Control de la productividad en obras aplicando herramientas del Project Management Institute (Pmi), Tarapoto 2021
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Universidad Científica del Perú
La gestión de proyectos es una disciplina que se está implantando en forma gradual en el sector construcción y consiste en la aplicación de conocimientos, guías, metodologías, técnicas y herramientas para la definición del alcance, planificación, programación, ejecución, control y cierre de actividades con el objetivo de incrementar la productividad de los proyectos y poder alcanzar los resultados esperados y la culminación exitosa de los mismos.
El Perú se encuentra en constante crecimiento y requiere obras de infraestructura cada vez más importantes para su desarrollo, considerando que los principales factores que afectan a una obra en ejecución son problemas de incumplimiento de plazos y sobrecostos, debido a la inaplicación de herramientas de gestión lo cual incrementa la incertidumbre de la productividad.
Actualmente en nuestro país son pocas las empresas o entidades que aplican metodologías que nos permiten medir la productividad identificando las variaciones en costo y plazo, y que permita la implementación oportuna de acciones correctivas reorientando el desarrollo del proyecto hacia una culminación exitosa.
El presente estudio propone un procedimiento para el control de la productividad en proyectos de construcción, mediante un trabajo de campo y la aplicación de herramientas de gestión de proyectos basados en el PMI.
Project management is a discipline that is gradually being implemented in the construction sector and consists of the application of knowledge, guides, methodologies, techniques and tools for defining the scope, planning, programming, execution, control and closure of activities. with the objective of increasing the productivity of the projects and being able to achieve the expected results and their successful completion. Peru is in constant growth and requires increasingly important infrastructure works for its development, considering that the main factors that affect a work in execution are problems of non-compliance with deadlines and cost overruns, due to the non-application of management tools. which increases the uncertainty of productivity.} Currently in our country there are few companies or entities that apply methodologies that allow us to measure productivity by identifying variations in cost and term, and that allow the timely implementation of corrective actions reorienting the development of the project towards a successful completion. This study proposes a procedure for productivity control in construction projects, through field work and the application of project management tools based on the PMI.
Project management is a discipline that is gradually being implemented in the construction sector and consists of the application of knowledge, guides, methodologies, techniques and tools for defining the scope, planning, programming, execution, control and closure of activities. with the objective of increasing the productivity of the projects and being able to achieve the expected results and their successful completion. Peru is in constant growth and requires increasingly important infrastructure works for its development, considering that the main factors that affect a work in execution are problems of non-compliance with deadlines and cost overruns, due to the non-application of management tools. which increases the uncertainty of productivity.} Currently in our country there are few companies or entities that apply methodologies that allow us to measure productivity by identifying variations in cost and term, and that allow the timely implementation of corrective actions reorienting the development of the project towards a successful completion. This study proposes a procedure for productivity control in construction projects, through field work and the application of project management tools based on the PMI.
Gestión de Proyectos, Productividad, Sobrecostos, Retrasos, Project Management, Productivity, Cost Overruns, Delays
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