Determinación de los parametros hidrológicos e hidráulicos, para el diseño de las alcantarillas del proyecto "mejoramiento de la via vecinal picuro yacu – unión centro fuerte - puerto gen gen - rio momón , provincia de Maynas , departamento Loreto -2023
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Universidad Científica del Perú
La presente investigación consiste en la caracterización de los parámetros
hidrológicos necesarios para la obtención de caudales en la vía a
intervenir, La falta de un adecuado sistema de drenaje puede generar un
deterioro acelerado de los taludes, generando pérdida de estabilidad e
incrementa el riesgo para los usuarios que circulan por una determinada
vía, mediante la investigación se pudo identificar que la cuenca principal
del rio Momón cuenta con un área de 1422.20 km2, una longitud de 95.1
km, una pendiente media de 0.11% y una altitud media de 117 msnm. Y
dentro de ella se encuentran tres sub cuentas, la primera con un área de
8.86 km2, dentro de las cuales se ubican cuatro microcuencas y se
determinó el caudal de cada uno (1-1=0.28m3/s, 1-2=1.11m3/s, 1-2=0.90
m3/s y 1-4=0.67m3/s), la segunda con un área de 8.36 km2, dentro se
ubicó tres microcuencas y se determinó el caudal de cada uno (2-
1=0.67m3/s, 2-2=0.39m3/s y 2-3=1.08m3/s) y la tercera con un área de
28.79 km2, donde se ubican seis microcuencas y su respectivo caudal
son (3-1=7.26m3/s, 3-2=5.03m3/s, 3-3=4.43m3/s, 3-4=2.89m3/s, 3-
5=3.08m3/s y 3-6=1.35m3/s), estas microcuencas son las que interfieren
directo en la vía Picuroyacu-puerto gen gen y debido a estos los
habitantes del sector presentan con frecuencia dificultades para
comercializar sus productos. ¿Cuál es el beneficio de esta alcantarilla
para el sistema de flujo del rio Momón? El objetivo principal es que nos
permita evaluar, la transitabilidad de la vía y la eficiencia en la
operatividad, del mismo.
Es importante definir los parámetros como caudales, porque con estos
datos ya será posible el diseño de las alcantarillas, Según las
investigaciones de laboratorio, se dice que la alcantarilla no se sumerge
si la carga a la entrada es menor que un determinado valor crítico
denominado H, cuyo valor varía de 1.2 D a 1.5 D siendo D el diámetro o
altura de la alcantarilla.
The present investigation consists of the characterization of the hydrological parameters necessary to obtain flows on the road to be intervened. The lack of an adequate drainage system can generate accelerated deterioration of the slopes, generating loss of stability and increasing the risk for the users who circulate on a certain road, through the investigation it was possible to identify that the main basin of the Momón River has an area of 1422.20 km2, a length of 95.1 km, an average slope of 0.11% and an average altitude of 117 meters above sea level. And within it there are three sub-accounts, the first with an area of 8.86 km2, within which four micro-basins are located and the flow of each one was determined (1-1=0.28m3/s, 1-2=1.11 m3/s, 1-2=0.90 m3/s and 1- 4=0.67m3/s), the second with an area of 8.36 km2, within three microbasins were located and the flow of each one was determined (2-1=0.67 m3/s, 2-2=0.39m3/s and 2-3=1.08m3/s) and the third with an area of 28.79 km2, where six micro-basins are located and their respective flow rates are (3-1=7.26m3/s , 3-2=5.03m3/s, 3-3=4.43m3/s, 3-4=2.89m3/s, 3- 5=3.08m3/s and 3-6=1.35m3/s), these microbasins are the that directly interfere with the Picuroyacu-Puerto Gen Gen road and due to these, the inhabitants of the sector frequently have difficulties in marketing their products. What is the benefit of this culvert for the flow system of the Momón River? The main objective is to allow us to evaluate the passability of the road and its operational efficiency. It is important to define the parameters as flow rates, because with these data the design of the sewers will be possible. According to laboratory research, it is said that the sewer does not submerge if the load at the entrance is less than a certain critical value called H, whose value varies from 1.2 D to 1.5 D with D being the diameter or height of the sewer. The hydraulic design of a culvert consists of selecting its diameter so that an average speed of 1.25 m/sec results. In certain cases, the culvert is usually given a speed equal to that of the channel where it will be built, only in special cases the speed will be greater than 1.25 m/sec. For the hydraulic design of the sewers, we worked with the HY-8 software.
The present investigation consists of the characterization of the hydrological parameters necessary to obtain flows on the road to be intervened. The lack of an adequate drainage system can generate accelerated deterioration of the slopes, generating loss of stability and increasing the risk for the users who circulate on a certain road, through the investigation it was possible to identify that the main basin of the Momón River has an area of 1422.20 km2, a length of 95.1 km, an average slope of 0.11% and an average altitude of 117 meters above sea level. And within it there are three sub-accounts, the first with an area of 8.86 km2, within which four micro-basins are located and the flow of each one was determined (1-1=0.28m3/s, 1-2=1.11 m3/s, 1-2=0.90 m3/s and 1- 4=0.67m3/s), the second with an area of 8.36 km2, within three microbasins were located and the flow of each one was determined (2-1=0.67 m3/s, 2-2=0.39m3/s and 2-3=1.08m3/s) and the third with an area of 28.79 km2, where six micro-basins are located and their respective flow rates are (3-1=7.26m3/s , 3-2=5.03m3/s, 3-3=4.43m3/s, 3-4=2.89m3/s, 3- 5=3.08m3/s and 3-6=1.35m3/s), these microbasins are the that directly interfere with the Picuroyacu-Puerto Gen Gen road and due to these, the inhabitants of the sector frequently have difficulties in marketing their products. What is the benefit of this culvert for the flow system of the Momón River? The main objective is to allow us to evaluate the passability of the road and its operational efficiency. It is important to define the parameters as flow rates, because with these data the design of the sewers will be possible. According to laboratory research, it is said that the sewer does not submerge if the load at the entrance is less than a certain critical value called H, whose value varies from 1.2 D to 1.5 D with D being the diameter or height of the sewer. The hydraulic design of a culvert consists of selecting its diameter so that an average speed of 1.25 m/sec results. In certain cases, the culvert is usually given a speed equal to that of the channel where it will be built, only in special cases the speed will be greater than 1.25 m/sec. For the hydraulic design of the sewers, we worked with the HY-8 software.
Parámetros hidrológicos e hidráulicos, Evaluación y Sistema de Flujos, Hydrological and hydraulic parameters, Evaluation and Flow System
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