Estabilización de suelos finos mediante el uso del polímero polycom en subrasantes para caminos de baja transitabilidad en la ciudad de Iquitos, 2020
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Universidad Científica del Perú
La presente investigación “Estabilización de suelos finos mediante el uso del polímero Polycom en subrasantes para caminos de baja transitabilidad en la ciudad de Iquitos, 2020”, fue realizado en el A.A.H.H. Tierra Prometida - Calle Jerusalén, distrito de Belén a inicios del año 2020. El estudio, como parte de vías
en desarrollo en distintas zonas de nuestra región, es considerado como una
partida fundamental, tiene como objetivo explicar la estabilización de suelos finos mediante el uso del polímero Polycom en subrasantes, el cual se enfoca en un método experimental, para ello, se realizó estudios de suelos en la zona (calicatas), sacando así muestras de suelo de las distintas calicatas, para luego
llevar las muestras al laboratorio para su estudio respectivo, tanto como para
muestras de suelos naturales y muestras estabilizadas con polímero Polycom. Luego de adicionar el polímero al suelo, se presenta los resultados obtenidos al mezclar el suelo con 3 dosificaciones del polímero Polycom que fueron 0.10, 0.20, 0.30 kg/m3, se muestra la mejora considerable a las características físicas
que proporciona al suelo natural, y a su vez, provoca la disminución del límite
líquido a medida que se iba incrementando la cantidad de dosificación, reduce la
plasticidad de los suelos cohesivos, para el tipo A-7-6(22) desde 40.10% hasta
29.95% por cada 0.10kg/m3 de polímero agregado al suelo, aumenta la
Capacidad de Soporte (CBR) hasta 44.00% por cada 0.30 kg/m3 de polímero
aplicado al suelo.
Finalmente, se concluye que el polímero Polycom se ha utilizado para la
estabilización de suelos finos y se ha logrado así proporcionar una mejora
considerable a las características tanto físicas como mecánicas de suelos limoarcillosos
y puede ser un material apto para la conformación de las estructuras
de pavimento. Se plantea una alternativa de diseño haciendo uso de productos
químicos, como es el caso del polímero POLYCOM, el cual es un producto con
antecedentes muy efectivos en algunas zonas del país, siendo nuestra
propuesta una opción viable.
The present research "Stabilization of fine soils through the use of Polycom polymer in subgrades for roads of low trafficability in Iquitos city, 2020". It was carried out in the human settlement “Tierra Prometida” Jerusalen Street in Belen district at the beginning of the year 2020. The research study, as part of the development roads in different areas of our region, it is considered as a fundamental departure, it aims to explain the stabilization of fine soils through the use of Polycom polymer in subgrades, which focuses on an experimental method, for this, soil studies were conducted in the area (soil pits), thus taking soil samples from the various soil pits, and then take the samples to the laboratory for their respective study, both for samples of natural soils and samples stabilized with Polycom polymer. After adding the polymer to the soil, the results obtained by mixing the soil with 3 dosages of Polycom polymer 0.10, 0.20, 0.30 kg/m3, are presented, showing the considerable improvement in the physical characteristics provided to the natural soil, and in turn, causes a decrease in the liquid limit as the amount of dosage increases, reduces the plasticity of cohesive soils, for the type A-7-6(22) from 40% to 29.95% for each 0.10 kg/m3 of polymer added to the soil, increases the bearing capacity (CBR) up to 44.00% for each 0.30 kg/m3 of polymer applied to the soil. 10% to 29.95% for each 0.10kg/m3 of polymer added to the soil, increases the bearing capacity (CBR) to 44.00% for each 0.30 kg/m3 of polymer applied to the soil. Finally, it is concluded that Polycom polymer has been used for the stabilization of fine soils and has been able to provide a considerable improvement to both the physical and mechanical characteristics of silty-clay soils and can be a suitable material for the shaping of pavement structures. An alternative design is proposed using chemical products, such as POLYCOM polymer, which is a product with very effective antecedents in some areas of the country, being our proposal a viable option.
The present research "Stabilization of fine soils through the use of Polycom polymer in subgrades for roads of low trafficability in Iquitos city, 2020". It was carried out in the human settlement “Tierra Prometida” Jerusalen Street in Belen district at the beginning of the year 2020. The research study, as part of the development roads in different areas of our region, it is considered as a fundamental departure, it aims to explain the stabilization of fine soils through the use of Polycom polymer in subgrades, which focuses on an experimental method, for this, soil studies were conducted in the area (soil pits), thus taking soil samples from the various soil pits, and then take the samples to the laboratory for their respective study, both for samples of natural soils and samples stabilized with Polycom polymer. After adding the polymer to the soil, the results obtained by mixing the soil with 3 dosages of Polycom polymer 0.10, 0.20, 0.30 kg/m3, are presented, showing the considerable improvement in the physical characteristics provided to the natural soil, and in turn, causes a decrease in the liquid limit as the amount of dosage increases, reduces the plasticity of cohesive soils, for the type A-7-6(22) from 40% to 29.95% for each 0.10 kg/m3 of polymer added to the soil, increases the bearing capacity (CBR) up to 44.00% for each 0.30 kg/m3 of polymer applied to the soil. 10% to 29.95% for each 0.10kg/m3 of polymer added to the soil, increases the bearing capacity (CBR) to 44.00% for each 0.30 kg/m3 of polymer applied to the soil. Finally, it is concluded that Polycom polymer has been used for the stabilization of fine soils and has been able to provide a considerable improvement to both the physical and mechanical characteristics of silty-clay soils and can be a suitable material for the shaping of pavement structures. An alternative design is proposed using chemical products, such as POLYCOM polymer, which is a product with very effective antecedents in some areas of the country, being our proposal a viable option.
Calicatas, Polímero Polycom, Estabilización de suelos, Soil pits, Polycom Polymer, CBR, Soil stabilization
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