Diagnósticos de enfermería más frecuentes en pacientes hospitalizados con traumatismo craneoencefálico del Hospital Iquitos 2015
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Universidad Científica del Perú
Este estudio tuvo como objetico determinar los diagnósticos de enfermería y su
relación con algunas variables en pacientes hospitalizados con traumatismo
craneoencefálico. Se empleó el método cuantitativo con diseño, descriptivo,
retrospectivo, correlacional. La muestra estuvo conformada por 93 pacientes
hospitalizados con TCE. Se recolectaron los datos mediante un instrumento
estructurado, con una confiabilidad de Alpha de Cronbach (0,89). Se procesaron los
datos en el programa estadístico SPSS versión 22. En los resultados: 62,4% fueron
adultos intermedios, predominando los varones, 52,7% solteros, 55,9% tenían estudios
secundarios y 67,5% informaron trabajos independientes. Para el 21,5%, el tiempo de
estancia hospitalaria fue tres días, en el 68,8% el tiempo de enfermedad fue un día,
38,7% tuvieron examen de radiografía, 98,9% presentaron vía periférica, 72,0%
presentaban contusión cerebral, 24,7% lucían con edema cerebral. La causa del TCE
fueron los accidentes de tránsito (76,3%) y el TCE moderado fue el más frecuente
(89,2%). Los diagnósticos de enfermería reales más frecuentes fueron: el dolor crónico,
la ansiedad y el deterioro de la memoria. Los diagnósticos de riesgo fueron: el riesgo
de disfunción neurovascular periférica, riesgo de perfusión tisular cerebral ineficaz,
riesgo de caídas y el riesgo de infección y los pacientes que muestran el diagnostico
dolor crónico, tiene mayor TCE moderado, TCE severo, mayor edema cerebral, mayor
contusión cerebral y mayor fractura de cráneo (p= <0,01).
This study aimed to determine nursing diagnostics and their relationship with some variables in hospitalized patients with traumatic brain injury. We used the quantitative method with design, descriptive, retrospective, and correlational. The sample consisted of 93 patients hospitalized with ECT. Data were collected using a structured instrument with a reliability of Cornbrash’s Alpha (0.89). Data were processed in the SPSS version 22 statistical program. In the results: 62.4% were intermediate adults, predominantly men, 52.7% singles, 55.9% had secondary studies and 67.5% reported independent jobs. For 21.5%, the length of hospital stay was three days, in 68.8% the disease was one day, 38.7% had radiography, 98.9% had peripheral, 72.0 % had cerebral contusion, and 24.7% had cerebral edema. The cause of ECT was traffic accidents (76.3%) and moderate ECT was the most frequent (89.2%). The most frequent real nursing diagnostics were chronic pain, anxiety and impaired memory. The risk diagnoses were: risk of peripheral neurovascular dysfunction, risk of ineffective cerebral tissue perfusion, risk of falls and risk of infection, and patients showing chronic pain diagnosis, have a higher moderate ECT, severe ECT, greater cerebral edema, Greater cerebral contusion and greater skull fracture (p = <0.01).
This study aimed to determine nursing diagnostics and their relationship with some variables in hospitalized patients with traumatic brain injury. We used the quantitative method with design, descriptive, retrospective, and correlational. The sample consisted of 93 patients hospitalized with ECT. Data were collected using a structured instrument with a reliability of Cornbrash’s Alpha (0.89). Data were processed in the SPSS version 22 statistical program. In the results: 62.4% were intermediate adults, predominantly men, 52.7% singles, 55.9% had secondary studies and 67.5% reported independent jobs. For 21.5%, the length of hospital stay was three days, in 68.8% the disease was one day, 38.7% had radiography, 98.9% had peripheral, 72.0 % had cerebral contusion, and 24.7% had cerebral edema. The cause of ECT was traffic accidents (76.3%) and moderate ECT was the most frequent (89.2%). The most frequent real nursing diagnostics were chronic pain, anxiety and impaired memory. The risk diagnoses were: risk of peripheral neurovascular dysfunction, risk of ineffective cerebral tissue perfusion, risk of falls and risk of infection, and patients showing chronic pain diagnosis, have a higher moderate ECT, severe ECT, greater cerebral edema, Greater cerebral contusion and greater skull fracture (p = <0.01).
Diagnósticos de enfermería, Tratamiento craneoencefálico, Nursing diagnostics, Cranioencephalic trauma
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