Nivel de conocimientos del sulfato ferroso en madres, asociado a la anemia en niños menores de 36 meses, ipress i-1 picuro yacu 2023
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Universidad Científica del Perú
El propósito del estudio es examinar la asociación entre el nivel de familiaridad
con el sulfato ferroso en madres y la severidad de la anemia en niños menores
de 36 meses, en la IPRESS I-1, Picuro Yacu, año 2023. El diseño de la
investigación es descriptivo, aplicativo, transversal, correlacional y
prospectivo. La muestra consiste en 200 madres de niños menores de 36
meses con anemia, reclutadas durante un período de dos meses. Se
seleccionó el total de la población por conveniencia debido a su tamaño
reducido. Se utilizó una encuesta como técnica de recolección de datos, con
un cuestionario como instrumento, validado con un coeficiente de 0.899
mediante métodos Delphi o juicio de expertos, y una confiabilidad del 73%
según el Alfa de Crombach. Los hallazgos indican que el 45,0% de las madres
tienen entre 16 y 23 años, el 38,50% entre 24 y 31 años, y el 16,5% entre 32
y 38 años, con una edad promedio de 30 años. Respecto a la edad de los
niños, el 42,5% tiene entre 25 y 37 meses, el 33,5% entre 24 y 31 meses, y el
24,0% entre 1 y 13 meses, con una edad promedio de 22,5 meses. En cuanto
al sexo de los niños, el 60,0% son varones y el 40,0% son niñas. En cuanto al
estado civil de las madres, el 46,0% son solteras, el 36,5% convivientes, y el
17,5% casadas. La mayoría (84,5%) son amas de casa, el 11,5% son
estudiantes, y el 4,0% son independientes. Respecto a la anemia, el 77,5%
tiene un nivel leve y el 22,5% un nivel moderado. El 92,0% de las madres tiene
un conocimiento adecuado sobre el sulfato ferroso, mientras que el 8,0% tiene
un conocimiento inadecuado. Además, el 80,0% tiene un conocimiento
adecuado sobre las formas de administración del sulfato ferroso, el 54,0%
tiene un conocimiento adecuado sobre sus beneficios, conservación y efectos
adversos, y el 53,0% tiene un conocimiento adecuado sobre la suplementación
del sulfato ferroso. En relación a la asociación entre las variables, el valor de
p (pvalor) es de 0,803, que es mayor que el nivel de significancia establecido
(α=0,05), lo que lleva al rechazo de la hipótesis alternativa y a la aceptación
de la hipótesis nula. Por lo tanto, se concluye que no existe una relación
estadísticamente significativa entre el nivel de conocimiento sobre el sulfato
ferroso en madres y el grado de anemia en niños menores de 36 meses en la
IPRESS I-1, Picuro Yacu, año 2023.
The purpose of the study is to examine the association between the level of familiarity with ferrous sulfate in mothers and the severity of anemia in children under 36 months, at IPRESS I-1, Picuro Yacu, year 2023. The research design It is descriptive, applicative, transversal, correlational and prospective. The sample consists of 200 mothers of children under 36 months with anemia, recruited over a two-month period. The total population was selected for convenience due to its small size. A survey was used as a data collection technique, with a questionnaire as an instrument, validated with a coefficient of 0.899 using Delphi methods or expert judgment, and a reliability of 73% according to Crombach's Alpha. The findings indicate that 45.0% of mothers are between 16 and 23 years old, 38.50% between 24 and 31 years old, and 16.5% between 32 and 38 years old, with an average age of 30 years. Regarding the age of the children, 42.5% are between 25 and 37 months, 33.5% between 24 and 31 months, and 24.0% between 1 and 13 months, with an average age of 22. 5 months. Regarding the sex of the children, 60.0% are boys and 40.0% are girls. Regarding the marital status of the mothers, 46.0% are single, 36.5% cohabiting, and 17.5% married. The majority (84.5%) are housewives, 11.5% are students, and 4.0% are independent. Regarding anemia, 77.5% have a mild level and 22.5% have a moderate level. 92.0% of mothers have adequate knowledge about ferrous sulfate, while 8.0% have inadequate knowledge. In addition, 80.0% have adequate knowledge about the forms of administration of ferrous sulfate, 54.0% have adequate knowledge about its benefits, conservation and adverse effects, and 53.0% have adequate knowledge about the ferrous sulfate supplementation. In relation to the association between the variables, the p value (p-value) is 0.803, which is greater than the established significance level (α=0.05), which leads to the rejection of the alternative hypothesis and the acceptance of the null hypothesis. Therefore, it is concluded that there is no statistically significant relationship between the level of knowledge about ferrous sulfate in mothers and the degree of anemia in children under 36 months in the IPRESS I-1, Picuro Yacu, year 2023.
The purpose of the study is to examine the association between the level of familiarity with ferrous sulfate in mothers and the severity of anemia in children under 36 months, at IPRESS I-1, Picuro Yacu, year 2023. The research design It is descriptive, applicative, transversal, correlational and prospective. The sample consists of 200 mothers of children under 36 months with anemia, recruited over a two-month period. The total population was selected for convenience due to its small size. A survey was used as a data collection technique, with a questionnaire as an instrument, validated with a coefficient of 0.899 using Delphi methods or expert judgment, and a reliability of 73% according to Crombach's Alpha. The findings indicate that 45.0% of mothers are between 16 and 23 years old, 38.50% between 24 and 31 years old, and 16.5% between 32 and 38 years old, with an average age of 30 years. Regarding the age of the children, 42.5% are between 25 and 37 months, 33.5% between 24 and 31 months, and 24.0% between 1 and 13 months, with an average age of 22. 5 months. Regarding the sex of the children, 60.0% are boys and 40.0% are girls. Regarding the marital status of the mothers, 46.0% are single, 36.5% cohabiting, and 17.5% married. The majority (84.5%) are housewives, 11.5% are students, and 4.0% are independent. Regarding anemia, 77.5% have a mild level and 22.5% have a moderate level. 92.0% of mothers have adequate knowledge about ferrous sulfate, while 8.0% have inadequate knowledge. In addition, 80.0% have adequate knowledge about the forms of administration of ferrous sulfate, 54.0% have adequate knowledge about its benefits, conservation and adverse effects, and 53.0% have adequate knowledge about the ferrous sulfate supplementation. In relation to the association between the variables, the p value (p-value) is 0.803, which is greater than the established significance level (α=0.05), which leads to the rejection of the alternative hypothesis and the acceptance of the null hypothesis. Therefore, it is concluded that there is no statistically significant relationship between the level of knowledge about ferrous sulfate in mothers and the degree of anemia in children under 36 months in the IPRESS I-1, Picuro Yacu, year 2023.
Anemia, Conocimientos, Sulfato ferroso, Anemia, Knowledge, Ferrous sulfate
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