Niveles de inteligencia emocional en alumnos de secundaria de una Institución Educativa Publica – Requena, Loreto – 2020
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Universidad Científica del Perú
El presente estudio de investigación tuvo el propósito de determinar los Niveles de Inteligencia emocional en alumnos de secundaria de una Institución Educativa publica - Requena, Loreto - 2020, la misma que fue elaborado por el bachiller en psicología Roberto Antonio Rojas Ríos. Esta investigación se desarrolla con la intención de proporcionar un buen referente sobre el tema en mención para el ámbito educativo de nuestra sociedad. Para ello, la investigación busca corroborar la problemática mediante la aplicación de un instrumento psicológico llamado “Inventario de Inteligencia Emocional de Bar On ICE: NA, en niños y adolescentes - completo”, adaptado y estandarizado en nuestro país por Nelly Ugarriza Chávez y Liz Pajares Del Águila; que tiene como finalidad realizar evaluación de la Inteligencia Emocional y de sus diferentes componentes socioemocionales por medio de cinco (5) dimensiones: Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, Adaptabilidad, Manejo del Estrés y Estado de ánimo general; además el instrumento cuenta con un índice de inteligencia emocional total. Cuenta también con dos escalas de control de las respuestas: Inconsistencia e Impresión positiva. El objetivo general de estudio fue determinar los niveles de Inteligencia Emocional que presentan los alumnos de 15 a 18 años de una Institución Educativa publica - Requena, Loreto - 2020.
El tipo de investigación fue descriptivo y el diseño de investigación, no experimental. La población objeto de estudio fue representada por 271 y el muestreo fue probabilístico - Aleatorio simple, determinando el tamaño de la muestra de 64 participantes. Los hallazgos indicaron que de un total de 64 (100%) alumnos, el mayor porcentaje fue de 40,6% (26) en la categoría promedio, seguido de las categorías marcadamente bajo y mal desarrollado con el 18,8% (12), a continuación se observa a la categoría necesita desarrollarse considerablemente con el 12,5% (8), y de menor porcentaje se ubica la categoría bien desarrollado con el 9,4% (6) de los resultados.
The purpose of this research study was to determine the Emotional Intelligence Levels in high school students from a public Educational Institution - Requena, Loreto - 2020, the same study that was prepared by the psychology graduate Roberto Antonio Rojas Ríos. This research is developed with the intention of providing a good reference on the subject in question for the educational field of our society. For this, the research seeks to corroborate the problem by applying a psychological instrument called "Bar On ICE Emotional Intelligence Inventory: NA, in children and adolescents - complete", adapted and standardized in our country by Nelly Ugarriza Chávez and Liz Pajares Del Águila; whose purpose is to evaluate Emotional Intelligence and its different socio-emotional components through five (5) dimensions: Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, Adaptability, Stress Management and general mood; in addition, the instrument has a total emotional intelligence index. It also has two response control scales: inconsistency and positive impression. The general objective of the study was to determine the levels of Emotional Intelligence presented by students aged 15 to 18 from a public Educational Institution - Requena, Loreto - 2020. The type of research was descriptive and the research design wasn’t experimental. The study population was represented by 271 and the sampling was probabilistic - Simple random, determining the sample size of 64 participants. The findings indicated that of a total of 64 (100%) students, the highest percentage was 40.6% (26) in the average category, followed by the markedly low and underdeveloped categories with 18.8% (12) , then the category needs to develop considerably with 12.5% (8), and the well-developed category is located with a lower percentage with 9.4% (6) of the results.
The purpose of this research study was to determine the Emotional Intelligence Levels in high school students from a public Educational Institution - Requena, Loreto - 2020, the same study that was prepared by the psychology graduate Roberto Antonio Rojas Ríos. This research is developed with the intention of providing a good reference on the subject in question for the educational field of our society. For this, the research seeks to corroborate the problem by applying a psychological instrument called "Bar On ICE Emotional Intelligence Inventory: NA, in children and adolescents - complete", adapted and standardized in our country by Nelly Ugarriza Chávez and Liz Pajares Del Águila; whose purpose is to evaluate Emotional Intelligence and its different socio-emotional components through five (5) dimensions: Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, Adaptability, Stress Management and general mood; in addition, the instrument has a total emotional intelligence index. It also has two response control scales: inconsistency and positive impression. The general objective of the study was to determine the levels of Emotional Intelligence presented by students aged 15 to 18 from a public Educational Institution - Requena, Loreto - 2020. The type of research was descriptive and the research design wasn’t experimental. The study population was represented by 271 and the sampling was probabilistic - Simple random, determining the sample size of 64 participants. The findings indicated that of a total of 64 (100%) students, the highest percentage was 40.6% (26) in the average category, followed by the markedly low and underdeveloped categories with 18.8% (12) , then the category needs to develop considerably with 12.5% (8), and the well-developed category is located with a lower percentage with 9.4% (6) of the results.
Inteligencia emocional, Socioemocional, Emotional, Socio-emotional intelligence
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