Competencias del docente y su relación con el rendimiento académico en alumnos con jornada escolar completa (JEC) de la Institución Educativa Primaria Secundaria de Menores Narciso Girbal, Flor de Punga - Requena, 2019
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Universidad Científica del Perú
La presente tesis investigó la relación existente entre las competencias de enseñanza docente y el
rendimiento académico en la Institución Educativa Primaria Secundaria de Menores Narciso Girbal,
de la Provincia de Requena, en la localidad de Flor de Punga, capital del Distrito de Capelo, durante
el semestre 2019-II. Se seleccionó como unidad de análisis a los estudiantes de Secundaria y como
población al estudiantado de una Institución Educativa de la Provincia de Requena (N= 575), de la
cual se extrajo la muestra, cuyo tamaño lo conformaron 230 estudiantes. La selección de éstos se
hizo con la tabla de números aleatorios. La investigación tuvo un enfoque cuantitativo, de tipo
correlacional y diseño transversal. Los instrumentos de colecta de datos fueron la Escala de
Evaluación del Desempeño Docente y el promedio ponderado de notas del semestre referido. El
instrumento fue replicado en la validez de contenido y confiabilidad, antes de ser administrados en
el trabajo de campo. Los índices respectivos de la V de Aiken y el alfa de Cronbach reportaron que
tenía alta validez de contenido y alta confiablidad. El tratamiento estadístico se hizo con frecuencias
y porcentajes. La categorización de cada variable de la investigación, así como de sus respectivas
dimensiones se hicieron con la técnica estadística escala de Stanones. Se utilizó la prueba no
paramétrica y coeficiente de correlación de Spearman para medir las relaciones y efectuar la
contrastación de hipótesis. Los resultados obtenidos sugieren que hay suficiente evidencia empírica
para afirmar la existencia de una correlación positiva y estadísticamente significativa entre las
competencias de enseñanza docente y el rendimiento académico, así como competencias docentes
comunicativas, competencias docentes personales, competencias docentes éticas para la enseñanza,
y el rendimiento académico en estudiantes de Secundaria de la Institución Educativa Primaria
Secundaria de Menores Narciso Girbal, Flor de Punga – Requena, 2019. Las correlaciones generales
y específicas fueron significativas con un nivel de probabilidad de 0,1.
This thesis investigated the relationship between the teaching teaching competencies and academic performance in the Narciso Girbal Primary Secondary Educational Institution for Minors, from the Province of Requena, in the town of Flor de Punga, capital of the Capelo District, during the 2019-II semester. Secondary students were selected as the unit of analysis and the student body of an Educational Institution of the Requena District (N = 575) as the population, from which the sample was extracted, whose size was made up of 230 students. The selection of these was made with the table of random numbers. The research had a quantitative approach, correlational type and crosssectional design. The data collection instruments were the Teaching Performance Assessment Scale and the weighted average of grades for the referred semester. The instrument was replicated in content validity and reliability, before being administered in the field work. The respective indices of Aiken's V and Cronbach's alpha reported that it had high content validity and high reliability. Statistical treatment was done with frequencies and percentages. The categorization of each research variable as well as its respective dimensions was done with the Stanones scale statistical technique. The non-parametric test and Spearman's correlation coefficient were used to measure the relationships and carry out hypothesis testing. The results obtained suggest that there is sufficient empirical evidence to affirm the existence of a positive and statistically significant correlation between teacher teaching competencies and academic performance, as well as communicative teaching competencies, personal teaching competencies, ethical teaching competencies for teaching, and performance academic in Secondary students of an in the Narciso Girbal Primary Secondary Educational Institution for Minors, Flor de Punga, Requena 2019. The general and specific correlations were significant with a probability level of 0.1.
This thesis investigated the relationship between the teaching teaching competencies and academic performance in the Narciso Girbal Primary Secondary Educational Institution for Minors, from the Province of Requena, in the town of Flor de Punga, capital of the Capelo District, during the 2019-II semester. Secondary students were selected as the unit of analysis and the student body of an Educational Institution of the Requena District (N = 575) as the population, from which the sample was extracted, whose size was made up of 230 students. The selection of these was made with the table of random numbers. The research had a quantitative approach, correlational type and crosssectional design. The data collection instruments were the Teaching Performance Assessment Scale and the weighted average of grades for the referred semester. The instrument was replicated in content validity and reliability, before being administered in the field work. The respective indices of Aiken's V and Cronbach's alpha reported that it had high content validity and high reliability. Statistical treatment was done with frequencies and percentages. The categorization of each research variable as well as its respective dimensions was done with the Stanones scale statistical technique. The non-parametric test and Spearman's correlation coefficient were used to measure the relationships and carry out hypothesis testing. The results obtained suggest that there is sufficient empirical evidence to affirm the existence of a positive and statistically significant correlation between teacher teaching competencies and academic performance, as well as communicative teaching competencies, personal teaching competencies, ethical teaching competencies for teaching, and performance academic in Secondary students of an in the Narciso Girbal Primary Secondary Educational Institution for Minors, Flor de Punga, Requena 2019. The general and specific correlations were significant with a probability level of 0.1.
Competencias docentes, Rendimiento académico, Competencias comunicativas, Personales y éticas, Teaching skills, Academic performance, Skills communicative, Personal and ethical
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