulation, the pain of the ghost member was significantly reduced, and an adequate physical and psychological recovery was reversed, improving the quality of life of the amputated patient.
The document also emphasizes the rehabilitation efforts of the Department of Rehabilitation of the Loreto Regional Hospital, which treats patients with various medical conditions that cause disabilities, including vascular diseases that often lead to amputations. The importance of physical and psychological rehabilitation of the amputees and of facilitating their active reintegration into society is stressed. Objectives: To evaluate the effectiveness of Russian current muscle electro-stimulation and propioceptive neuromuscular facilitation, through a physiotherapist training program to improve the quality of life in adults amputated by diabetes mellitus. Methodology: This was a prospective, analytical, explanatory study in which 80 patients were included. Results: 57.5% had total amputation, 61.3% had the lower right limb amputated, 55% were between 61 and 80 years of age, 71.3% were male, 71,3% were resident in urban areas, 57,5% had secondary education and 43.8% were married. With regard to the Tinetti Scale, 91.3% of patients were assessed as imbalanced, According to the Barthel Index before therapy 56.3% of patients were classified as moderate dependent and 66.3% of them become self-employed, which had a high effectiveness with a better frequency of application of 8 times per session in 63.7% of patients, before treatment 51.2% moderate pain, at the level of no pain to mild 61.3%which had a higher efficiency with an improved frequencies of application from 9 to 12 sessions with a parameter of 40 to 60hz in 54.8% of patients. Conclusion: Based on the analysis and interpretation of the results, it is stated that the self-sceptive neuromuscular facilitation was increased with Russian current electro-stimulation, the pain of the ghost member was significantly reduced, and an adequate physical and psychological recovery was reversed, improving the quality of life of the amputated patient.
Eficacia, Electroestimulación muscular con corriente rusa, Facilitación neuromuscular propioceptiva, Calidad de vida, Adultos amputados por diabetes mellitus, Efficiency, Muscle Electro-stimulation with Russian Current, Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation, Quality of life, Adults amputated for diabetes mellitus
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