Impacto del sistema de gestión de colas en el servicio de atención al público de la corte superior de Loreto 2017
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Universidad Científica del Perú
El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar el impacto del sistema de gestión de colas en el servicio de atención al público en la Corte Superior de Loreto 2017. Metodología utilizada fue una investigación aplicada con diseño de tipo preexperimental con pre test y post test. La muestra estuvo conformada por 358 usuarios que asiste a la Corte Superior de Loreto, a quienes se les aplicó un cuestionario para recoger información relacionada a la satisfacción de la implementación del sistema de gestión de colas y para registrar información acerca de los procesos de atención relacionados a tiempos de espera en cola y tiempo de atención en ventanilla, se aplicó una guía de observación. En los resultados se identificó que el Sistema de Gestión de Colas: reduce significativamente el tiempo que pasan los usuarios en la cola de atención; no reduce significativamente el tiempo que pasan los usuarios en la ventanilla de atención y que el Sistema de Gestión de Colas reduce significativamente el número de personas en cola. Se llegó a la conclusión que el Sistema de Gestión de Colas aumenta la satisfacción de los usuarios.
The objective of this study was to determine the impact of the queue management system in the customer service in the Superior Court of Loreto 2017. Methodology used was an applied research with a pre-experimental type design with pre-test and post-test. The sample consisted of 358 users who attend the Superior Court of Loreto, to whom a questionnaire was applied to collect information related to the satisfaction of the implementation of the queue management system and to record information about the related care processes an observation guide was applied to waiting times in queue and attention time at the window. In the results, it was identified that the Queue Management System: significantly reduces the time that users spend in the service queue; it does not significantly reduce the time that users spend at the service window and the Queue Management System significantly reduces the number of people in queue. It was concluded that the Queue Management System increases user satisfaction.
The objective of this study was to determine the impact of the queue management system in the customer service in the Superior Court of Loreto 2017. Methodology used was an applied research with a pre-experimental type design with pre-test and post-test. The sample consisted of 358 users who attend the Superior Court of Loreto, to whom a questionnaire was applied to collect information related to the satisfaction of the implementation of the queue management system and to record information about the related care processes an observation guide was applied to waiting times in queue and attention time at the window. In the results, it was identified that the Queue Management System: significantly reduces the time that users spend in the service queue; it does not significantly reduce the time that users spend at the service window and the Queue Management System significantly reduces the number of people in queue. It was concluded that the Queue Management System increases user satisfaction.
Sistema, Gestión de colas, Satisfacción y atención al cliente, System, Queue management, Satisfaction and customer service
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