Valoración de la capacidad funcional de la persona de la tercera edad del Centro Integral de Atención al Adulto Mayor - CIAM - de la Municipalidad Provincial de Maynas, Iquitos 2019
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Universidad Científica del Perú
El presente trabajo de investigación se realizó con el objeto de valorar la capacidad funcional de las personas de la tercera edad del Centro Integral de Atención al Adulto Mayor de la Municipalidad Provincial de Maynas. El trabajo es una investigación cuantitativa con diseño no experimental, transversal de tipo descriptivo correlacional. Se aplicó el Índice de Barthel, para identificar el grado de independencia en sus actividades básicas de la vida diaria y la escala de Lawton y Brody para identificar el grado de independencia en sus actividades instrumentales. Muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia. La población en estudio fue de 402 adultos mayores, distribuidos entre 65 a 95 años, con edad promedia de 72 años; 41% mujeres y 59% hombres; 70.1% son casados; 76.6% han concluidos la primaria; 92.3% no practican actividad física y 71,9% realizan labores del hogar. Los resultados demuestran que en las actividades básica de la vida diaria predomina la independencia funcional en el 82.3% de los adultos mayores y según sexo en el 78% de mujeres y el 85.2% de hombres. En las actividades instrumentales de la vida diaria predomina la independencia funcional en el 68.4% de los adultos mayores en estudio y según sexo en el 59.6% de mujeres y 74.6% de hombres.
This research has as objective general to assess the functional capacity of the older adults of Integral Center of Attention to the Elderly of the Provincial Municipality of Maynas. It is a quantitative research with a non-experimental, cross-sectional descriptive correlational design. Barthel Index was applied to identify the degree of independence in basic activities of daily living and Lawton and Brody scale to identify the degree of independence in their instrumental activities. Sampling not probabilistic for convenience. The study population was 402 older adults, distributed between 65 and 95 years with an average age of 72 years; 41% women and 59% men; 70.1% are married; 76.6% have completed primary school; 92.3% do not practice physical activity and 71.9% do housework. The results show that in the basic activities of daily life, functional independence predominates in 82.3% of older adults and by sex in 78% of women and 85.2% of men. In the instrumental activities of daily life, functional independence predominates in 68.4% of older adults under study and by sex in 59.6% women and 74.6% men.
This research has as objective general to assess the functional capacity of the older adults of Integral Center of Attention to the Elderly of the Provincial Municipality of Maynas. It is a quantitative research with a non-experimental, cross-sectional descriptive correlational design. Barthel Index was applied to identify the degree of independence in basic activities of daily living and Lawton and Brody scale to identify the degree of independence in their instrumental activities. Sampling not probabilistic for convenience. The study population was 402 older adults, distributed between 65 and 95 years with an average age of 72 years; 41% women and 59% men; 70.1% are married; 76.6% have completed primary school; 92.3% do not practice physical activity and 71.9% do housework. The results show that in the basic activities of daily life, functional independence predominates in 82.3% of older adults and by sex in 78% of women and 85.2% of men. In the instrumental activities of daily life, functional independence predominates in 68.4% of older adults under study and by sex in 59.6% women and 74.6% men.
Adulto mayor, Tercera edad, Capacidad funcional, Valoración funcional, Actividades básicas e instrumentales., Older adults, Ederly, Functional capacity, Functional assessment, Basic and instrumental activities
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