Control de crecimiento y desarrollo y estado nutricional en niños menores de 5 años en la Ipress Tupac Amaru 2023
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Universidad Científica del Perú
El propósito de este estudio fue determinar el control de crecimiento y
desarrollo y el estado nutricional en niños menores de 5 Años en la
IPRESS Túpac Amaru 2023. El diseño del estudio fue cuantitativo, no
experimental, descriptivo, aplicativo, transversal, correlacional y
prospectivo. La muestra consistió en 234 niños menores de cinco años
que asistieron a la institución para su supervisión del crecimiento y
desarrollo, y estado nutricional. La técnica utilizada fue una encuesta y
una ficha de registro. Se empleó un cuestionario para evaluar la
supervisión del crecimiento y desarrollo en las madres de los niños, y se
realizó una revisión de historias clínicas para evaluar el estado nutricional.
Se obtuvo una validez del instrumento de 0,8193, lo que indica una buena
validez y concordancia, y una confiabilidad del instrumento de 0,827,
según el coeficiente Alfa de Cronbach. Los resultados mostraron que el
83,8% de los niños tenían un control adecuado del crecimiento y
desarrollo, mientras que el 16,2% lo tenía de manera inadecuada. El
estado nutricional de los niños menores de cinco años fue normal en el
83,8% de los casos, con un 10,7% con bajo peso y un 5,6% con
sobrepeso. El 84,2% de los niños de 1 a 3 años y el 83,0% de los niños
de 4 a 5 años fueron adecuadamente supervisados. La edad media de los
niños fue de 2,85 años con una desviación estándar de 1,405. El 84,6%
de las niñas y el 82,9% de los niños tuvieron un control adecuado. El
estado nutricional según peso/edad fue normal en el 85,5% de las niñas y
el 82,1% de los niños. Se concluyó que se encontró una relación
estadísticamente muy significativa (p=0,000) entre la supervisión del
crecimiento y desarrollo y el estado nutricional de los niños menores de
cinco años que participaron en el estudio.
The purpose of this study was to determine the control of growth and development and nutritional status in children under 5 years of age in the IPRESS Túpac Amaru 2023. The study design was quantitative, nonexperimental, descriptive, applicative, cross-sectional, correlational and prospective. The sample consisted of 234 children under five years of age who attended the institution for supervision of growth and development, and nutritional status. The technique used was a survey and a registration form. A questionnaire was used to assess supervision of growth and development in the children's mothers, and a review of medical records was performed to assess nutritional status. A validity of the instrument of 0.8193 was obtained, which indicates good validity and concordance, and a reliability of the instrument of 0.827, according to Cronbach's Alpha coefficient. The results showed that 83.8% of the children had adequate control of growth and development, while 16.2% had it inadequately. The nutritional status of children under five years of age was normal in 83.8% of cases, with 10.7% underweight and 5.6% overweight. 84.2% of children from 1 to 3 years of age and 83.0% of children from 4 to 5 years of age were adequately supervised. The mean age of the children was 2.85 years with a standard deviation of 1.405. 84.6% of girls and 82.9% of boys had adequate control. The nutritional status according to weight/weight was normal in 85.5% of the girls and 82.1% of the boys. It was concluded that a very significant statistical relationship (p=0.000) was found between the supervision of growth and development and the nutritional status of children under five years of age who participated in the study.
The purpose of this study was to determine the control of growth and development and nutritional status in children under 5 years of age in the IPRESS Túpac Amaru 2023. The study design was quantitative, nonexperimental, descriptive, applicative, cross-sectional, correlational and prospective. The sample consisted of 234 children under five years of age who attended the institution for supervision of growth and development, and nutritional status. The technique used was a survey and a registration form. A questionnaire was used to assess supervision of growth and development in the children's mothers, and a review of medical records was performed to assess nutritional status. A validity of the instrument of 0.8193 was obtained, which indicates good validity and concordance, and a reliability of the instrument of 0.827, according to Cronbach's Alpha coefficient. The results showed that 83.8% of the children had adequate control of growth and development, while 16.2% had it inadequately. The nutritional status of children under five years of age was normal in 83.8% of cases, with 10.7% underweight and 5.6% overweight. 84.2% of children from 1 to 3 years of age and 83.0% of children from 4 to 5 years of age were adequately supervised. The mean age of the children was 2.85 years with a standard deviation of 1.405. 84.6% of girls and 82.9% of boys had adequate control. The nutritional status according to weight/weight was normal in 85.5% of the girls and 82.1% of the boys. It was concluded that a very significant statistical relationship (p=0.000) was found between the supervision of growth and development and the nutritional status of children under five years of age who participated in the study.
Control de crecimiento y desarrollo, Estado nutricional, Control adecuado, control inadecuado, Bajo peso, Normo peso, sobre peso, Control of growth and development, Nutritional status, Adequate control, Inadequate control, Underweight, Normal weight, Overweight
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