Ficoremediación de aguas residuales municipales a partir del cultivo de chlorella sp. Y ankistrodesmus sp. Iquitos, Loreto Perú
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Universidad Científica del Perú
La aplicación de las microalgas en el tratamiento de aguas residuales, se basa
en utilizarlas como microorganismos “purificadores de aguas residuales”,
aprovechando los nutrientes presentes del agua como medio de cultivo. Este
proceso es conocido actualmente como ficoremediación; es así que el objetivo
en este estudio fue ficorremediar las aguas residuales municipales, a partir del
cultivo de Ankistrodesmus sp. y Chlorella sp. Las muestras de aguas residuales
fueron colectadas de las salidas de desagüe de Moronacocha y del Puerto el
Huequito. La evaluación de ficorremediación se realizó por un período de 15
días, a través del análisis físico-químico de las muestras de agua residual
colectadas, antes y después, del cultivo de cada especie de microalgas en cada
muestra. La ficorremediación en las aguas colectadas en la salida de desagüe
de Moronacocha se logró altos porcentajes de remoción de CO2, fosfatos y
amonio al 87.5%, 47.5% y 100.0% respectivamente en Chlorella sp.; y en 78.8%,
45.0% y 100% respectivamente en Ankistrodesmus sp. En las aguas colectadas
en la salida de desagüe del Puerto el Huequito se logró altos porcentajes de
remoción de CO2, fosfatos y amonio al 92.0%, 36.8% y 97.20% respectivamente
en Chlorella sp.; y en 72.0%, 21.1% y 100% respectivamente en Ankistrodesmus
sp. La tasa de crecimiento en el cultivo de las aguas colectadas en la salida de
desagüe de Moronacocha se obtuvo 310 ± 0.02 mg/L y 280 ± 0.03 mg/L en
Chlorella sp y Ankistrodesmus sp. respectivamente con sus porcentajes de
lípidos totales de 23.87 ± 0.21 y 27.81 ± 0.37; mientras que en las aguas
colectadas en la salida de desagüe del Puerto el Huequito se obtuvo 330 ± 0.04
mg/L y 280 ± 0.02 mg/L en Chlorella sp y Ankistrodesmus sp. respectivamente
con sus porcentajes de lípidos totales de 22.31 ± 0.26 y 28.63 ± 0.84. En
conclusión, se ha demostrado que, sí es posible la ficorremediación de aguas
residuales a partir del cultivo de Ankistrodesmus sp. y Chlorella sp.
The application of microalgae in wastewater treatment is based on using them as "wastewater purifying" microorganisms, taking advantage of the nutrients present in the water as a culture medium. This process is known as phycoremediation; so, the objective in this study was to reduce municipal wastewater, from the cultivation of Ankistrodesmus sp. and Chlorella sp. The wastewater samples were collected from the Moronacocha and Puerto el Huequito drainage outlets. The phytoremediation evaluation was carried out for a period of 15 days, through the physical-chemical analysis of the residual water samples collected, before and after, of the culture of each microalgae species in each sample. The phoremediation in the waters collected at the Moronacocha drain outlet achieved high percentages of removal of CO2, phosphates and ammonium at 87.5%, 47.5% and 100.0% respectively in Chlorella sp .; and in 78.8%, 45.0% and 100% respectively in Ankistrodesmus sp. In the waters collected at the outlet of the El Huequito port, high percentages of removal of CO2, phosphates and ammonium were achieved at 92.0%, 36.8% and 97.20% respectively in Chlorella sp .; and in 72.0%, 21.1% and 100% respectively in Ankistrodesmus sp. The growth rate in the culture of the waters collected at the Moronacocha drain outlet was 310 ± 0.02 mg / L and 280 ± 0.03 mg / L in Chlorella sp and Ankistrodesmus sp. respectively with their total lipid percentages of 23.87 ± 0.21 and 27.81 ± 0.37; while in the waters collected at the drain outlet of Puerto el Huequito, 330 ± 0.04 mg / L and 280 ± 0.02 mg / L were obtained in Chlorella sp and Ankistrodesmus sp. respectively with their total lipid percentages of 22.31 ± 0.26 and 28.63 ± 0.84. In conclusion, it has been shown that, if possible, wastewater remediation from the culture of Ankistrodesmus sp. and Chlorella sp.
The application of microalgae in wastewater treatment is based on using them as "wastewater purifying" microorganisms, taking advantage of the nutrients present in the water as a culture medium. This process is known as phycoremediation; so, the objective in this study was to reduce municipal wastewater, from the cultivation of Ankistrodesmus sp. and Chlorella sp. The wastewater samples were collected from the Moronacocha and Puerto el Huequito drainage outlets. The phytoremediation evaluation was carried out for a period of 15 days, through the physical-chemical analysis of the residual water samples collected, before and after, of the culture of each microalgae species in each sample. The phoremediation in the waters collected at the Moronacocha drain outlet achieved high percentages of removal of CO2, phosphates and ammonium at 87.5%, 47.5% and 100.0% respectively in Chlorella sp .; and in 78.8%, 45.0% and 100% respectively in Ankistrodesmus sp. In the waters collected at the outlet of the El Huequito port, high percentages of removal of CO2, phosphates and ammonium were achieved at 92.0%, 36.8% and 97.20% respectively in Chlorella sp .; and in 72.0%, 21.1% and 100% respectively in Ankistrodesmus sp. The growth rate in the culture of the waters collected at the Moronacocha drain outlet was 310 ± 0.02 mg / L and 280 ± 0.03 mg / L in Chlorella sp and Ankistrodesmus sp. respectively with their total lipid percentages of 23.87 ± 0.21 and 27.81 ± 0.37; while in the waters collected at the drain outlet of Puerto el Huequito, 330 ± 0.04 mg / L and 280 ± 0.02 mg / L were obtained in Chlorella sp and Ankistrodesmus sp. respectively with their total lipid percentages of 22.31 ± 0.26 and 28.63 ± 0.84. In conclusion, it has been shown that, if possible, wastewater remediation from the culture of Ankistrodesmus sp. and Chlorella sp.
Aguas residuales, Microalgas, Ficorremediación, Remoción, Wastewater, Microalgae, Phycoremediation, Removal
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