Estudio comparativo factores sociodemográficos y el estrés docente en dos instituciones educativas de la ciudad de Iquitos, 2024
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Universidad Científica del Perú
El objetivo del estudio fue confrontar los niveles del estrés docente en los educadores en I.E. Mariscal Oscar R. Benavides, y el Colegio Nacional de Iquitos 2024.
Investigación cuantitativa, alcance descriptivo correlacional, diseño no experimental transeccional, método hipotético - deductivo, población compuesta por 280 docentes, se utilizó el muestreo estratificado siendo la muestra 162 docentes 87 de la I.E. Mariscal Oscar R. Benavides y 75 del Colegio Nacional de Iquitos. Utilizó la escala ED-6, del estrés docente.
El análisis de información fue mediante el software SPSS, v25., se obtuvieron los siguientes resultados: el estrés docente en la Institución Educativa Mariscal Oscar R. Benavides fue moderado 64, 7%; alto 31,9%; bajo 3,4%. Colegio Nacional de Iquitos, tuvo nivel moderado 75,9%; alto 24,1%. Se encontró que las mujeres y los convivientes presentan mayores niveles de estrés. Concluyó: no evidencia diferencias significativas al comparar los niveles de estrés docente (t=1,239; gl=225; p=0,216). Evidencia diferencias significativas al comparar los niveles de estrés docente con el sexo (Mann Whitney= 5605,0; p=0,049).
The objective of the study was to confront the levels of teaching stress in I.E. educators. Marshal Oscar R. Benavides, and the National College of Iquitos 2024. Quantitative research, descriptive correlational scope, non-experimental transectional design, hypothetical - deductive method, population composed of 280 teachers, stratified sampling was used, with the sample being 162 teachers 87 from the I.E. Marshal Oscar R. Benavides and 75 of the National College of Iquitos. The ED-6 scale of teacher stress was used. The information analysis was using the SPSS software, v25., the following results were obtained: teaching stress at the Mariscal Oscar R. Benavides Educational Institution was moderate 64.7%; high 31.9%; down 3.4%. National School of Iquitos, had a moderate level of 75.9%; high 24.1%. It was found that women and cohabitants present higher levels of stress. It concluded: there were no significant differences when comparing the levels of teaching stress (t=1.239; gl=225; p=0.216). Significant differences are evident when comparing teacher stress levels with sex (Mann Whitney= 5605.0; p=0.049).
The objective of the study was to confront the levels of teaching stress in I.E. educators. Marshal Oscar R. Benavides, and the National College of Iquitos 2024. Quantitative research, descriptive correlational scope, non-experimental transectional design, hypothetical - deductive method, population composed of 280 teachers, stratified sampling was used, with the sample being 162 teachers 87 from the I.E. Marshal Oscar R. Benavides and 75 of the National College of Iquitos. The ED-6 scale of teacher stress was used. The information analysis was using the SPSS software, v25., the following results were obtained: teaching stress at the Mariscal Oscar R. Benavides Educational Institution was moderate 64.7%; high 31.9%; down 3.4%. National School of Iquitos, had a moderate level of 75.9%; high 24.1%. It was found that women and cohabitants present higher levels of stress. It concluded: there were no significant differences when comparing the levels of teaching stress (t=1.239; gl=225; p=0.216). Significant differences are evident when comparing teacher stress levels with sex (Mann Whitney= 5605.0; p=0.049).
Estrés docente, Profesores, Instituciones, Teaching stress, Teachers, Institutions
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