Estrategias de comunicación en cine star Iquitos, periodo 2019
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Universidad Científica del Perú
El problema general del presente trabajo fue determinar estrategias de comunicación del Cine Star Iquitos para el periodo 2019; teniendo como objetivos específicos: Conocer las promociones de ventas y los medios publicitarios utilizados por el mercado de Cine Star Iquitos.
El presente trabajo de investigación se realizó durante los meses de mayo a agosto del año 2019, la muestra de estudio fue 138 personas trabajadores, el estudio es de tipo descriptivo, porque se describen las estrategias de comunicación en Cine Star de la ciudad de Iquitos.
Los principales resultados nos señalan que los medios de
comunicación más atractivos para los clientes actuales dejaron de ser los medios tradicionales como la radio, televisión o periódico, hoy por hoy los clientes y clientes potenciales del multicine utilizan medios digitales para obtener información y poder comunicarse. Las redes sociales presentan una gran oportunidad, no solo económica por su bajo costo e inversión para promocionar la página web, también es capaz de volver la comunicación interactiva y relacionarse con los clientes en tiempo real.
The general problem of the present work was to determine communication strategies of the Star Iquitos Cinema for the period 2019; having as specific objectives: Know the sales promotions and advertising media used by the Star Iquitos Cinema market. The present research work was carried out during the months of May to August of the year 2019, the sample was 138 working people, the study is descriptive, because the communication strategies in Star Cinema of the city of Iquitos are described. The main results indicate that the most attractive media for current customers ceased to be traditional media such as radio, television or newspaper, today multicine clients and potential customers use digital media to obtain information and communicate. Social networks present a great opportunity, not only economic for its low cost and investment to promote the website, it is also able to return interactive communication and interact with customers in real time.
The general problem of the present work was to determine communication strategies of the Star Iquitos Cinema for the period 2019; having as specific objectives: Know the sales promotions and advertising media used by the Star Iquitos Cinema market. The present research work was carried out during the months of May to August of the year 2019, the sample was 138 working people, the study is descriptive, because the communication strategies in Star Cinema of the city of Iquitos are described. The main results indicate that the most attractive media for current customers ceased to be traditional media such as radio, television or newspaper, today multicine clients and potential customers use digital media to obtain information and communicate. Social networks present a great opportunity, not only economic for its low cost and investment to promote the website, it is also able to return interactive communication and interact with customers in real time.
Promoción de ventas, Publicidad, Estrategias de comunicación, Multicine, Sales promotion, Advertising, Communication strategies, Multicine
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