Molestias musculoesqueléticas y riesgo ergonómico en estudiantes de computación del centro de educación técnica productiva Maynas
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Universidad Científica del Perú
El ordenador constituye una herramienta elemental en la vida del hombre;
ha reducido múltiples actividades laborales y académicas. No obstante,
este beneficio se contrasta con las evidencias que asocian su uso con
problemas musculoesqueléticos.
Objetivo: Determinar la asociación entre molestias musculoesqueléticas y
riesgo ergonómico en estudiantes de Computación del Centro de
Educación Técnica Productiva (CETPRO) Maynas.
Métodos: La investigación es de diseño transversal observacional. El
tamaño muestral fue de 61 estudiantes de Computación, cuya edad oscila
entre 16 a 42 años. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron: método RULA,
cuestionario nórdico y cuestionario elaborado por los investigadores.
Resultados: Los resultados no muestran relación significativa entre riesgo
ergonómico y molestias musculoesqueléticas; no obstante, se evidenció
que el tiempo de uso del ordenador entre 21 a 25 horas/semana mostró
riesgo para las molestias en cuello; mientras que el tiempo de estudio en la
carrera se relacionó con riesgo para molestias en hombro y codoantebrazo.
Respecto al riesgo ergonómico se encontró que un 44.26% de la población
tuvo un nivel 4, 29.5% nivel 3 y 26.2% un nivel 2 según el método RULA.
Asimismo, en los reportes de molestias musculoesqueléticas, en los últimos
12 meses la zona dorsal-lumbar con 54.10% resultó más afectada; mientras
que en los últimos 7 días, la zona del cuello destacó con 57.38%.
Conclusiones: Aun cuando no se encontró relación significativa entre las
variables principales del estudio, los resultados de cada una muestran
necesidad de incorporar programas de medidas saludables en los usuarios.
The computer constitutes an elementary tool in the life of man; has reduced multiple work and academic activities. However, this benefit is contrasted with the evidence that associates its use with musculoskeletal problems. Objective: To determine the association between musculoskeletal discomfort and ergonomic risk in Computer Science students at the Center for Productive Technical Education (CETPRO) Maynas. Methods: The research has an observational cross-sectional design. The sample size was 61 Computing students, whose age ranges from 16 to 42 years. The instruments used were: RULA method, Nordic questionnaire and questionnaire prepared by the researchers. Results: The results do not show a significant relationship between ergonomic risk and musculoskeletal discomfort; however, it was evidenced that the time of computer use between 21 to 25 hours/week showed risk for neck discomfort; while the study time in the race was related to the risk of discomfort in the shoulder and elbow-forearm. Regarding ergonomic risk, it was found that 44.26% of the population had a level 4, 29.5% level 3 and 26.2% a level 2 according to the RULA method. Likewise, in the reports of musculoskeletal discomfort, in the last 12 months the dorsal-lumbar area with 54.10% was more affected; while in the last 7 days, the neck area stood out with 57.38%. Conclusions: Even when no significant relationship was found between the main variables of the study, the results of each one show the need to incorporate programs of healthy measures in users.
The computer constitutes an elementary tool in the life of man; has reduced multiple work and academic activities. However, this benefit is contrasted with the evidence that associates its use with musculoskeletal problems. Objective: To determine the association between musculoskeletal discomfort and ergonomic risk in Computer Science students at the Center for Productive Technical Education (CETPRO) Maynas. Methods: The research has an observational cross-sectional design. The sample size was 61 Computing students, whose age ranges from 16 to 42 years. The instruments used were: RULA method, Nordic questionnaire and questionnaire prepared by the researchers. Results: The results do not show a significant relationship between ergonomic risk and musculoskeletal discomfort; however, it was evidenced that the time of computer use between 21 to 25 hours/week showed risk for neck discomfort; while the study time in the race was related to the risk of discomfort in the shoulder and elbow-forearm. Regarding ergonomic risk, it was found that 44.26% of the population had a level 4, 29.5% level 3 and 26.2% a level 2 according to the RULA method. Likewise, in the reports of musculoskeletal discomfort, in the last 12 months the dorsal-lumbar area with 54.10% was more affected; while in the last 7 days, the neck area stood out with 57.38%. Conclusions: Even when no significant relationship was found between the main variables of the study, the results of each one show the need to incorporate programs of healthy measures in users.
Molestias musculoesqueléticos, Riesgo ergonómico, Musculoskeletal discomfort, Ergonomic risk
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