Efecto de la intensidad luminosa en la producción de biomasa microalgal y acumulación de lípidos totales en cuatro especies de microalgas oleaginosas amazónicas
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Universidad Científica del Perú
Las microalgas son organismos microscópicos capaces de convertir la energía solar en biomasa con
una eficiencia de 2a 5 veces mayor que las plantas superiores. Asimismo, la intensidad luminosa
juega un papel fundamental sobre la capacidad fotosintética, densidad celular y producción de
lípidos. El objetivo del estudio fue determinar el efecto de la intensidad luminosa en la tasa de
crecimiento, producción de biomasa y acumulación de lípidos totales de las microalgas oleaginosas
amazónicas (Ankitrodesmus sp. Chlorellasp. Senedesmus quadrikauda y Scenedesmus sp.). Las microalgas
fueron cultivadas por triplicado en medio CHUlO, bajo tres condiciones de intensidad luminosa y
un grupo control. Los cultivos fueron evaluados por siete días. Se hizo el conteo diario de las
células mediante microscopia usando una cámara de Neubahuer. La biomasa microalgal se obtuvo
por centrifugación y el contenido de lípidos totales se determinó por gravimetría. Los resultados de
la mayor tasa de crecimiento lo obtuvo Senedesmus sp. (0,55 dia') al ser cultivada con intensidad
luminosa de 73 E.m'.s', Además Scenedesmus sp. mostró una alta producción de biomasa de
175,40 mg/L y mayor porcentaje de lípidos totales (22 %); mieotras queAnkistrodesmus sp. Ch/ore/la
sp, y Scenedesmus quadricauda mostraron producción de biomasa de 102 mg/L, 120 mg/L y 110
mg/L respectivamente en la intensidad luminosa de 121 E.n".s'. Sin embargo, no se encontró
diferencias significativas entre las intensidades luminosas cultivadas (p>0,05). En conclusión,
Scenedesmus sp, obtuvo una producción de biomasa, contenido lipídico y tasa de crecimiento
óptimo al ser cultivada con una intensidad luminosa de 73 E.m2.s'.
Microalgae are microscopic organisms capable of converring solar energy into biomass vith an efficiency of 2-5 times greater than the upper foors. Also, light intensity plays an important role on the photosynthetic capacity, cell desity and lipids production. The ain ofthe study was to determine the effect oflight intensity on the growth rate, biomass production and accumulation oftotal lipids from microalgae Amazon (Ankisrodesmus sp. Chlorella sp. Scenedesmus quadricauda and Scenedesmus sp.). The microalgae ere cultured in triplicate in the medium CHU1 O under three conditions of light intensity and a control group. Cultures were tested for seven days. Daily cell count was done by microscopy using a Neubauer. Microalgal biomass was obtained by centrifugation and the total lipid content was determined gravimetrically. The results ofthe highest growth rate was obtained by Scenedesmus sp. (0.55 day-1) when grown with light intensity of 73 E.m2.s-1, addition Scenedesmussp. showed high biomass production of 175.40 mg / L and increased total lipid (22%); while Ankistrdesmus sp. Chlorella sp, and Scenedesmus quadricauda biomass production shoved 102 mg/L, 120 mg/L and 110 mg/L respectively in light intensity of 121 E.m2.s'. However, no significant differences between cultivated light intensities (p> 0.05). I conclusion, Senedesmus sp, obtained a biomass production, lipid content and optimal growth rate when grown with a light intensity of.
Microalgae are microscopic organisms capable of converring solar energy into biomass vith an efficiency of 2-5 times greater than the upper foors. Also, light intensity plays an important role on the photosynthetic capacity, cell desity and lipids production. The ain ofthe study was to determine the effect oflight intensity on the growth rate, biomass production and accumulation oftotal lipids from microalgae Amazon (Ankisrodesmus sp. Chlorella sp. Scenedesmus quadricauda and Scenedesmus sp.). The microalgae ere cultured in triplicate in the medium CHU1 O under three conditions of light intensity and a control group. Cultures were tested for seven days. Daily cell count was done by microscopy using a Neubauer. Microalgal biomass was obtained by centrifugation and the total lipid content was determined gravimetrically. The results ofthe highest growth rate was obtained by Scenedesmus sp. (0.55 day-1) when grown with light intensity of 73 E.m2.s-1, addition Scenedesmussp. showed high biomass production of 175.40 mg / L and increased total lipid (22%); while Ankistrdesmus sp. Chlorella sp, and Scenedesmus quadricauda biomass production shoved 102 mg/L, 120 mg/L and 110 mg/L respectively in light intensity of 121 E.m2.s'. However, no significant differences between cultivated light intensities (p> 0.05). I conclusion, Senedesmus sp, obtained a biomass production, lipid content and optimal growth rate when grown with a light intensity of.
Microalgas amazonicas, Capacidad fotosintetica, Intensidad luminosa, Amazon microalgae, Photosynthetic capacity, Light intensity
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