Influencia del cambio climatico en la actividad agrícola de la comunidad de san jacinto, río marañón, distrito de nauta, Loreto, Perú. año 2024
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Universidad Científica del Perú
El trabajo de investigación presentado “Influencia del cambio climático en la actividad agrícola de la comunidad de San Jacinto, río Marañón, distrito de Nauta, Loreto, Perú año 2024”, el mismo que propuso como objetivo principal el de determinar cómo influye el cambio climático en la actividad agrícola de la comunidad de San Jacinto, rio Marañón, distrito de Nauta, y como objetivos específicos identificar los principales fenómenos del cambio climático ocurridos en la cuenca del rio Marañón y su impacto generado sobre la actividad agrícola.
La investigación se llevó a cabo en la localidad de San Jacinto, teniendo como muestra a 51 agricultores con buen tiempo de residencia en su comunidad.
La metodología empleada fue la investigación de tipo explicativo, ya que nos permitió responder cómo influye el cambio climático en la actividad agrícola. El diseño de investigación fue no experimental, ya que los datos registrados no obedecieron a ninguna manipulación de las variables planteadas.
Mencionamos como resultados relevantes que la gran mayoría de los agricultores (84%) si ha escuchado hablar sobre el cambio climático, y un 16% no conoce del tema. De igual forma sobre cuáles son los cambios que ellos perciben, se tiene que el 51% menciona más calor; el 39% mayor vaciante; el 6% mayor creciente; y un 4% más lluvia. Acerca de cómo los cambios del clima si afectan a sus cultivos está representando por 92.00% de los encuestados y que solo el 8.00% no les afecta. Del mismo podemos apreciar con respecto al grado de impacto del cambio climático en su actividad agrícola, se tiene que el 63% menciona que es alto; el 31% refiere que el impacto es medio; y el 6% menciona que el impacto es bajo. También se muestra que los agricultores de la comunidad de San Jacinto realizan actividades para minimizar el cambio climático, se tiene que el 69% de los agricultores implementa los sistemas agroforestales; el 25% de ellos conserva el bosque; y el 6% realiza la reforestación de áreas abandonadas o degradadas.
The research work presented “Influence of climate change on the agricultural activity of the community of San Jacinto, Marañón River, Nauta district, Loreto, Peru year 2024”, which proposed as its main objective to determine how climate change influences in the agricultural activity of the community of San Jacinto, Marañón River, Nauta district, and as specific objectives to identify the main climate change phenomena that occurred in the Marañón River basin and its impact on agricultural activity. The research was carried out in the town of San Jacinto, with 51 farmers with a long residence in their community as a sample. The methodology used was explanatory research, since it allowed us to answer how climate change influences agricultural activity. The research design was non-experimental, since the data recorded did not result from any manipulation of the proposed variables. We mention as relevant results that the vast majority of farmers (84%) have heard about climate change, and 16% do not know about the subject. Likewise, regarding the changes they perceive, 51% mention more heat; 39% greater void; the 6% increasing; and 4% more rain. About how climate changes do affect their crops is represented by 92.00% of those surveyed and only 8.00% do not affect them. From the same we can see with respect to the degree of impact of climate change on their agricultural activity, 63% mention that it is high; 31% report that the impact is medium; and 6% mention that the impact is low. It is also shown that farmers in the San Jacinto community carry out activities to minimize climate change; 69% of farmers implement agroforestry systems; 25% of them conserve the forest; and 6% carry out reforestation of abandoned or degraded areas.
The research work presented “Influence of climate change on the agricultural activity of the community of San Jacinto, Marañón River, Nauta district, Loreto, Peru year 2024”, which proposed as its main objective to determine how climate change influences in the agricultural activity of the community of San Jacinto, Marañón River, Nauta district, and as specific objectives to identify the main climate change phenomena that occurred in the Marañón River basin and its impact on agricultural activity. The research was carried out in the town of San Jacinto, with 51 farmers with a long residence in their community as a sample. The methodology used was explanatory research, since it allowed us to answer how climate change influences agricultural activity. The research design was non-experimental, since the data recorded did not result from any manipulation of the proposed variables. We mention as relevant results that the vast majority of farmers (84%) have heard about climate change, and 16% do not know about the subject. Likewise, regarding the changes they perceive, 51% mention more heat; 39% greater void; the 6% increasing; and 4% more rain. About how climate changes do affect their crops is represented by 92.00% of those surveyed and only 8.00% do not affect them. From the same we can see with respect to the degree of impact of climate change on their agricultural activity, 63% mention that it is high; 31% report that the impact is medium; and 6% mention that the impact is low. It is also shown that farmers in the San Jacinto community carry out activities to minimize climate change; 69% of farmers implement agroforestry systems; 25% of them conserve the forest; and 6% carry out reforestation of abandoned or degraded areas.
Cambio climático, Actividad agrícola, Agroforestales, Climate change, Agricultural activity, Agroforestry
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