Aislamiento e identificación de microalgas con potencial biotecnológico, loreto 2021
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Universidad Científica del Perú
Las microalgas se han convertido en una fuente importante de materia prima para la producción de diversos productos de interés biotecnológico. Su capacidad de crecimiento y baja demanda de nutrientes lo convierten en un recurso muy valioso y atractivo. En esta investigación nos planteamos el siguiente objetivo: Aislar e identificar microalgas con potencial biotecnológico. Para ello, se realizó colecta de muestras en diferentes tipos de hábitats, como aguas estancada, charcos y reservorios. Se utilizó una red fitoplanctónica de 2 a 20 μm, para atrapar las microalgas; estas fueron cultivadas en medio BG11 hasta que presentaron densidades celulares superiores. El aislamiento se realizó por pipeteo, aislamiento por diluciones seriadas y aislamiento en placas con Agar. Los géneros identificados fueron Scenedesmus sp., Chlamydomona sp., Pediastrum sp. y Pandorina sp. La identificación se realizó por microscopía, observando las características morfológicas a 40 X. Se determinó la biomasa por diferencia de peso seco, y la extracción de lípidos totales se realizó mediante uso de solventes cloroformo: metanol (2:1). La extracción de proteínas se realizó mediante métodos colorimétricos, al igual que los polifenoles. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que Scenedesmus sp. presentó el más alto valor en producción de biomasa, lípidos y proteínas con valores por encima de 127 mg/L, 25 %, y 41 % respectivamente. La microalga que tuvo una mayor producción de polifenoles fue Chlamydomonas sp. con 5 %.
Microalgae have become an important source of raw material for the production of various products of biotechnological interest. Their growth capacity and low nutrient demand make them a very valuable and attractive resource. In this research we set the following objective: To isolate and identify microalgae with biotechnological potential. For this purpose, samples were collected in different types of habitats, such as stagnant waters, pools and reservoirs. A phytoplanktonic net of 2 to 20 μm was used to trap the microalgae, which were cultured in BG11 medium until they presented higher cell densities. Isolation was performed by pipetting, isolation by serial dilutions and isolation on Agar plates. The genus identified were Scenedesmus sp., Chlamydomona sp., Pediastrum sp., Pandorina sp., and Pandorina sp. The identification was performed by microscopy, observing the morphological characteristics at 40 X. Biomass was determined by dry weight difference, total lipid extraction was performed using chloroform: methanol (2:1) solvents. Protein extraction was carried out by colorimetric methods as well as polyphenols. The results obtained show that Scenedesmus sp. presented the highest value in biomass, lipid and protein production with values above 127 mg/L, 25%, and 41%, respectively. The microalgae with the highest polyphenol production was Chlamydomonas sp. with 5 %.
Microalgae have become an important source of raw material for the production of various products of biotechnological interest. Their growth capacity and low nutrient demand make them a very valuable and attractive resource. In this research we set the following objective: To isolate and identify microalgae with biotechnological potential. For this purpose, samples were collected in different types of habitats, such as stagnant waters, pools and reservoirs. A phytoplanktonic net of 2 to 20 μm was used to trap the microalgae, which were cultured in BG11 medium until they presented higher cell densities. Isolation was performed by pipetting, isolation by serial dilutions and isolation on Agar plates. The genus identified were Scenedesmus sp., Chlamydomona sp., Pediastrum sp., Pandorina sp., and Pandorina sp. The identification was performed by microscopy, observing the morphological characteristics at 40 X. Biomass was determined by dry weight difference, total lipid extraction was performed using chloroform: methanol (2:1) solvents. Protein extraction was carried out by colorimetric methods as well as polyphenols. The results obtained show that Scenedesmus sp. presented the highest value in biomass, lipid and protein production with values above 127 mg/L, 25%, and 41%, respectively. The microalgae with the highest polyphenol production was Chlamydomonas sp. with 5 %.
Microalgas, Biotecnología, Aislamiento, Biomasa microalgal, Microalgae, Biotechnology, Isolation, Microalgal bioma
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