Funcionamiento cognitivo y capacidad funcional en usuarios adultos mayores en un centro de salud Iquitos 2023
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Universidad Científica del Perú
El propósito de este estudio fue determinar la relación entre el
funcionamiento cognitivo y la capacidad funcional en usuarios adultos
mayores de un centro de salud Iquitos 2023. El diseño del estudio fue
cuantitativo, no experimental, descriptivo, correlacional y prospectivo. La
muestra consistió por el 100% de usuarios adultos mayores, es decir, los
300 adultos mayores que acuden al centro de salud San Juan. La técnica
utilizada fue una entrevista y la observación. Se empleó un cuestionario
previo otorgamiento de consentimiento informado hacia los adultos
mayores. El cuestionario de Pfeiffer no fue validada, porque es un
instrumento estandarizado y utilizado de manera formal por el Ministerio de
Salud, al igual que el índice de Barthel ambos muestran una alta validez y
confiabilidad intraobservador con índices de Kappa entre 0,47 a 1,0 e
interobservador de 0,84 a 0,97. Los resultados fueron, que la mayoría de
los adultos mayores eran mujeres mayores de 70 años (50.7%), con un alto
porcentaje viviendo solos (50.3%). El estudio reveló una estrecha relación
entre el funcionamiento cognitivo y la capacidad funcional. En cuanto al
funcionamiento cognitivo, el 52.7% presentaba un funcionamiento normal,
mientras que el 27.0% mostraba un deterioro leve, el 13.0% un deterioro
moderado y el 7.3% un deterioro grave. Respecto a la capacidad funcional,
el 40.0% disfrutaba de una independencia total, el 31.7% presentaba una
dependencia leve, el 18.3% un nivel moderado de dependencia, y el 10.0%
una dependencia severa. Se concluye que existe una relación
estadísticamente significativa entre el nivel de funcionamiento cognitivo y
la capacidad funcional en adultos mayores del centro de salud de Iquitos
en 2023, con un valor de p=0.068 para todos los ítems. Esto lleva al rechazo
de la hipótesis nula y a la aceptación de la hipótesis alternativa propuesta,
indicando una asociación entre el funcionamiento cognitivo y la capacidad
funcional en esta población.
The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between cognitive functioning and functional capacity in older adult users of an Iquitos 2023 health center. The study design was quantitative, nonexperimental, descriptive, correlational and prospective. The sample consisted of 100% older adult users, that is, the 300 older adults who go to the San Juan health center. The technique used was an interview and observation. A questionnaire was used after granting informed consent to older adults. The Pfeiffer questionnaire was not validated, because it is a standardized instrument and formally used by the Ministry of Health, like the Barthel index, both show high validity and intraobserver reliability with Kappa indices between 0.47 to 1. 0 and interobserver from 0.84 to 0.97. The results were that the majority of older adults were women over 70 years of age (50.7%), with a high percentage living alone (50.3%). The study revealed a close relationship between cognitive functioning and functional capacity. Regarding cognitive functioning, 52.7% had normal functioning, while 27.0% showed mild impairment, 13.0% moderate impairment, and 7.3% severe impairment. Regarding functional capacity, 40.0% enjoyed total independence, 31.7% had mild dependence, 18.3% had a moderate level of dependence, and 10.0% had severe dependence. It is concluded that there is a statistically significant relationship between the level of cognitive functioning and functional capacity in older adults at the Iquitos health center in 2023, with a value of p=0.068 for all items. This leads to the rejection of the null hypothesis and the acceptance of the proposed alternative hypothesis, indicating an association between cognitive functioning and functional capacity in this population.
The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between cognitive functioning and functional capacity in older adult users of an Iquitos 2023 health center. The study design was quantitative, nonexperimental, descriptive, correlational and prospective. The sample consisted of 100% older adult users, that is, the 300 older adults who go to the San Juan health center. The technique used was an interview and observation. A questionnaire was used after granting informed consent to older adults. The Pfeiffer questionnaire was not validated, because it is a standardized instrument and formally used by the Ministry of Health, like the Barthel index, both show high validity and intraobserver reliability with Kappa indices between 0.47 to 1. 0 and interobserver from 0.84 to 0.97. The results were that the majority of older adults were women over 70 years of age (50.7%), with a high percentage living alone (50.3%). The study revealed a close relationship between cognitive functioning and functional capacity. Regarding cognitive functioning, 52.7% had normal functioning, while 27.0% showed mild impairment, 13.0% moderate impairment, and 7.3% severe impairment. Regarding functional capacity, 40.0% enjoyed total independence, 31.7% had mild dependence, 18.3% had a moderate level of dependence, and 10.0% had severe dependence. It is concluded that there is a statistically significant relationship between the level of cognitive functioning and functional capacity in older adults at the Iquitos health center in 2023, with a value of p=0.068 for all items. This leads to the rejection of the null hypothesis and the acceptance of the proposed alternative hypothesis, indicating an association between cognitive functioning and functional capacity in this population.
Funcionamiento cognitivo, Capacidad funcional, Adulto mayor, Cognitive functioning, Functional capacity and older adults
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