Estrés laboral y estilos de afrontamiento para enfrentar situaciones críticas en personal de la unidad de tránsito y seguridad vial. Iquitos 2021
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Universidad Científica del Perú
Se llevó a cabo un estudio orientado a determinar la relación existente entre el
estrés laboral (Síndrome de Burnout) y los estilos de afrontamiento para
enfrentar situaciones críticas en personal de la Dirección de Tránsito, Transporte
y Seguridad Vial de la PNP. 2021. Adicionalmente se planteó a) Determinar el
nivel de estrés laboral (Síndrome de Burnout) en personal de la Dirección de
Tránsito, Transporte y Seguridad Vial de la PNP y, b) Determinar los estilos de
afrontamiento predominantes para enfrentar situaciones críticas en personal de
la Dirección de Tránsito, Transporte y Seguridad Vial de la PNP. La muestra
estuvo conformada por 120 miembros de la Dirección de Tránsito, Transporte y
Seguridad Vial de la PNP de Iquitos. V. Independiente. El Síndrome de Burnout
es considerado como la respuesta al estrés laboral crónico integrada por
actitudes y sentimientos negativos hacia las personas con las que se trabaja y
hacia el propio rol profesional. Comprende las dimensiones Cansancio
emocional, Despersonalización y Realización personal. La variable Estrategias
de Afrontamiento considera ellos esfuerzos adaptativos que realiza un individuo
para tolerar emociones que pudiesen provocarle estrés, de manera que es capaz
de responder de forma constructiva. Comprende los Estilos de afrontamiento
centrados en el problema, los Estilos de afrontamiento basados en la emoción y
los Estilos de afrontamiento de evitación. Estos instrumentos tenían la respectiva
validez y confiabilidad requerida. La investigación fue descriptiva, de tipo
correlación nacional de diseño no experimental de carácter transversal y con un
enfoque cuantitativo. Se comprobaron todas las hipótesis planteadas señalando
la relación que hay entre el síndrome de Burnout y los diversos estilos de
A study was carried out aimed at determining the relationship between work stress (Burnout Syndrome) and coping styles to face critical situations in personnel of the Traffic, Transportation and Road Safety Directorate of the PNP. 2021. Additionally, a) Determine the level of work stress (Burnout Syndrome) in personnel of the Traffic, Transportation and Road Safety Directorate of the PNP and, b) Determine the predominant coping styles to face critical situations in personnel of the PNP. the Directorate of Traffic, Transportation and Road Safety of the PNP. The sample consisted of 120 members of the Traffic, Transportation and Road Safety Directorate of the Iquitos PNP. V. Independent. Burnout Syndrome is considered as the response to chronic work stress made up of negative attitudes and feelings towards the people with whom one works and towards one's own professional role. It includes the dimensions Emotional exhaustion, Depersonalization and Personal fulfillment. The Coping Strategies variable considers the adaptive efforts made by an individual to tolerate emotions that could cause stress, so that they are capable of responding constructively. It includes Problem-Focused Coping Styles, Emotion-Based Coping Styles, and Avoidant Coping Styles. These instruments had the respective validity and reliability required. The research was descriptive, of a national correlation type with a non-experimental cross-sectional design and a quantitative approach. All the hypotheses raised were verified, pointing out the relationship between Burnout syndrome and the various coping styles.
A study was carried out aimed at determining the relationship between work stress (Burnout Syndrome) and coping styles to face critical situations in personnel of the Traffic, Transportation and Road Safety Directorate of the PNP. 2021. Additionally, a) Determine the level of work stress (Burnout Syndrome) in personnel of the Traffic, Transportation and Road Safety Directorate of the PNP and, b) Determine the predominant coping styles to face critical situations in personnel of the PNP. the Directorate of Traffic, Transportation and Road Safety of the PNP. The sample consisted of 120 members of the Traffic, Transportation and Road Safety Directorate of the Iquitos PNP. V. Independent. Burnout Syndrome is considered as the response to chronic work stress made up of negative attitudes and feelings towards the people with whom one works and towards one's own professional role. It includes the dimensions Emotional exhaustion, Depersonalization and Personal fulfillment. The Coping Strategies variable considers the adaptive efforts made by an individual to tolerate emotions that could cause stress, so that they are capable of responding constructively. It includes Problem-Focused Coping Styles, Emotion-Based Coping Styles, and Avoidant Coping Styles. These instruments had the respective validity and reliability required. The research was descriptive, of a national correlation type with a non-experimental cross-sectional design and a quantitative approach. All the hypotheses raised were verified, pointing out the relationship between Burnout syndrome and the various coping styles.
Síndrome de Burnout, Estilos de Afrontamiento, Agresión, Burnout Syndrome, Coping Styles, Aggression
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