Alteraciones posturales de la columna vertebral en estudiantes de primer año de secundaria de una institución educativa de Belén Loreto 2023
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Universidad Científica del Perú
El uso de mochilas es una práctica común entre estudiantes de secundaria
en todo el mundo. Alteraciones posturales, como la escoliosis o la lordosis,
pueden desarrollarse en respuesta a prácticas inadecuadas relacionadas
con el uso de mochilas. Objetivos: determinar la asociación entre los
modos de uso de la mochila escolar y las alteraciones posturales de la
columna vertebral. Metodología: Se trató de un estudio analítico
correlacional de corte transversal, en el que se incluyó 177 pacientes.
Resultados: Se encontró que el 57.14% de estudiantes que usan de
manera correcta la mochila presentan alteración postural mientras que
ningún estudiante que usaba la mochila de manera correcta tuvo alguna
alteración de la columna vertebral (p< 0.001). El 58.89% estudiantes que
tenían un sobrepeso en la mochila (p< 0.001). En cuanto al forma en que
usaban la mochila se encontró el 100% de estudiantes que usaban la
mochila en ambos hombros y en con ruedas no tuvieron alteraciones de la
columna vertebral (p< 0.001). Conclusión: Existe una relación entre el
modo de cargar la mochila y las alteraciones posturales de la columna
The use of backpacks is a common practice among secondary school students worldwide. Postural alterations, such as scoliosis or lordosis, can develop in response to inappropriate practices related to backpack usage. Objectives: To determine the association between modes of backpack usage and postural alterations of the spinal column. Methods: This was a cross-sectional analytical correlational study that included 177 patients. Results: It was found that 57.14% of students who used the backpack correctly had postural alterations, while no student using the backpack correctly had any spinal column alterations (p < 0.001). Additionally, 58.89% of students who carried excess weight in their backpacks had postural alterations (p < 0.001). Regarding the way they used the backpack, 100% of students who carried the backpack on both shoulders and those who used wheeled backpacks did not experience spinal column alterations (p < 0.001). Conclusion: There is a relationship between the method of carrying the backpack and postural alterations of the spinal column.
The use of backpacks is a common practice among secondary school students worldwide. Postural alterations, such as scoliosis or lordosis, can develop in response to inappropriate practices related to backpack usage. Objectives: To determine the association between modes of backpack usage and postural alterations of the spinal column. Methods: This was a cross-sectional analytical correlational study that included 177 patients. Results: It was found that 57.14% of students who used the backpack correctly had postural alterations, while no student using the backpack correctly had any spinal column alterations (p < 0.001). Additionally, 58.89% of students who carried excess weight in their backpacks had postural alterations (p < 0.001). Regarding the way they used the backpack, 100% of students who carried the backpack on both shoulders and those who used wheeled backpacks did not experience spinal column alterations (p < 0.001). Conclusion: There is a relationship between the method of carrying the backpack and postural alterations of the spinal column.
Dolor de espalda, Soporte de peso parcial, (DeCS BIREME), Back Pain, Weight-Bearing, Pain, Schoolbag, (MeSH)
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